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Alyabyev Alexander Aleksandrovich



Main article: History of music in Russia


Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev (1787-1851) is one of the most tragic figures of Russian musical culture.

1825: Arrest on suspicion of murder

The hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 and other military campaigns, who received awards for courage, was arrested at the beginning of 1825 on suspicion of murder, sentenced to exile in Siberia with the deprivation of all rights and noble rank.

Even before 1825, Alyabyev met at one of the balls with Ekaterina Alexandrovna Ofrosimova, nee Rimsky-Korsakova. A romance began between them, which was interrupted in 1825, after Alyabyev's exile. After his sentencing, in the same year she is married. The news of her marriage heard in prison seemed to separate them forever, although the memory of her beloved woman did not disappear. In cold Tobolsk, her image inspired new music pages. It was no coincidence that the romance was dedicated to her to the words of A. Bistrom "I see your image."

1826: The Nightingale Song

Written in 1826, the song "Nightingale" became incredibly popular and not only in Russia - Liszt processed it in his brilliant style. It is believed that Delvig dedicated this poem to his lyceum comrade, Pushkin, exiled to Mikhailovsky. Alyabyev's appeal to Delvig's unpretentious but touching text can be safely projected on the fate of the composer himself.

After three years of imprisonment in the fortress, Alyabyev continued to actively engage in music, organized a Cossack symphony orchestra, directed concerts as a conductor, and performed as a pianist.

1835: Permission to move to the Moscow province

In 1835, A. Alyabyev finally received permission to move to the Moscow province.

1840: Marriage with Ekaterina Ofrosimova

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ofrosimova, whose image he kept all the years of separation, became a widow. And in 1840 - the groom had already passed 53 - their marriage took place. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna wrote: "I entered into marriage with Alyabyev already during his misfortune, not fond of any everyday benefits, and only a feeling of love and respect for his inner qualities could encourage me to such determination."

List of works

  • 1815 - Peru A. A. Alyabyev owns two compositions for the quintet composition: this is the Quintet c-moll for wind instruments, created in the beginning. 1810s (during Alyabyev's studies with the contrapuntist Miller) and the Es-dur Quintet for piano and string quartet. The composer began work on the piano Quintet in 1815, but for some reason left it unfinished, and now this composition is often called one-part (although this is wrong). Both Quintets are among the earliest examples of Russian chamber ensembles.

The Index below includes, if possible, information about the time of composition, the presence of handwritten copies in the archives and the time of the first edition of Alyabyev's works mentioned in the book. Due to the fact that dating the composition presents significant difficulties, all author's dates available in manuscripts are introduced in the annotation; presumably established years are given in square brackets.

The release dates are determined for lifetime publications based on press announcements. In relation to manuscripts that are not autographs of the composer, reservations are made ("authorized copy," "copy").

All vocal compositions, the accompaniment of which is not indicated, are written for voice with piano, theatrical works - with the accompaniment of the orchestra. The usual symphony orchestra is indicated briefly - the orchestra. The small, chamber, composition of the orchestra is called the orchestra-ensemble.

Information about the location of manuscripts of theatrical works, chamber instrumental ensembles and choirs indicates the nature of the presentation of the manuscript ("score," "for choir with piano," "wave part"); for those works whose composition is clear from the title (romances, pieces for piano and for solo instruments with piano), the nature of the presentation is not indicated in these information; all works preserved in the sketches are stipulated.

Original writings

"Adele" ("Play, Adele, do not know sadness"), a song for a solo voice and a female choir with piano to the words of A. S. Pushkin. Score

"Ammalat-bek," an opera in five acts, libretto by A. F. Veltman, based on the novel by A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Op. 1842—1847; fragments of the score and sketches

"Oh, definitely l never," a romance on the words of A. S. Griboedov, Op. [1836]

Bashkir overture D-dur, for orchestra. "Bayushki-bayu" ("Sleep calmly, do not be afraid"), a romance on the words of an unidentified author. Op. 1828

"Crazy," a dramatic incident in one act, extracted from the novel by I. I, Kozlov (overture, two numbers for melodrama, recitative and three songs of madness and a coachman's song). Op. 1841

"Blessed, who could on the bed of the night" - see Three elegies

"Bogomolets" ("I accepted the cross"), a romance on the words of A. A. Muravyova, singing. F. N. Corfu.

"God save the tsar," an anthem for the choir and orchestra to the words of V.A. Zhukovsky, singing. V. A. Perovsky. Op. 1834

Large aria of Prospero with a choir, gs play by A. A. Shakhovsky "The Storm," based on V. Shakespeare (all other music by K. A. Kavos), Op. 1827

Great Symphony - see "Farewell to the North."

Big trio a-moll, for piano, violin and cello - see trio a-molL

Big waltz for orchestra-ensemble. Op. [1848]; draft score and sketch (Alyabyev Foundation, Nos. 106 and 386). Recorded (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) on a record as part of the "Dance Suite." — 217.

Large polonaise Es-dur - see Polonaise Es-dur.

"The Storm," a play by A. A. Shakhovsky, based on V. Shakespeare, music by K. A. Kavos, one number by Alyabyev - see Large aria of Prospero with choir,

"The Tempest," an opera in three acts, a libretto by an unidentified author, based on the play of the same name by V. Shakespeare. Op. [1830s]; score (the second action and the finale of the opera were lost; Alyabyev Foundation, No. I); sketches (in them two of the nine numbers of the second action;

"A rattling rampart runs in the river" - see "Circassian song."

"To this day, you, Rossy, triumph," for a mixed choir and orchestra. Op. [1826]; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 80) - 94, 95, 238. "In Dance" -- see. section "Processing your own works," "Blue eyes." Waltzes (C-dur and g--moll) for piano. And from the village of M.; F. Ks. Weinsgerber. (indicated in the catalog of the G.A. Reinsdorpa 1818) - 10, 258.

"Bacchic song" ("What the voice missed the fun") for the voice of solo and mixed choir and orchestra to the words of A. S. Pushkin. Score (the beginning and ending are lost; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 308) - 237.

Variations on the theme of the song "Ah! Well, you, pigeon, "for violin and orchestra (possibly Alyabyev's composition) - 94, 95.

Variations of the d-moll on the theme of the song "Wake up above, carry on, blue dove," for violin and orchestra. The score (introduction, theme "I am seven variations. In the last variation, only 12 bars of the solo violin part are recorded; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 374); ed. in turn - ^kenii For violin with piano G.V. Kirkor. M - L., 1949-104 - Variations of d-moll on the theme of the song "In the garden, in the garden," for violin and orchestra. Draft score (introduction, theme and six variations, Alyabyev Foundation, No. 120) - 22.

Variations, g-molI on the theme of the song "In the garden, in the garden," for two violins and cello. Draft score (introduction, theme and five variations, ending lost; Alyabyev Foundation, Lg ° 471); ed. (Ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova), M. - L., 1951-156, 240.

Variations a-moll on the theme of the song "Kozak rode beyond the Danube," for violin and orchestra. The score (introduction, theme and "nine variations; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 373) - 22, Recorded by Musica Viva, A. Rudin.

