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Semiconductor Materials Science Center




2024: Center Construction

In June 2024, the construction of the first Center for Semiconductor Materials Science in Russia, which will become an object with a closed microassembly cycle, began in Veliky Novgorod.

The ceremony of the start of construction was attended by the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Digital and Technological Development Dmitry Peskov, Governor of the Novgorod Region Andrei Nikitin and Rector of Novgorod University Yuri Borovikov.

source = Government of Novgorod region

According to the press service of the government of the Novgorod region, the center will be located on the basis of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center (INTC) "Intellectual Electronics - Valdai" of Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise.

The main task of the center will be to implement a full cycle of microcomponent-based microcircuits, the press service said.

On the first floor of the second stage of the INTC, the area of ​ ​ which is 3.8 thousand square meters. m, there will be "clean rooms" necessary for the production of microelectronics. The second floor will be intended for laboratories. According to TASS, a set of equipment worth about 1 billion rubles has already been purchased, which includes positions related to lithography. The project partners are OKB-Planeta, Connector Optics, Abram Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology and Alferov University.

The Governor of the Novgorod Region Andrei Nikitin supported the project, allocating 30 million rubles from the regional budget. These funds will be used to train operators who will work on new equipment.[1]
