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Scanex GC




+ Nedroslev Sergey Georgievich

Scanex is a Russian company providing services for receiving and thematic processing of images of the Earth from space. Implements a full cycle of work with satellite images, optimizing with the help of modern space technologies the solution of fundamental and applied problems in various sectors of the economy.

Scanex provides integrated solutions in the Earth remote sensing market:

  • receiving UniScan own stations on the network and distributing Terra/MODIS, Aqua/MODIS, IRS-1D, Resourcesat-1 (IRS-P6), Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5), Cartosat-2, SPOT 2, SPOT 4, SPOT 5, Formosat-2, EROS A, EROS B, RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT-1;
  • data distribution Landsat 4/5/7, ASTER, TerraSAR-X, IKONOS, GeoEye-1, QuickBird, WorldView-1/2, ALOS,
  • development and delivery of universal hardware and software systems Alisa-KK (L-band) for receiving meteorological data NOAA, MetOp, FengYun and UniScan (X-band) for receiving and processing data with a resolution of up to 0.7 m;
  • development and delivery of Earth image processing programs from space ScanMagic, ScanEx Image Processor, ScanEx SPOT Processor, ScanEx SAR Processor, ScanEx ENVISAT ASAR Processor;
  • creating geoportals using images of the Earth from space;
  • implementation of thematic projects using data from the DHS;
  • providing online access to MODIS sensor data via the Internet
  • implementation of non-commercial projects to promote the use of satellite images of the Earth in education, ecology, tourism, etc.


2023: Establishment of Satellite Reception Terrestrial Infrastructure Operator

In Russia, an operator of a terrestrial infrastructure for receiving satellite data is being created. This project is being implemented by the Scanex group, which provides services for receiving and thematic processing of Earth images from space, the NTI Project Support Fund said at the end of October 2023.

We are talking about the creation of a ground infrastructure operator to receive satellite data for citizens and commercial companies. Within the framework of this project, Scanex is developing a network of reception stations by a Russian company. By 2030, it is planned to expand the number of data reception and processing stations with 12 more devices. This is necessary, since the number of satellites is growing and the amount of information coming from them is increasing proportionally.

An operator of the terrestrial infrastructure for receiving satellite data is being created in Russia

According to Vadim Medvedev, Director General of the NTI Project Support Fund, the creation of an operator of a ground infrastructure for receiving satellite data will increase the commercial use of orbital data on the ground.

Given that by 2030 it is planned to launch 60 new earth monitoring satellites into orbit, the resource will need a colossal one. Processing this data will create new services, technologies and solutions, including, for example, high-precision navigation, forest monitoring, illegal logging, etc., he said.

The deadline for the project by the end of October 2023 is unknown, as is the cost of it. The government and companies will allocate 481 billion rubles until 2030 for the development of space systems, follows from the profile "roadmap." We are talking about the development of ground infrastructure, the launch of satellite communications constellations, the development and production of small spacecraft for remote sensing of the earth (DZZ). The last direction, in particular, will be taken up by Sitronics and the structures of Gazprom. They plan to earn money by selling satellite images and processed data to public and private entities.[1]


  • Eleven geoinformation services for the marine industry launched: "Scanex OpenSatellites - Access to up-to-date open satellite data, "" Safe Draft Calculation Service, "" Satellite Monitoring of Sea Ice, "" Scanex Meteo - Geo-information service of archive and weather forecast, "" Electronic navigation web maps from C-MAP, "" Scanex AIS, "" Ice Concentration - Operational all-weather monitoring of ice cohesion, "" Scanex Ocean - World Ocean Monitoring Service, "" Scanex Atlas - Service for access to digital thematic maps of the World Ocean, "" Service for determining ships by radar images, "" ScanDrifter. "
  • The first cloud service for the forest sector, Automated Preparation of Forest Reporting, was presented in the SCANEX Group of Companies line. It allows you to draw up mapping applications for reports on the use of forests, their reproduction and afforestation in semi-automatic mode.

2017: Agreement with MDA on Radar Data Direct Reception Network RADARSAT-2

ScanEx and Canadian MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) signed an agreement in June 2017 on the deployment of a ground-based system in Russia for the processing and production of products based on data obtained from the RADARSAT-2 radar satellite.

The deployed system will allow ScanEx to support direct data reception in four centers located in Moscow, Irkutsk, Magadan and Megion, with centralized processing and production in Moscow. This will provide full coverage with radar images of the entire territory of Russia, including the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Cloud-based data delivery will be near-real-time.

According to the terms of the contract, extended until 2022, ScanEx becomes the exclusive supplier of radar data RADARSAT-2 in Russia. In addition, "ScanEx" will have access to the latest shooting modes for monitoring large waters and identifying sea vessels.

The main advantage of radar images is the ability to shoot in any weather and time of day: the reflected signal is not hindered by the lack of lighting and strong cloud cover. Radar technologies are widely used to monitor the displacement of the earth's surface and infrastructure, which allows you to quickly identify problem areas of the area during construction or during field development. Radar survey allows you to recognize and classify different types of ice, forests and crops, as well as record changes with great confidence.

The most active radar data are used in the oil and gas sector, in subsoil use, to ensure environmental and industrial safety, in marine navigation and to assess the situation in marine reserves, in case of emergencies. ScanEx has contracts with all leading operators of commercial radar satellites - this guarantees customers daily receipt of the latest images throughout the year.