Variations a-moll on the theme of the romance "Alas, why does she shine," for violin and piano. Draft manuscript (introduction, theme and six variations; Alyabyev Foundation No. 155); ed. (ed. I.N. Jordan) M "1953-156-157, 217, 240.

"Fidelity to the coffin" ("Young Roger takes his sharp sword"), a romance on the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Op. [1810s]; ed. M., 1959, in the book "Pages from the Life of Alyabyev" - 24.

"A cheerful crowd from the deep bottom" - see "Mermaid" (3).

"Merry hour" ("Today I am cheerful, I am feasting"), a romance with the words of A. Maykov. Ed. M., 1831-262.

"Twig" ("In the priceless hour of solitude"), a romance to the words of D. V. Venevitinov. Op. [1829]; sketch (Alyabyev Foundation, Jsfe 427) - 99.

"Evening blush dawn," Russian song for voice with piano, to words I.P. Nikoleva. Op. [1827]; final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation No. 422); and from the village of M., 1827-63, 80, 246, 247.

"Evening ringing," a romance to the words of I.I. Kozlova (from T. Moore) (in the series "Northern Singer of 1828"). Op. [1828]; final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 90); ed. M., 1829 - 80, 90, 248.

"In return for separation and sadness, what is given to you?," Romance pa words I. S. Aksakov. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nuzellist," 1850, No. 1-224.

"I see a butterfly flying," a romance to the words of P. I. Shalikov. Ed. M _, "Ladies' Journal," 1823, parts 4-32.

"Windsor Kumushki," the music for the comedy of V. Shakespeare (three numbers for melodrama, two instrumental episodes, the duet of Quickley-Tsir-tsei and Falstaff, two choirs and dances with the choir). C o h "1838 (" Music of A. Alyabyev in 1838. Moscow "); score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 291; SCMMC, Foundation. Maly Theater, fca 896) - 165-167, 243.

"I am in love, virgin beauty!" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (10). "A Magical Night," an opera in three acts, libretto by A. F, Veltman, based on W. Shakespeare's comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (not over). Op. 1838—1839; fragments of the score and sketches (Alyabyev Foundation, LChE 276, 277, 4, 5, 6 a, 10, 446) - 181-182, 201, 244. "The Magic Drum, The Consequence of the Magic Flute," ballet, in two acts, libretto by F. Bernardelli (overture, intermission to the second act and music to 11 scenes). Op. 1827; score (CMB 14 А 60/cl. about. V. B., Inventory. № 4290) — 64-72, 243, 250, 251, 271. Same thing. Flute batches (CMB 14 А 60/p. Oh, V. B., Inventory. № 4290)— 71—72. "Memory" ("Passed, you passed, days of fascination"), a romance of the words B, A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M "1959,.in the book" Pages and "Life of Alyabyev" - 23.

"Always with reliable armor, let my chest be dressed," a romance with the words of an unidentified author. C och. [1828—1832]; lern manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, Ad 341) - 99. "Everything comes its turn," a romance to the words of A. Maykov. Ed. M. "1831-262. "I loved all the flowers more than a rose" - see Sat. "A collection of different Russian songs." "Meeting of Stagecoaches," opera vaudeville, text by A. I. Pisarev (some verses by P. N. Arapov and M.A. Dmitriyeva), music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsky and F. E. Scholz (Alyabyev wrote 10 of 15 vocal numbers; 5 issues - Berstovsky, overture - Scholz). Op. [1824—1825]; score (CMB VII I V 357/p, about. V.D., Inventory. № 7384) — 38. "The choice of a wife" ("Do not marry a clever woman, in dashing trouble," a song with the words of A, V. Timofeev. Ed. M., 1838-174.

Gallop of Prince Obolensky (G-dur), for a brass band. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 355) - 16. "Where are you, where are you, my dear friend" - see Six romances dedicated to E. A. Ofrosimova (4). "Where are you, lovely edge," elegy for voice with piano to the words v of an unidentified author. Op. [1838]; ed. "Collection of musical pies compiled by M. Glinkoy," notebook I. St. Petersburg, 1839-173-174. "A hymn in case his excellency Baron Alexander Humboldt visited the school of the Siberian Linear Cossack Army" ("Sons of Siberia Remote"), for a mixed choir and orchestra, to the words of I. L. Cherkasov. Op. [1829]; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 472) - 98, 238. "Blue eyes" - see Sat. "Housewarming" and "Collection of different Russian songs." "My head, my head," a Russian song for voice and orchestra, to the words of A. A, Delvig. Op. 1834; score (the ending is lost; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 89) - 142, 144, 246. "Lord have mercy" for a mixed four-voice choir. Op. [1843]; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 44) - 209. "Thunders at all ends of the universe," for mixed choir and orchestra. Op. circa 1826; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 81) - 61. "Coffin" ("The serene coffin is gloomy and terrible"), a romance with the words of P. G. Obodovsky (from I. G. Salis). Ed. M., 1830-100, 248. "Georgian song" - see, Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (8).

"Has the color of the younger rose been long ago," a romance for voice and orchestra to the words of an unidentified author. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 86) - 251.

"Two Crows" ("The Raven Flies to the Raven"), a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin. Op. [1828]; ed. M., 1830-100, 237.

"Two notes, or Guilt is to blame," opera vaudeville in one action, text by A. I. Pisarev, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N, Verstovsky. Op. [1826—1827]; copy of the score (CMB, I, 3, A. 60/p, O. D. 3, Inventory. № 6785) — 64, 73.

"Girl's dream" ("I walk by the house, I look out one window"), a romance on the words of P, A. Vyazemsky, singing. N, A. Ielenyeva. And from the village of M, 1832-112.

"Grandfather" ("Grandfather! girls once told me "), a romance on the words A, A. Delvig. Ed. M., 1831 (in the series "Northern Singer of 1831") - 110,

"The Village Watchman" ("Night is dark, clouds in the sky"), a romance to the words of N. P, Ogarev, Manuscript with censorship permission in 1851 (TsGALI, "Collection of funds of small music publishers," on. 1, units xp. 32); ed. M., 1851, in the "Musical Collection in Memory of A. E. Varlamov" - 215, 225, 236.

"The Village Philosopher," opera vaudeville in one act, text by M. N. Zagoskin (overture and 16 vocal numbers). The score of the opera vaudeville (CMB, 13 A 60/p. Der., Inventory. № 11319); overture (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 353); overture (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) recorded on the record - 31, 38, 39, 242.

"Friends, friends, joy is given to us by fate" - see Sat. "Table Russian Songs."

"Friendship gentle excitement," a romance on the words of an unidentified author, singing. F. N. Corfu. And from the village of M., 1835-140.

"If life deceives you," a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin, singing, "a l'airnable contialto." Ed. M., 1829 - 99, 100, 237, 277.

"Complaint" ("Over Transparent Waters"), a romance about the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M., 1827, in the "Musical Album for 1827" by A. N. Berstovsky. The Album included two more romances by Alyabyev ("Kol Pravda to That" and "How Happy He Is"), as well as a piano mazurka C-dur - 64.

