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2023: Trademark Registration

Federal Intellectual Property Service decided to state register the UMNO digital trademark. UMNO digital announced this 18-company IT creates products for digitalization and. transport industries industries

The company patents innovations based on RFID technologies, machine vision, industrial Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics. UMNO digital products are tested and implemented by enterprises in Russia and abroad.

The flagship products of the company Smart depot"" and Inspection of railcars"" also have certificates of state registration intellectual property with Rospatent. In addition, the Smart Depot system is included in. unified register of Russian software Ministry of Digital Development

We work in a competitive IT market, value the name and reputation. The trademark will help us protect the brand and investments in its promotion, "said Sergey Ivashchenko, head of marketing and commercial development at UMNO digital.

2022: Creation of

Neftetransservis"" created a subsidiary, which offers smart digital solutions for industrial enterprises, rail transport industries and in general. This was announced on November 25, 2022 by representatives of The executive director of the newly formed company was, Maxim Suyatinov who previously served as head of the digital transformation department of NefteTransService.

The company implements projects aimed at digitalizing car repair enterprises, automating the transport infrastructure of industrial sites and optimizing business processes of any complexity. In the sphere of the company's interests - industry technologies 4.0: digital counterparts of enterprises, machine learning, industrial Internet of things, robotization. brings together IT experts with many years of experience in the railway industry who know how and why to use digital technologies to create industrial application solutions.

Integrated digitalization has always been among the key priorities of NefteTransService, thanks to which we were able to accumulate the valuable practical experience necessary for the successful introduction of technological innovations. As a response to the growing interest in the use of our solutions by counterparties and partners, we have allocated the direction of digitalization to the independent company, which as of November 2022 has special competencies that allow us to develop and scale innovative technologies, - said Olga Petrova, General Director of the management company "NefteTransService."
File:Aquote2.png solutions for the digitalization of car repair enterprises, implemented within the framework of NefteTransService, have already proven their effectiveness, contributing to increasing the competitiveness and manageability of the holding's business.