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University of Sirius


Education and Science
Since 2019
Adler District, Olimpiyskiy Ave., 1



2025: Agreement with the MCD in order to train in-demand industrial specialists

The company "Modeling and Digital Twins" (JSC "MCD") has become a technological partner of the University "Sirius" under the master's program "Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Modeling in Industry." The MCD announced this on March 19, 2025.

The core of the scientific and technological university "Sirius" are scientific centers in priority areas for Russia, which allow you to quickly train in-demand specialists with relevant competencies. All training programs are interdisciplinary in nature and correspond to the activities of the scientific centers and laboratories of Sirius University under the guidance of leading scientists and with the support of high-tech companies: artificial intelligence and information technology, genetics and life sciences, cognitive and interdisciplinary research.

JSC "MCD" will help in the development and implementation of professional disciplines, programs of practical training and research activities. The master's program is aimed at training specialists who are able to solve the problems of digital transformation of industry using methods and technologies of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence.

After completing their studies, graduates will learn:

  • perform design studies of physical processes using modern methods and technologies;
  • design new and modernize existing products using methods and technologies of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence;
  • develop new methods and technologies of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence in the design, modernization and operation of various products;
  • model different industrial conditions and predict possible incidents during the operation of products;
  • simulate tests of various products using methods and technologies of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence to achieve the specified parameters;
  • To document and present the results of research activities and ensure their implementation in practice.

Cooperation with Sirius University was an important event for our company. Our task as a technology partner is to help train engineers who are able to solve the problems of digital transformation of industry using relevant knowledge and practical experience. As a potential employer, we are interested in assisting students in practical and research activities to master the master's program with practical experience necessary for professional growth, "said Valery Dmitrievich Loktev, General Director of Modeling and Digital Twins JSC.

The formation of competencies in the use of modern technologies and methods of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence by students of the necessary industry is possible only on real cases, which can undoubtedly be achieved by active involvement in the educational process of technology partner companies (representatives of large and medium-sized IT companies engaged in the development and implementation of software solutions in industry), - noted the head of the master's program of Anastasia Pavlovna Koroleva, the head of the group, the Scientific Center for Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence of Sirius University , candidate of technical sciences.

2024: IT Lab Discovery

The laboratory was opened at IT the Sirius Scientific and Technological University. This was Red Soft announced on August 30, 2024. Students have access to space equipped with the RED SOFT company computers Russian : students will master the work with the company's solutions for production. The project included the supply of equipment and, licenses training of teaching staff and assistance in the development of a curriculum.

The opening was attended by Lilia Gennadyevna Kiryanova, director of the university, and Rustam Mukhtarovich Rustamov, deputy general director of RED SOFT. Guests appreciated the results of the work done and the readiness of the laboratory by 2024-25. school year.

The project roadmap was agreed in November 2023. Within the framework of the agreement, it was planned not only to prepare the laboratory premises, but also to supply the university with equipment with domestic software. Together with the RED SOFT company, the Sirius Scientific and Technological University updated the educational program in order to train specialists at the request of the future employer. The main task of the project is to create comfortable conditions for young specialists who want to study domestic IT developments. Partners managed to achieve their goals, and on September 1, 2024, the laboratory is ready to accept students.

Students of the Scientific and Technological University "Sirius" have access to the developments of the company "RED SOFT." The list of installed software includes:

From the first days of study, College students are included in practical tasks, so the software will be used not only as part of the curriculum, but also to prepare personal projects of students.

The course "Basics of RED OS Administration" is included in the curriculum for the disciplines "IT Administration," "Fundamentals of Working with Network Operating Systems" and "OS and Hypervisors," etc. The course will be attended by students studying in the specialties "Computer Systems and Complexes" and "Network and System Administration" of the College of Scientific and Technological University "Sirius." The curriculum includes both the theoretical part and practical work to secure the material.

As a result of the course, students will learn:

  • Manage the corporate network, work with directory services, and automate IT infrastructure management processes;
  • Manage RED OS packages, files, directories, and user access to data in your organization. The course also includes work with redundancy and network directories;
  • Work with virtual machines in QEMU/KVM and through RED Virtualization, migrate data, create virtual servers and virtual networks;
  • Provide information security measures;
  • Migrate IT infrastructure to domestic software.

As a result of the course, students receive a certificate from RED SOFT. This certificate confirms that the specialist will be able to effectively administer the infrastructure based on the RED SOFT ecosystem and solve complex problems on the vendor's software.