"Sorry to me and sad that you, young, will languish in the middle of nowhere," a romance with the words of I. S. Aksakov. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nouvellist," 1849, No. Yu - 127.

"Desire" ("If you loved me"), a romance on the words of N, I., singing. A. A. Islenyeva. Ed. M "1827-64.

"The Living Dead" ("What are you sad lonely?"), a romance with the words of D, Rayevsky. Ed. M., 1831, in the series "Northern Singer of 1831."

"Fun of Caliph, or Jokes pa one day," opera vaudeville in three acts by A. PL Pisarev. Music by A. A. Alyabyev (second action), together with A. N. Verstovsky (third action) and F. E. Scholz (first action). Op. [1825]; copy of the score (CMB, I. 1. L. 60/p. about. Ig. K., Inventory. № 7967) — 56, 65, 243.

"Table Russian songs" for choir with piano. Sat. singing. V. A. Perovsky. Ed. M "1839-175. 1. "Song of the Good King," for a mixed choir with piano, to the words of N. M. Karamzin - 175. 2. "Let's drink, this walk," for a mixed choir with piano, to the words of S. I. Stromilov - 175. 3. "Well, the first glass," for a mixed choir with piano, the words of S. I. Stromilov - 175. 4. "Friends, friends," for a mixed choir with piano, to the words of A. A. Delvig - 175. 5. "From a country, a country far away," for a mixed choir with piano, to the words of N. M. Yazykov - 175, 221. 6. "Song of Soldiers in Georgia" ("Friends! let's not yearn "), for a male choir with a piano, for the words of an unidentified author - 175. 7. "The song of the Siberian old man Luka," for a male choir with piano, to the words of P.P. Yershova from the dramatic novel "Thomas Kuznets" - 175.

"Winter Road" ("Through Wavy Fogs"), a romance to the words of A C Pushkin. Ed. M., 1831, in the series "Northern Singer ¦ 1831" - 109-110, 237.

  • And my asterisk "(" The sea howls, the sea groans "), a romance on the words of D. V. Davydov in the handwritten collection. romances ("Orphan," "She's Mine," "Advice," "And My Asterisk"), singing. 3. N. and L.N. Shatilov. Draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 475) - J73.

"And I will go out on the wing," a Russian song to the words of A. A. Delvig. Ed. M., 1837, in the "Album to Lovers of Singing" by A. A. Miller, singing, by the publisher A. Alyabyev "as a sign of friendship and veneration" - 246.

"From a country, a country far away" - see "Table Russian Songs" (5).

"Izba" ("Sky at the hour of watch"), a romance with the words of N, P. Ogarev, Ed. M., the end of the 40s. - 215, 236. "P sont passes * (" They Passed ") is a French romance published in conjunction with a piano waltz. Ed. in Moscow F. Ks. Weinsgerber (indicated in the catalog of the record store of G. N. Reiysdorp p 1818 *} - 10, 258.

"Irtysh" ("The younger singer, persecuted by fate, was sitting with the breeze of fast waters"), a romance to the words of I. I. Vetter (in the series "The Northern Singer of 1828"). Ed. M., 1830-82, 90-91, 113, 128, 277.

Italian aria (Andante roso soslenuto, F-dur, violin V2Js with. Forte, piano. Op. 1836 (aut. date: "Op. in the village of Pushchin. 1836. "); final manuscript (end lost; Alyabyev Foundation, Le 421) - 163.

"To the yen" ("I remember an unforgettable evening"), a romance with the words of A. E. Panina, Ed. M, 1849-218.

"To the porphyronic widower" ("You will be with him"), for a mixed choir and orchestra, for the elephant N. D. Ivaichin-Pisarev. From about h. 1825; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 320) - 57.

"Kabak" ("Let's drink, or what, Vanya"), a romance (song) to the words of N. P. Ogarev. Ed. M., 1843-201-202, 215, 236.

"Kabardian song" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (5),

Caucasian mazurkas - see Mazurkas Caucasian.

"Caucasian Singer," a collection of romances and songs. Ed. M., 1834-135, 142-143, 280. 1. "Prayer" ("I Pray Holy Providence"), a romance to the words of N. M, Yazykov - 135. 2. "I loved life," elegy to the words of an unidentified author (the poem was attributed to A. S. Pushkin) - 135. 3. "Clear eyes, black eyes," a romance on the words of D. P. Oznobishin - 126, 135. 4. "How a slobodushka stands behind a river," a Russian song to the words of A. A. Delvig - 135, 144, 246. 5. "Kabardian song" ("Clouds flew to Kazbek"), on slo-A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky - 133, 135, 203, 246, 247. 6. "What you sing, beauty-girl," a romance to the words of V.V. Domopto-vich - 135, 247. 7. "Song of Bayan" ("War, war! Goodbye, Siana "), to the words of N. M. Yazykov - 135. 8. "Georgian song" ("The virgin of the mountains is crying, crying"), to the words of L. A. Yakubovich - 132, 135, 246, 248. 9. "I loved you," a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin - 126 - 127, 135, 237, 248. G0. "I am in love, virgin beauty!," A romance with the words PI, M, Yazykova - 135. 11. "Song of Bayan" ("Fighters sit on horses"), to the words of N, M. Yazykov - 135. 12. "The song of the robber" ("What is clouded, the dawn is clear"), to the words of A.F. Veltmaia - 134-135, 144, 244. "Caucasian prisoner," melodrama pa text of the second part of the poem by A. S. PUSH-kin. Op. [1828); ed. M., 1859 {in arrangement for voice with piano A.I. Dubuk) - 81-87, 188, 228, 238, 244, 248, 276. Quadrili (two) for piano. Ed. M., 1828-81. Quadrille B-dur - 240. "How a slobodushka stands behind a river" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (4). "How happy is the one who is in a stormy light," a romance to the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M, 1827, in the "Musical Album for 1827" A. N; Berstovsky. "The Album" included two more romances by Alyabyev ("Complaint" and "Kol Pravda to"), as well as a C-dur piano mazurka - 64. "Kanareechka" ("Kanareechka is kind, comfort me at least"), romance., To the words of an unidentified author. Ed. M., 1831 (in the series "Northern Singer of 1831") - PO. Es-dur Quartet, for two violins, viola and cello (1. Allegro, Es-dur; V.;; 2. Andante sostenuto, B-dur, 4D- The Rough Score (initial recording of the first two movements of Quartet No. 1; the remaining parts indicated on the first page are lost; Alyabyev Foundation,.Nb 178) - 18-19. Quartet No. 1 (Es-dur) for two violins, viola and cello (1. Allegro spirito, Es-dur, 4Д; 2. Adagio, B-dur, 4Д; 3. Menuet, allegro, Es-dur, 3D; 4. Финал, Andante sostenuto—Allegro vivace, Es-dur, aA). Op. 1815. Score * (Alyabyev Foundation. Jsfi > 395): Ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) M., 1952-17, 18-22, 231, 240. Quartet No. 3 (G-dur) for two violins, viola and cello (I. Allegro, G-dur, 3D; 2. Menuet, allegro, G-dur, 3D; 3. Adagio on the theme of the Russian song "Nightingale" (Tire d'un air ru.sse "Rossignob), aD; 4. Final. G-dur,%), singing. F. E. Scholz. Op. 1825; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 396); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova), g-moll quartet for two violins, viola and cello. Op. 1842; two unfinished versions of the score Quartet for two violins, viola and cello. An excerpt from the score (in one manuscript with works recorded in 1846 in the village of Vasilevo; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 423) - 211. Quartet for four flutes (1. Allegro, G-dur, 4Д; 2. Adagio, C-dur, 4D) -Soch. [1827]; unfinished scores (Alyabyev Foundation, NbjNb 143 and 398); ed. (ed. N.I. Platonova). M. - L., 1950-72-73, 234, 241. c-moll for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn (Andante, c-moll, 3D - Allegro, C-dur, 4D). Rough, unfinished score (Alyabyev Foundation, N °. 399); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova), M., 1953 - 101, 233, 240. Es-dur quintet (one-part) for piano, two scrppocks, viola and cello. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 144); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) M., 1954 - 22, 231, 240 B-dur quintet. Sketch (Alyabyev Foundation, Kya 43S) - 233. "When, soul, you asked," elegy for voice with piano to the words of A. A. Delvig, singing, Countess G. Rossn. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 91); ed. M "1962, along with the romance" I Love You "to the words of an unidentified author (ed. I. II. Jordan) - 17o. "If it is true that being together is exactly happiness direct," a romance to the words of V. A. Alyabyev. Ed. Mm 1827, in the "Musical Album for 1827" by A. N. Berstovsky. The "Album" included two more romais by Alyabyev ("Complaint" and "How Happy He Is"), as well as a piano mazurka C-dur - 64. "Ring" - see Six romances dedicated to E. L. Ofrosimova (1). "The Ring of the Girl Soul," a Russian song with words by V, A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M., in the "Musical Album pa 1828" by A. A. Ver-Stovsky - 64.

