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Team Force Alliance Tim Force Alliance TF Alliance





+ Team Force Alliance

TEAM FORCE Alliance is a closed unit investment fund and an investment association of IT SME representatives in order to increase the business, technological and financial capabilities of the alliance members.



Purchase of 15% "Digital Expertise"

The Team Force Alliance Fund, created for investments small in the medium-sized IT business, acquired 15% of the company, "Digital Expertise" the developer of the corporate treasury process management system. As FinAxio part of the transaction, the amount of which was not disclosed, Digital Expertise receives not only, but also financing the opportunity to use the intellectual resources of Team Force Alliance. Representatives of the fund have shared such information TAdviser since December 11, 2023. More. here

Plan to invest 5 billion rubles in the development of small and medium-sized IT companies

On September 20, 2023, the Team Force Alliance mutual investment fund shared with TAdviser plans to invest 5 billion rubles in the development of IT SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the IT sector ).

Team Force Alliance Fund will invest 5 billion rubles in the development of small and medium-sized IT companies

As of September 2023, the Team Force Alliance unites several dozen active business partners forming consortia to win serious tenders and to successfully execute contracts.

Team Force Alliance is a financial transformation of the IT SME business community into the National Vice Champion. Our goal is to create a noticeable consolidated player in the Russian IT and stock markets. Albeit from a "low base," but stable due to the diversification of the portfolio, - said Ruslan Gainanov, founder of Team Force, a social entrepreneur.

According to him, the initial point of formation of the investment portfolio of the fund is the partner network "Team Force" and participants of the non-profit partnership of software developers "Russoft," as well as the bank for business "Blank" as a financial partner. Further development of the fund's portfolio is planned, among other things, through interaction with procurement departments of partner banks for direct address to IT service providers

According to public data, over 74% of Russian IT is SMEs, therefore this direction of development in the fund is considered the most promising. ZPIF provides IT integrators and software manufacturers with access to finance, investment and resources, and banks and investors with access to a database of promising SME projects interested in development and growth.

One of the profile growth points for IT-SMEs is a set of solutions developed by members of the HR-Tech complementary alliance:

  • Allianc Erp - design accounting based on 1C;
  • B2B Cloud - minimizing inter-project team downtime;
  • "Team Force 360" - the motivation of distributed teams.

Such a scheme allows Team Force Alliance to invest in minority shares of IT-SMEs without losing operational control by the beneficiary, representatives of the fund noted. In attracting investors, the IT-SME business community is guided by the digital financial assets (CFA) market.

Cooperation with alliance members is interesting to various types of investors, from retail to institutional, as well as crowdsourcing platforms. Team Force Alliance offers investors a hybrid system of profitability: passive rent-income from 15% in relation to the growth of the business of portfolio companies and "x" through the exit to "ZFA-IPO" on the horizon of the coming years.

"ZFA-IPO" is the term we coined. As of September 2023, search engines give a zero result for this search query, similar to the 2011 situation with the term "SmartStaffing," also introduced by us. With the development of the CFA market, we expect a certain transformation of the stock market. And if now there is no special alternative to the classic IPO, then we are counting on the rapid development of the "CFA exchange" market, where CFA will act in a new capacity with the attributes and properties of the stock, "added Ruslan Gainanov.

The target investment market "Team Force Alliance" is hundreds of outsourcing and outstaffing IT companies with a stable (over the past three years) annual revenue of up to 2 billion rubles and growth potential.

In the future, Team Force Alliance is considering options for collaborations and cooperation with other investment funds. For example, a special offer has been developed for corporate investment funds. Here, the alliance serves as a guarantor of investments in promising IT-SME projects and takes on the function of selective selection of projects at the entrance to the business community.