Earlier in March 2024, students of Sirius University attended our master class on working with the discretionary safety model. The lesson was attended by children from the first and second courses, studying in the areas Computer science of "and computer technology" and "Computer security." A lot of interested guys came! Now they have access to the necessary software at any convenient time with the opportunity to consult with a qualified teacher inside the university, - commented Ekaterina Tikhomirova, head of the education department of RED SOFT.

The laboratory has installed 25 computers from RDW Computers, one of the manufacturers of computer equipment in Russia. All RDW products pass strict tests for compliance with Russian standards and are certified in the register of electronic products of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. For comfortable work, each device has SSD and NVME SSD drives, processors with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM. This is the optimal equipment for studying and preparing student projects.

The laboratory is decorated in the style of high-tech. White walls reflect light from windows and lamps, maintaining a comfortable level of lighting in the lab. The wall, located behind the audience, includes a 3D composition with decorative lighting.

The main goal was to create a space that would not distract from the educational process, but would emphasize the innovation of the IT world, inspire students, "added Nadezhda Chezganova, designer of RED SOFT.

The RED SOFT company and the Sirius Scientific and Technological University will continue to develop cooperation. The partners plan to further train the teaching staff, conduct master classes, organize educational events, practices and internships for students.

In our opinion, the implementation of such joint projects with educational institutions is an important mission of each developer of domestic IT solutions. These projects are carried out free of charge - much more valuable is the result that our country will receive in a few years, when experienced and talented IT specialists, already trained and ready to work with domestic solutions, will enter the labor market to develop science, the economy, maintain IT infrastructures in working condition, create their own products. We are glad that this project, implemented jointly with the Sirius Scientific and Technological University, has passed all the necessary stages and will begin to benefit young specialists from September 1, 2024, "commented Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Educational programs of the Scientific and Technological University "Sirius" are as focused on practice and those tasks that are relevant for the industry. Students of our college are already ready for work during their studies, and in the third year many of them work in Russian companies. We focus on domestic IT solutions and those vendors whose products are actively used by leading technology companies - partners of Sirius. In this laboratory, students will be able to get acquainted with the developments in order to become truly popular specialists, - said Lilia Kiryanova, director of the Sirius Scientific and Technological University.


Opening of the Master's Degree "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine and Oil and Gas Engineering"

From September 12, 2022, a scientifically master's degree will start at the Sirius Technological University - Mathematical Modeling in Bio to medicine and Neft gas Engineering. The university announced this on September 2, 2022. Specialists who have completed the course will help fill the gaps in the introduction, in Russian economy sanctions such important for countries industries the development of new drugs, biotechnology,. oil and gas sector

This is a special program developed by Russian experts. The purpose of the training is to train specialists in mathematical modeling for companies in the oil and gas industry, pharmaceutical industry, federal clinical centers and bioengineering research institutes. Such professionals are necessary for the Russian economy, especially given the relevance of the issue of import substitution, including in these sectors.

The relevance of the course is that the master's curriculum and the work programs of each of the disciplines are compiled by specialists directly involved in research work in these areas. This allows you to acquaint students with modern methods, approaches and problems in the relevant field and offer research work in demand by industrial and academic customers of these projects. In particular, the research work of students in pharmacology will accelerate and reduce the cost of developing new drugs in oncology, endocrinology, cardiology and immunology; will make cardiac valve reconstruction operations more effective. Research and development in the oil and gas sector will accelerate and reduce the cost of studying the filtration properties of the core, which will increase the efficiency of oil production, - said the head of the program, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the Scientific Direction "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine and Geophysics" of the Center for Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence of the NTU "Sirius" Yuri Vasilevsky.

During the first year, students will study general disciplines: basics of programming, machine learning methods, numerical methods, mechanics of solid environments. Starting in the second year, the entire stream will be divided into three specializations: mathematical modeling in biomedicine, quantitative pharmacology and pharmacometrics, and mathematical modeling in oil and gas engineering.

This master's degree in Sirius will give a high level of education, including young specialists for the oil and gas industry. However, unlike training in specialized universities, at Sirius we are aimed at training, first of all, scientific personnel with the skills of entrepreneurs who are able to develop knowledge-intensive solutions on their own or among product teams, and apply a product approach in their practice, "said Vladislav Krutko, head of the competence center for physical and chemical modeling of the Scientific and Technical Center Gazpromneft, St. Petersburg. - In our NTC, we interact with multidisciplinary teams in the development of solutions, software and methods. The hearts of such teams are young, ambitious and very capable graduates of leading research universities of the Russian Federation. As practice has shown, fundamental knowledge of the natural sciences and programming skills give a strong advantage to young specialists in building a career in the oil and gas sector. We are waiting for such graduates.