Counterdance F-dur, for orchestra-ensemble. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 371) - 151.

Concert to the text of Psalm 30 ("On Thya, Lord, Hope") for a mixed choir. Op. 1832 ("for Kotlyarov"); score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 328) - 136.

"Over, over the long haul" - see Gypsy song.

"Curls" ("Nayavu and in a sweet dream"), a Russian song with lyrics by A. A. Delvig. Ed. M., 1831 (in the series "Northern Singer of 1831") - 110.

"Lunar Night, or House," a comic opera in two acts, libretto by P. A. Mukhanov and P. N. Arapov (overture, introduction to the second action and 16 vocal numbers). Op. 1821—1822; score of the opera (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 375); overture (Alyabyev Foundation, tY "275); a copy of the score of the opera (CMB, VII. 1. A. 60/p. L, and, ing. № 7967) — 27 — 32, 38 — 40, 243, 261, 262.

"Ray of Hope" ("The Month Shines Silver"), a romance on the words of an unidentified author. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nouvellist," 1846, No. 7-212.

"The best day in life, or Lesson to rich suitors," opera vaudeville in two acts, text by N. I. Malyshev, music by A. A. Alyabyev, together with A. N. Verstovsky and F. E. Scholz (overture and 19 vocal numbers). Copy of the score (CMB, VII. I. V. 357/p. L. day, ins, No. 8567) - 74, 271.

"I love it when my bird chirps" - see "Sasha" in Sat. Six romances dedicated to E, L, Ofrosimova (6).

"Rose lover, nightingale" - see Sat. "Housewarming,"

Mazurka for a mixed choir and orchestra ("Gray autumn, hide your eyes"), words by I. L. Cherkasov. Op.; "Tobolsk, 1829 November 20"; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 318) - 81.

Mazurka C-dur for piano. Ed. M, 1827, in the "Musical Album for 1827" by A. N, Verstovsky. The Album also includes three romances by Alyabyev ("Complaint," "How Happy He Is" and "If True Then") - 64.

Mazurka for piano - see Sat. "Housewarming."

Mazurka D-dnr for piano ("Composed in a Dream of 1836"). In the same manuscript, a sketch of the romance for the words of A. S. Griboedov "Ah, exactly l never" (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 415). Ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) in the anthology "Russian piano music from the end of the XVIII to the 60s. XIX century," comp. V. A. Nathanson and A.A. Nikolaev, issue two, M., 1956-263.

Mazurki Caucasian (two) for piano. Ed. M., 1833, in Sat. "Gift to Dance Lovers" - 134.

Mazurki, waltzes and French quadrille for piano. And from the village of M., 1826-63.

March for the brass band, for the burial of D.V. Golitsyn. From about part 1844; ed. in the author's arrangement for piano under the heading "March played on the pipes of the burial of his lordship, the city of Moscow military governor-general, cavalry general Prince D.V. Golitsyn on May 19, 1844," M., 1844-209.

Brass Band Marches (1. March C-dur; 2. the Es-dur March; 3. C-dur Fast March; 4. Fast March F-dur; 5. Fast March Es-dur - "1829, February 18th"; 6. Fast March F-dur; 7. Tikhaya march is "to the departure of the commandant, 1829 March 10"; 8. Tikhaya March C-dur; 9. Sad c-moll march; 10. Funeral march c-moll - "for Colonel Kerstich" "1831 October 8"). Scores (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 127, 391, 387, 388, 389, 130 129 477 125 390) - 6-98.

"Dream" ("With my heart in the first days of my life, fortunately I blossomed"), a romance with the words of M. A. Maksimovich. Ed. M., 1834-127 "Prayer" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (1).

"Young Mother and Groom at 48, or Home Performance," opera vaudeville in two acts, text by A. A, Shakhovsky (overture, intermission 1 to the second action and 27 vocal numbers). Op. 1826 - score (CMB. 13 А 60/bp M. M, niv. №> 7806); another copy of the score, without the 14th issue (Alyabyev Foundation, Hya 293); duet of Princess and Yuryina (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 304); overture "(Alyabyev Foundation, No. 310) - 73-74, 242, 271.

"Moscow charitable" ("Moscow! Moscow! years passed "), the anthem to the words of F. N. Glinka for the voice of solo, choir and orchestra - 186. "My wife gets married," opera vaudeville in two acts, text by I. I. Malyshev, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. I. Ver-stovsky. Op. 1827; copy of the score (CMB, I, 3. A. 60/V.O. Mine., Inventory. № 18506) —73. "My Prayer" ("The Invisible Keeper of Souls"), a romance on the words of D. V. Venevitinov. Draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, Nos. 344 and 427) - 99. "Northern Singer's Music Album," singing. D.N. and S.N. Shatilov. Ed. St. Petersburg, 1832-107, 108, 277-278. 1. "The longing of sick Nina" ("Since we have been separated by fate"), a romance to the words of F. N. Glinka - 107. 2. "Flower" ("Flower dried, dry"), a romance on the words of A. S. Pushkin - 107, 237, 3. "Premonition" ("Clouds over me again"), a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin - 107, 110, 237, 278. 4. "I remember a wonderful moment," a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin - 107 - 109, 146, 237, 278.

