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Vita Pharmacy Chain


The Vita pharmacy chain was founded on February 17, 1993 in Samara.


Number of employees
2017 year

Pharmaceutical company "Vita" (LLC "Rona") was formed in the city of Samara on February 17, 1993.

For many years, continuously developing, the Vita company has secured a stable reputation as a reliable partner and entered the top ten largest pharmacy chains in Russia. The main activity is the sale of medicines, medical devices and parapharmaceutical products through pharmacies.



2023: Data breach of hundreds of thousands of customers

In June 2023, it became known about the leakage of data from customers of the Vita pharmacy chain. Responsibility for this cyber attack was claimed by the pro-Ukrainian hacker group DumpForums.

According to the SecurityLab publication, among the compromised fragments are 870 thousand records of pharmacy customers, including last name, first name, patronymic, email, phone, date of birth and login. A total of 736,777 unique e-mails and 818,127 unique telephone numbers.

The data of hundreds of thousands of customers of the Vita pharmacy chain was leaked

In addition, hackers received information about 7.3 million orders. From the order table, you can find out the name, phone number, email, comments, city and amount of the customer's order, as well as what medicines he purchased (this can be seen from a separate table). A total of 1,667,536 unique phone numbers and 305,625 unique email addresses. The data covers the period from August 2015 to June 3, 2023.

In their Telegram channel, hackers in June 2023 stated that this was not their only goal. Over the past few days, they have broken into several large pharmacies and a couple of large private clinical laboratories in Russia.

According to the Telegram channel "Information Leaks," selective checking of random e-mail addresses through the password recovery form on the website showed that they are valid. According to the Telegram channel, in addition to the Vita pharmacy network, the following companies became victims of data leaks:

The researchers believe that the entry point for the attacker could be a vulnerability in the system for creating web projects from the 1C-Bitrix developer, which was subjected to a massive cyber attack at the end of May. At the same time, experts emphasize that the developer can have nothing to do with it: an update to close the vulnerability has been available since last year, but not all customers have installed it. [1]


As of November 2018, Vita is a large interregional Russian company that unites more than 800 pharmacies under the Vita Express brands.

Vita Express Pharmacy


Rona LLC has an indefinite license to carry out pharmaceutical activities LO-63-02-001867 dated 05.05.2017


According to the results of 2016, Vita operates in 19 regions of Russia.


Logo network "Vita"

As of July 2014, Vita pharmacies operate in 14 regions of the Russian Federation:

The structure of Vita has its own quality control department and warehouse complex. Quality Control conducts a multi-level inspection of medicinal products before they go on sale.


By the beginning of 2003, the Vita chain united 38 pharmacies.


The first pharmacy under the Vita brand opened in 1997.