And also:

  • SCANEX participates in the implementation of the MariNet roadmap: presents interim results of the development of the portal of satellite geo-information data and services of the marine industry ("Sea Portal" or Scanex Maritime).
  • Airbus, together with SCANEX, provided Yandex geo-information services with access to the One Atlas snapshot library.

2016: Agreement with Roscosmos on the supply of data from satellites

"Canopus-B," (2012)

On December 16, 2016, the press service of SCANEX announced the conclusion of an agreement with FKA Roscosmos on the supply of data from the Resource-P and Canopus-V satellites.

The distribution agreement implies the distribution of images obtained by the Russian DZZ group, both in the Russian and foreign markets. The operator of Russian spacecraft is a division of the Russian Space Systems company - the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth (NC OMZ), which performs reception and initial processing of images. Users will have access to both online and archive shooting.

"Resource-P," (2013)
The conclusion of the agreement is an important step in solving the problem of commercialization of space activities facing the state corporation. In addition to the direct tasks of ensuring state policy in the field of space activities, in addition to providing state consumers with Earth remote sensing data, we are tasked with commercializing all areas of space activities. We understand that the money that the state has invested in space activities should generate not only indirect income when we provide federal solutions, but also income from the sale of data in the commercial market.

Mikhail Khailov, Deputy General Director of Roscosmos

The agreement for the supply of data from Russian satellites is, first of all, an expansion of capabilities: from many options you can choose the most suitable one. I hope that cooperation with Roscosmos will not be limited to the supply of pictures. Our clients, who own UniSkan receiving stations, are interested in directly receiving data from the Russian DZZ group. UniScan stations are universal, SCANEX has experience in adjusting them to work with domestic spacecraft. This will allow us to implement direct data reception on the customer's side in the shortest possible time.

Valery Barinberg, General Director of SCANEX

Image from the Resource-P satellite

Spacecraft of the Resource-P series were launched into orbit in 2013, 2014 and 2016. The data obtained by the Resurs-P space complex can be used to study natural resources, assess the state of the environment, for geological exploration, to assess the state of the ice situation, monitor emergencies, conduct engineering surveys and solve many other problems. One of the most important characteristics of the devices is the high spatial resolution - better than 1 meter per pixel, and the ability to perform hyperspectral shooting.

The Canopus-V satellite was launched in 2012. Among the main tasks solved with its help, mapping, detection of forest fires, large emissions of pollutants, registration of abnormal phenomena for the study of the possibility of predicting earthquakes, monitoring of agricultural activities, water and coastal resources, land use and others.

Scanex Image Processor, Scanex Web-GIS GeoMixer, ScanMagic are included in the unified register of Russian software. Also, Scanex Image Processor and Scanex Web-GIS GeoMixer were certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense: testing confirmed the compliance of the real and declared functionality of the software in the documentation and, therefore, compliance with the requirements for protection against unauthorized access to information.

A new SCANEX Terminal software has been released, which allows you to automatically process data from meteorological satellites arriving at Panda™ and UniSkan™ stations in real time.

The VII International Conference "Earth from Space" was held. She was supported by: the state corporation for space activities Roscosmos, Airbus Defense & Space, DigitalGlobe, Esri CIS, Қazaқstan Ғarysh Sapara, UrtheCast, MDA, Sovzond, more than 30 media.

In total, the conference was attended by more than 300 representatives of 120 companies, government bodies, non-profit organizations and scientific institutions from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Qatar, Spain, Canada, France, the USA, China and South Korea.

And also:

  • Scanex Image Processor, Scanex Web-GIS GeoMixer, ScanMagic are included in the unified register of Russian software. Also, Scanex Image Processor and Scanex Web-GIS GeoMixer were certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense: testing confirmed the compliance of the real and declared functionality of the software in the documentation and, therefore, compliance with the requirements for protection against unauthorized access to information.
  • A new SCANEX Terminal software has been released, which allows you to automatically process data from meteorological satellites arriving at Panda™ and UniSkan™ stations in real time.


The company was rebranded: a new logo and website were developed, which became the winner of the Golden Site-2015 competition. He took second place in the nomination "Best Site for Business (b2b)," where 36 companies of the b2b sector fought for the victory.

The evolution of the image marked a change in the SCANEX strategy - a focus on the creation and sale of complex products. Among the tasks facing SCANEX are the introduction of space monitoring technologies into the daily activities of customers and the simplification of access to space data and products based on them.

2014: Change of ownership

In 2014, the Kommersant newspaper, citing the chairman of the board of directors of Scanex, Vasily Barashkov, reported that four individuals became shareholders of the Cypriot company Brenno Enterprises Limited, which owns 90% of Scanex. These are the chairman of the board of directors of Kaskol Sergey Nedroslev, co-owners of Marc O'Polo Investments Ltd., which controls 38.6% of Mostotrest, Konstantin Nikolaev and Igor Rotenberg (son of Arkady Rotenberg), as well as Barashkov himself. Another 10% of Scanex belongs to the founders of the company, Vladimir and Olga Gershenzon. According to Barashkov, during the deal, Scanex was estimated at $30 million.