"Clouds flew to Kazbek" - see "Kabardian song" in Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (5). "Don't say: love will pass" - see Three Russian romances dedicated to V. L. Saburova (2). j "Not for me" ("When I necin/your attention"), a romance to the words of A. F. Veltman. Ed. M., 1844-209. "Don't think, my friend" ("When I part with you"), a romance with the words of D A. Putilov. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 100); Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nouvellist," 1850, No. 11 and the "Musical Album with Cartoons" by A. S. Dargomyzhsky and N. A, Stepanov. St. Petersburg, 1851-213. "I won't tell anyone" - see "Gypsy Song." "Bewilderment" ("What a feeling, I don't know, my heart fills me again"), a romance to the words of G. P. Rzhevsky, singing.: "a I'aimable contralto *. "Ed. M., 1830-100, 277.

"Forget-me-not" ("A ray of joy brightens around you"), a romance with the words of P. A Vyazemsky, singing. Ah, I. Bunakova. Ed. M., 1831 PO.

"Inseparable, or New Means of Paying Debts," comedy-vaudeville in one act, text by N. A. Shatilov, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with F. E. Scholz (overture, rondo for voice accompanied by bassetgern and 12 vocal numbers written by Alyabyev 4 - Scholz). Op. [1827]; score (CMB. 13. A. 60/p. Fr. V., Inventory № 7774) —74,271. Rondo for voice accompanied by bassethorn -/4.

"Beggar" ("Winter, blizzard, and in large flakes"), a romance on the words of D.T. Lensky (from Beranger). Ed. M., 1841-187-188, 236, 218. "New prank, or Theatrical battle," opera vaudeville in one act, text by N.I. Hmelnitsky, music by A. A. Alyabyev, A. N. Berstovsky and L. V. Maurer (overture and 20 vocal numbers). Op. 1821—1822; a copy of the score marked by Alyabyev (CMB, 13 V 357/p. N.S., Inventory. № 6670); vocal numbers 5, 11 and; 12th; score, autograph of Alyabyev (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 299, 300,. 297) — 28.

"Housewarming," music album. Among the works of various composers are four works by Alyabyev: 14 from the village of M., 1834-136. "Bayan's Song" ("O Night, O Night, Fly the Arrow!"), To the words of N. M. Yazykov, for voice and choir with piano - 135-136.

"Lover of the Nightingale Rose," to the text from "The Bride of Abydos" by J. Byron translated by I.I. Kozlova - 132, 135, 246. "Blue eyes" ("Blue eyes, blue eyes"), mazurka with a chorus to the words of A. V. Ivanov - 136. Mazurka for piano - 136. "New Paris," opera vaudeville in one act, text N.I. Hmelnitsky (vocal numbers from 3rd to 12th). The musical text is different than in the music written for this vaudeville together - Alyabyev, L.V. Maurer and A.N. Verstovsky. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 13) - 162, 242 Nocturne C-dur for horn, two violins, viola, cello and piano. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 145) - 22.

"Well, the first glass," a table song for a men's choir and orchestra to the words of S. I. Stromilov to his play "Russian Disabled in the Borodino Field." Op. [1839]; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 21); ed. M., 1839, in the author's arrangement for a mixed choir with piano in Sat. "Drinking Russian songs," singing. V. A. Perovsky - 175. "Well, more friendly, more fun, bring it soon," a table song to the words of M. Vladimirov, for a four-voice male choir with a brass band. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 26) - 223.

"Oh, the younger friend, a wonderful friend," a romance to the words of F. N. Glppka. Ed. St. Petersburg, 1831, in the "Musical Album for 1831" I, Roma-nus - 101. "One More Day," a romance to the words of Kantakusen, Op. 1815; draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 99) - 17. "Lonely swam a month," a Russian song to the words of A. A. Delvig, for two voices and a choir with piano. Ed. M., 1838-174-175, 246. "She's mine!" ("A Beautiful Day, a Happy Day"), a romance to the words of A. A. Delvig in a handwritten collection. romances ("Orphan," "She's Mine," "Advice," "And My Asterisk"), singing. 3. N. and L.I. Shatilov. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 475); ed. M., 1836-173. Vaudeville operas with unspecified names - 241. 1. Opera vaudeville in two acts (actors: Seymour, Doctor, Ms. Belmom, Aglaya). Overture, intermission to the second action and 23 vocal numbers (4 of them were lost). Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 157, 158, 307, 309) - 241. 2. Opera vaudeville in one act (actors; We love, Lyudmila, Vetrov). 13 vocal numbers, Score (3 numbers lost; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 159) - 241. "Open, Baron, Gate," a funeral song to the words of I. I. Lazhechnikov (from his novel "The Last Novik, or. Conquest -, Lnfland "), singing. E. A. Ofrosimova. Final manuscript. - (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 327); from the village of M., 1834-147, 290. Excerpts from vaudeville ("The Village Philosopher," "The Troublesome, or The Case of the Master is Afraid," "Meeting of Stagecoaches"). Ed. 1826, "Drama Album for Lovers of Theater and Music" A, N. Verstovsky and A. I. Pisarev - 61. "The Apostate, or the Siege of Corinth," music to the tragedy of V. A. Alyabyev (overture, male choir, mixed choir, solo voice, instrumental number, final recitation against the background of music). Op.: "1837 February 20, the village of Ryazantsy"; score "(foundation. Alyabyeva No. 354); ed. overture (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov). M. "1957-163-164, 199, 243, 251. "Our Father," for a three-voice mixed choir. Op. 1844; Scores (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 52) - 209. "Father of Ours," for a mixed four-voice choir. Op.: "1842, September 30, Kolomna"; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 52). — 201. "Ochi" ("What with the charm of her eyes"), a romance with the words of A. D. Nikitin. Ed. M., 1828-76.