If these specialists are not, then we will drink "fuflomycins" instead of drugs. We want to develop original medicines, in the action of which we are sure that we need these specialists. Ideally, at least one such specialist is needed for each research project. As of September 2022, 10-15 drugs are registered annually, but only 10% of all projects enter the market. Thus, we need at least 100 qualified specialists for the Russian pharmaceutical industry, - concluded Peskov.

Development of an educational program on cybersecurity together with RTK Solar

Experts from the company RTK Solar"" and the University "Sirius" have developed educational an intensity program for cyber security students of technical specialties who are just beginning to study the subject area. RTK Solar announced this on August 8, 2022. The pilot launch of the program took place from July 30 to August 7. About 60 the Russian university students from different regions took part in the Sirius Summer Cybersecurity School. During the program, they received practical knowledge of the directions of work of INFORMATION SECURITY specialists and practiced the skills of protection against cyber threats on the platform, National Cyber ​ ​ Police which was provided for the event by RTK Solar. The experts of the program were specialists from companies:, ",,," "and VKKaspersky Lab Greenatom RusHydroAnti-phishing others.

This educational program is practice-oriented and will help solve the problem of personnel shortages in the domestic cybersecurity market. According to various estimates, as of August 2022, this figure is from 20 to 50 thousand people annually and continues to grow.

Together with our partners, we have successfully tested an information security training module for future engineers and information technology specialists. Our plans are to replicate this experience throughout the country. We expect that in the future other educational organizations will be able to adopt this approach. Such intensities will help future engineers to form strong competencies for the protection of domestic industrial and information systems, as well as critical information infrastructure facilities, - said Lilia Kiryanova, First Vice-Rector of Sirius Scientific and Technological University.

During the Summer School for Cybersecurity, market experts introduced students to the peculiarities of the work of information security specialists financial in and, industrial industries talked about the specifics of the activities of the teams responsible for identifying in companies. cyber attacks In practical classes held on the platform of the National Cyber ​ ​ Police, students practiced skills in network security, infrastructure security analysis and other areas.

To conduct educational intensive, RTK-Solar experts have deployed a laboratory structure of a cyber polygon with digital copies of enterprises in various industries. Students broke down into teams, each of which worked with its own infrastructure throughout the program. Students had to put into practice the knowledge gained at lectures and set up the means of protecting the object allocated to them. The final was held in the format of full-fledged cyber exercises in conditions as close as possible to real life. Students trained to identify educational attacks aimed at weaknesses they did not take into account in the security system of the protected infrastructure. In the event of a successful cyber attack, participants had to find security holes and fix them with additional settings or installing security updates to prevent repeated incidents.

One type of training attack was phishing emails. The organizers provided each student with corporate mail and recreated incoming mail traffic by analogy with the real one in real enterprises. In a stream of legitimate letters, participants had to recognize malicious ones so as not to give a conditional attacker critical data about the company.

We built a training program in such a way as to show the guys what processes are in various organizations, and how cybersecurity services work in a particular industry in real life. For several days, students received up-to-date knowledge and skills in protecting against cyber threats, and in the final cyber exercises they applied them in practice. We are convinced that only such a practical-oriented approach to training will help ensure the training of qualified cybersecurity personnel, which our country urgently needs, "said Alexander Chechin, director of the National Cyber ​ ​ Police of RTK-Solar.

At the conclusion of the Summer School, students trained to be interviewed for work. The interviews were conducted by representatives of RTK-Solar and other players in the Russian cybersecurity market. Communication took place in the format of speed dating: 15 minutes were allotted for a conversation between students and each of the experts. Based on the results of the interview, students received feedback and recommendations for developing self-presentation skills in employment.

The Summer School of Cybersecurity was the first step of Sirius University to launch mass training programs in the field of information technology.

2020: Opening of the cyberpoligon stronghold

Talent and Success Foundation Rostelecom and "" signed a cooperation agreement. The partners agreed construction on a reference center for the national cyber police for practical training of specialists in the field. information security This was announced on November 5, 2020 by the company. Rostelecom-Solar More. here

2019: Establishing a university

The Sirius Scientific and Technological University was created by the Talent and Success Educational Fund on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Foundation on July 1, 2019.