Pas redouble for brass band. Three (all in B-dur) are undoubtedly written in Tobolsk. Copies of the score (Alyabyev Foundation, Ks No. 133, 134, 385); one Pas redouble (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 384) written d & -1825 * - 97. "Shepherdess, old woman, sorceress, ply What women like," opera vaudeville in three acts, text by A. I. Pisarev, music * A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsknm. Copy of the score (CMB, VII. 1. A. 60/p. P.S.V., Inventory. № 7855)—64, 73. "Singer" ("You heard"), a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin. Chistova "manuscript (the beginning is lost; Alyabyev Foundation, L ° GO 1) - 237. "Sang, sang bird" - see Sat. "A collection of different Russian songs." "Punjaraya poi tyushty" - see "Song of Kichkine." "Song of Bayan" ("Fighters sit on horses") - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (11). "Song of Bayan" ("War, war! Farewell to Spahn ") - see, Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (7). "Bayan's Song" ("O Night, O Night, Fly the Arrow") - see Sat. "Housewarming." "Song of the Death of Lavrov," for the voice of solo and orchestra, pa words' S. I. Stromilov. From about h. 1841-186. "Song of the robber" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (12). "The song of the girl" ("Who is there away, on a raven horse"), for voice with piano, the words of A. F. Veltman from the poem "Ratibor Kholmograd-sky." Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 430); ed. kNouvel-list, "1846, 7a - 185. "Song to Knchkin" ("For what are you, the beam of the East"), for voice with piano, to the words of A. A Bestuzhev-Marlnpsky. Final manuscript, - '(lost beginning; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 421) - 134, 246, 247. "Olga's song" ("Tell me: why are roses burning?"), To the words of A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (from the story "Test"), singing. S. N. Stahl von Holstein (nee Shatilova). Ed. M.,. 1836— 108. "Ratnbor's song" ("Something you, my desired, multi-chain pearl"), for voice with piano, lyrics by A. F. Veltman from the poem "Ratibor Kholmogradsky." Ed. (attached to the poem). M., 1841; a separate edition - M., 1841-185. "The song of the Siberian old man Luka" ("Along the street wide") - see from. "Table Russian Songs." "Song of soldiers in Georgia" - see Sat. "Table Russian Songs." "Sad song" ("The dawn was overshadowed, the beauty of our days"), for a golo with a piano, to the words of A. Naydenov, singing, in memory of the empress Maria Feodorovna, Ed. M., 1829-99. "A sad song at the death of the emperor's blessed memory; Alexandra I "(" Whose coffin Moscow is in a hurry to meet "), for voice; and choir with piano, to the words of N. D. Ivanchin-Pisarev. Soch1825; final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. '254) - 56, 60 - 61, 270 "I look sadly at the cherished ring" - see "Ring" in Sat. Six ro Manses dedicated to E. A. O f Ros Imei (2). "Sad March" for brass band - 100. "Fiery eyes" - see Three Russian romances dedicated to V. A. Saba rova (3), "The virgin of the mountains is crying" - see "Georgian song" in Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (8), "Dances (dances) Circassian." Sketch clavier (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 66) - 203, 247. "On pebbles, on yellow sand" - see "Mermaid" (2). "The Daytime Light Went Dark," an elegy for voice (bass) with piano. Blackened manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 342) - 24-26, 237. "Under the sky blue" - see Three elegies. "Gift to Relatives," collection of romances 1. An old song ("Ah, when would I have known before that love would give birth to troubles") for voice and choir from fortepiano to the words of I.I. Dmitriyeva; 2. "Straw" ("What, tell me, no poems?") To the words of P. A. Mezhakov; 3. "Sasha, Sasha, I suffer from tireless longing" for the words of A. C, Pushkin; 4. "Song of the unfortunate" ("No, not the sun before the evening for the dark forests rolled") to the words of an unidentified author; 5. "Shepherd's song" ("What's wrong with you, angel, has become? Do not hear your speeches ") and the words of I. I. Dmitriev. Ed. M., 1833-127. Polonaise (Polsky) D-dur, "composed for the name of Gen. Bril," Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 116); recorded (ed. G.V. Kirkor) on a record as part of the "Dance Suite" - 81, 151-152, 247. Polonez (Greater Polish Es-dur for piano, singing. J, Fildu. Op. [1811]; ed. M., 1811 - 10-11,239,258. Polonaise with a choir ("To you, our king, the beauty of the kings"), words by I, L. Cherkasov, for a mixed choir and orchestra. Op.: "1829 November 20"; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 318) - 81. Polonez with a choir, performed at the festival of highlanders in the vicinity of Kislovodsk - 125. Polka C-dur, for brass band. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 392) - 97. Polka B-dur. Sketch score (not over; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 328) - 219. "Polka Gypsy," for piano. Ed. 1852 — 239. Polsky for voice and orchestra to the "jokey vaudeville" by P. N. Arapov "Bear and Pasha" - 39. "Funeral Song" - see, "Open, Baron, Gate."

"Postman" ("Jumps, dressed in uniform, bulletin of joys and troubles"), a romance with the words of E. N. Grebenki, Ed. M "1843-202. "Premonition" - see, "Northern Singer's Music Album" (3).

"Awakening" ("Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness?"), Elegy for voice with piano to words by A. S. Pushkin. Ed. M., 1830-101, 237, 248.

"Petitioner," opera vaudeville, text by A. I. Pisarev, music by A. A. Alyabyev, together with Mih. Yu. Vielgorsky, A.N. Verstovsky and F/E. Scholtz. Op. 1824, score (CMB, 1.3. V. 427/n, about. Pr.) —38.

"I'm sorry! how sad the word is "- see" Goodbye "in Sat. Six romances dedicated to E. A. Ofrosimova (5).

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you told me," a romance with the words of P. E. Burtsov Ed. M., 1835-147. R

"I'm sorry, midnight," a romance with the words of I. I, Kozlov. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nouvellist," 1843, VII - 247.

"Farewell quadrille," for orchestra-ensemble. Op.: "1848 August 5"; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 118) - 217, 218.

Farewell polka, for orchestra-ensemble. Op.: "G848, August 3"; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. PO); recorded (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) on a record as part of the "Dance Suite" - 217 * 218.

Farewell overture - see "Farewell to the North."

"Hussar's Farewell" ("Comrades! on the military field "), a romance on the words of N. N. Orzhitsky. And from the village of M., 1823 - 24, 32.

"Farewell to the nightingale" ("You are sorry, our nightingale"), a romance to the words of N. A. Kashshshchov. Ed. M., 1829 - 76, 77, 240. 273.

"Farewell to the North," an overture for orchestra. Op. 1831 —112 142-144, 162.

"Farewell to the nightingale in the North" ("Fly away, our nightingale"), a romance with the words of I. I. Vetter. Ed. M., 1831-113, 247.

"Traveler" ("My Days in the Spring"), a romance with the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M, 1959, in the book "Pages from the Life of Alyabyev," - 23.

"Traveling Dancer-Actress, or Three Sisters-Brides," comedy-vaudeville P. N. Arapov (music "moved" by Alyabyev from "Village Philosopher"). The Wolf Party (CMB. I. BEYOND 60/Vt Put, Inventory № 17296) —39, 65, 242, 243.

Piano trumpet piece. Draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 423); ed. M., 1954 (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) - 211.

Piano pieces. Autographs (except for polonesis; Alyabyev Foundation * No.? 150, 415, 413, 417, 418, 149, 414); ed. (ed. B. V. Dobrokhotov) in the anthology "Russian piano music from the end of the XVIII to the 60s of the XIX century" (Polonez, Waltz, Mazurka - "Composed in a dream of 1836," - Kadril, Rondo, Sonata "Farewell to the Nightingale" *), comp. V. A. Nathanson and A.A. Nikolaev, issue two. M., 1956-234.

Five romances on French texts: "Le soir" ("Evening"), "Stances sur l'Esperance" ("Stans to Hope") and three romances with unspecified texts. Ed. M., [1827] - 64, 263.

"Separation" ("And so I broke up with you"), a romance with the words of A. Naydenov (in the series "Northern Singer of 1828"). Ed. M., 1829-90.

"Separation from the cute" ("Will you, sweetheart, forget"), a romance with the words of I. A. Shepelev. Ed. M., 1828 - 76, 77, 273.

"Disappointment" ("The Days of Fascination"), a romance to the words of A. A. Delvig, singing. F. N. Corfu. Ed. M., 1835-140.

"Rare heiress, or Husband by Will," a comedy by A. M. Redkin with music by Alyabyev - "Final Verses" ("You Became My Wife"). Op. [1827]; and h d, with the text of the second verse - "Ah, granddaughter, run away love." M., "Ladies' Journal," 1827, part 19, No. 13 (July) - 64.

A romance written in 1846 in the village of Vasilevo. The final manuscript (text inscribed in pencil, illegible; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 423) - 211.

A romance about Count Gwarinos ("HOODO, hoodo, ah, the French") from the 9th chapter of "Don Quixote" by M. Cervantes, translated by N. M. Karamzin - 92-277.

Rondo A-clur for piano, Op. (1810s); unfinished manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 417); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) in the anthology "Russian piano music from the end of the XVIII to the 60s. XIX century," comp. V. A. Nathanson and A.A. Nikolaev, issue two, M., 3 956 - 11.

"Mermaid," a play by A. S. Pushkin. Op.; "1838 April 8"; score (SCMMC, Maly Theater Foundation, No. 898) - 167-168, 172, 192, 199, 238, 243, 246, 251, 2S6. 1. "Matchmaker, matchmaker," mixed choir - 168, 172, 2. "On pebbles, on yellow sand," voice solo - 168-171. 3. "A cheerful crowd, from a deep bottom," a three-voice female choir - 168, 172. 4. "What, sisters, in a pure field do not catch up with them as soon as possible," a two-voice female choir - 168, 172.

Russian song with a choir for the concert "Society for the Encouragement of the Poor Musically" - 219.

"Russian curl" ("Russian curl, long curl"), a duet for women's voices with piano to the words of I. Goldinsky. 14 from the village of M., 1831-110.

"Fisherman and Mermaid, Pli Evil Potion," an opera in three acts, to a libretto by an unidentified author. Op. 1841—1843; fragments of the score "(Alyabyev Foundation, AoJVb 283, 287a, 2876, 289a, 287b, 2896, 285i, 287g, 2856, 288, 286, 284, 292) - 172, 192 - 199, 201, 207, 243 - 246, 250, 292,

"Sarafanchik" ("I'm bored, girl"), a romance with the words of A. I. Polezhaev. Ed. M, 1838-174, 184.

"Matchmaker, matchmaker" - see "Mermaid" (J).

"Northern polka" for piano. Ed. M "1846-210.

"Northern waltz p polonaise for piano, singing.:" To his friends * l'Valse et Polonais du Nord deediees a ses amis "). Ed. M., 1831—113.

"Northern polonaise" - see "Northern waltz and polonaise." "The Northern Prisoner" - see Three Elegies. (2).

"Rural elegy" ("In the silence of the village, the lonely younger sufferer lived sadly"), a romance with the words of I.I. Kozlova, singing. S. N. Stal von Golyitein (nee Shatilovoy). Final manuscript with censorship permission of April 16, 1836 (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 342); no print edition found - 160.

"This is a drink, this is a walk," a table piece for a men's choir and orchestra to the words of S. I. Stromilov to his play "Russian Disabled on the Borodino Field." From about part [1839]; score (SCMMC, Maly Theater Foundation, No. 898); ed. M., 1839 - in the author's arrangement for a mixed choir with piano in Sat. "Drinking Russian songs," singing. V. A. Perovsky - 175. "With my heart in the first days of life, but not fortunately I blossomed" - see. "The Dream." "Siberian song" ("Fragrant berry, ripe princess"), for voice with piano, to the words of I. I. Vetter. Ed. M., 1845-210.

"I am sitting on the banks of the stream," a romance to the words of D.V. Davydov (free translation from Party), pos. A.N. Vergtovsky. Op. 1833; final manuscript (GCTM, A. N. Verstovsky Foundation, unit hr. 157308); ed. M., 1833-128.

Symphony. Op. 1850, Only the cover with the title was preserved: "Sim-phonie 1850" (Alyabyev Fund, No. 274) - 219.

Symphony G-dur (I. Allegro,. G-dur, V4; 2. Larghetto, B-dur, 6/s not over). Op. (1810s]. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 357) - 22.

Symphony Es-dur with concert horns (1. Andantino, Es-dur, 4Л; 2. Tempo di.marzia, Es-dur, 4Д; 3. Rondo, allegro, Es-dur, й/й). Op. (1810s). Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 105) - 22.

Omphonia e-moll (single-part). Op. 1830 (on the title page there is a note: "1830 October 30 Tobolsk," on the 15th page: "December 1830th, 7th day"); score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 121); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova). M., 1955-101-104, 241, 248, 251.

"Orphan" ("Ah you, dark forest, Miletian forest"), Czech song for voice with piano to words by N. V. Berg. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nuvellnst," 1847, No. 4 - 212, 236.

"Sirotinushka" ("Sirotinushka, girl"), a Russian song in a handwritten collection. romances ("Orphan," "She is mine," "Advice," "And my asterisk"), singing. 3. N. and L.N. Shatilov. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 475) - 173.

"Orphan" - see Three Russian romances dedicated to V. L. Saburova (O-

"Say, the unfortunate friend" - see "Mystery."

Fast marches (C-dur, F-dur, Es-dur, F-dur) for brass band. The first F-dur march is dated: "May 31, at night at the 11th hour." Op. [1828—1832]; scores (Alyabyev Foundation, 387, 388, 389 130) - 97.

Es-dur fast march, for brass band. Op: "Tobolsk, 1829 February 18 "; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 389) - 96. Fast March A-dur, for orchestra-ensemble. Score (Alyabyev Foundation. JS& 369) — 151, 251.

"Sweetly sang soul-nightingale," a sad song to the words of I. I. Lazhechnikov (from his novel "The Last Novik, or the Conquest of Lifliang-dpn"), for voice and female choir with piano, singing. E. A. Ofro-Snmova. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 327); ed. M., 1834; - 147. 246, 291.

"Tear (" Yesterday for the cup of puncheva "), a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin. And from the village of M., 1860-26-27, 237, 260.

"We gathered to the boyar, the host bakery," a mixed choir to the words of S. P. Stromilov (for a masquerade in the house of 'S. A. Rnmsky-Korsakov). Op. 1846; ed. M., 1846-211, 223, 247.

"Collection of different Russian songs" for the choir. Some issues from this collection were published earlier in Moscow in an exposition for voice with piano. No. 3 and 6 ed. in 1834, in Sat. "Caucasian Singer"; No. 7 of l. in 1827; No. 8 ed. in 1833; No. 9, ed. in 1884 in the Musical album "Housewarming"; No. 10 ed. in 1831 for voice and choir with piano. The first edition of the collection (except for Nos. 1 and 3). M. - L., 1952, Sat. "A. Alyabyev. Songs for an Unaccompanied Choir "(ed. B. <о-това и Г. Киркора). «Песня о добром царе» опубликована с новым текстом А. Михайлова под заглавием «В путь!» — 219 — 223.Do0ro. 1. "God! king of snoring, "words V.A. Zhukovsky-220. 2. "All flowers are more," the words I.I. Dmitriyeva - 220, 239. 3. "Prayer," words of N. M. Yazykov - 220. 4. "Song of the Good King," words by N. M. Karamzin - 220-221. 5. "Table song." ("Friends, friends, joy is given to us by fate"), the words of A. A. Delvig - 220. 6. "Ochi" ("Clear eyes, black eyes"), the words of D. P. Oznobishin - 220. 7. "Nightingale," words of A. A. Delvig - 220. 8. "Alas, why does she shine," the words of A. S. Pushkin - 220. 9. "Blue eyes," words of A.V. Ivanov - 220, 232, 239. 10 "Farewell to the nightingale in the North" ("Fly away, our nightingale"), the words of I. I. Vetter-220, 240. 11. "The song of the Siberian old man Luka" ("Along the street wide"), for the male choir, the words of P.P. Yershova - 220, 221, 239. 12. "Hunting song" ("What in the light compares with a bold catch?"), For the male choir, the words of V.K. Küchelbecker - 220, 223, 232 239. 13. "I sang, sang a bird," the words of A. A. Delvig - 220-223, 232, 238.

A collection of different Russian songs (1. "Song of the Good King," lyrics; N. M. Karamzina; 2. "All flowers are more," words I, PL Dmitriev; 3. "Friends, friends, joy is given to us by fate," the words of A. A. Delvig; 4. "Blue eyes," words by A. V. Ivanov; 5. "Song old man Luka," lyrics by P.P. Yershova). Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 329) - 220.

"Advice" ("Don't Believe Madly in Temptation"), a romance on the words of an unidentified author of "From the Pantheon of Friendship," in a handwritten collection. romances. ("Orphan," "She is mine," "Advice," "R1 my asterisk"), singing. 3. N. and L.N. Shatilov. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 475) - 173.

"Council" ("You, Fedor, the glorious was a hussar"), a romance to the words of V. L. Alyabyev (in the series "Northern Singer of 1829"). Ed. M., 1830-98.

"Advice to the young man" ("Do not rush, young child, people have a heart to trust"), gop-doletto to the words of an unidentified author, singing. L.N. Shatilova. Ed. M., 1838-173.

"The Sun of Peace! you brought up, "for a mixed choir and orchestra, to the words of V. I. Dahl. Op. 1835. ("Composed for the arrival of his †. Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky "); score (Alyabyev Foundation,. № 322) — 159', 238.

"Nightingale," a Russian song with lyrics by A. A. Delvig. Ed. M., 1827 - 3, 59, 63, 80, 87, 95, 135, 174, 175, 207, 217, 236, 247, 260, 270. e-moll sonata for piano and violin (1. Allegro con brio, e-moll, *7ь 2. Adagio cantabile, E-dur, 4/4; Rondo, allegretto scherzando, e-moll, 2D) - Draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 156); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) M. - L., 152-158, 231-232, 240, 248. Sonata As-dur (one-part) for piano (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 418). Ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) in the anthology "Russian piano music from the end of the XVIII to the 60s. XIX century," comp. V. A. Nathan-son and 'A. A. Nikolaev, issue two. M., 1956 - 157, 240. Sonata for cello, written for K- I. Agapiev - 139.

"Keep, Lord, his soul." The vocal work of A. A. Alyabyev, which did not reach us, is 136. "Old husband, formidable husband," gypsy song to the words of A. S. Pushkin. Ed. M., 1860-237.

"The sky is gloomy, the wind is noisy," elegy for voice with piano and words by P. E. Burtsov. Ed. M., 1835 - 145-146, 192.

"Happy is he who has fun," a romance for soprano and tenor with piano pa V.A. Zhukovsky. And from d. In the "Musical Album pa 1828" A, N. Verstovsky - 64.

"Happiness in a dream" ("Dorogoy was the girl"), a romance of the words B, A, Zhukovsky, singing. S.V. Islenyeva. Op. 1835. In one manuscript with the elegy "You took the oath." Censorship permit of August 9, 1835. Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 339); ed. 1835, no ¦-160 were found.

"Sons of Siberia remote," see "Anthem in case of visiting.,.

"Mystery" ("Say, a miserable friend"), a romance with the words I.I. Kozlova - 128.

"Mystery" ("I won't say, I won't confess") - see six romances while singing. E. A, Ofrosimova (3).

"Secret sorrow" ("Your image is foggy, like a distance"), a romance on the words of A.F. Veltman, singing. I. A. Islenyeva. Ed. M., 1833-127.

Dance pieces for piano, published in 1827: Mazurka C-dur, in Sat. "Collection of Mazuroks for Fortopians, Op. Mr. Alyabyeva, Ver-collusion, gr. Pototsky and Scholz. " Obviously, no later than this sting, Alyabyev's piano pieces indicated in the catalog were published. C. Lengold 1828; '1) three mazurkas, two ecoseses, a waltz and a quadrille; 2) three mazurkas and a large waltz; 3) new French quadrille, waltz and mazurka (the last plays apparently came out at the end of 1826) - 64. Dances for Symphony Orchestra (1. d-moll waltz, two variants; 2. Counterdance F-dur; 3. B-dur counterdance; 4. French quadrille B-dur; 5. Mazurka F-dur; 6. Es-dur mazurka; 7. Polka C-dur; 8. Polish g-moll. - "1830 December"; 9. Polish d-moll - "Op. for O. A. Kobyletsky "; 10. Polish B-dur; 11. Ecosystem D-dur). Scores (Alyabyev Foundation, Zh. No. 107, 370, 371, 356, 113, 108, 107, 109, 115, 366, 108) are recorded on the record as hours of the Dance Suite: 4 - ed. G.V. Kirkor, 5 and I - ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov - 81. "Forget you," a Russian song for voice, choir and orchestra (from you can, the author's treatment of the romance "Will I forget you, sweetheart") - 94, 95. ' "Patience" ("Good, firm patience"), a romance on the words of an unknown author, singing. N. A, Islenyeva (in the series "Northern Singer of 1829"). From the village of M "1829-98. "The Triumph of the Muses." Prologue to the opening of the Imperial Moscow (Petrovsky, Bolshoi) Theater, text by M. A, Dmitriyeva, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsky and F. E. Scholz (first choir and final - "They came, golden days" - written by Alyabyev). Op. 1824; authorized copy of the final choir (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 84) - 39, 238, 251. "Sick Nina's longing" - see Northern Singer's music album " "Sick, sad in the world," a song to the words of M.V. Dargomyzhskaya. Ed. M., 1833-246.

"Three Dozen, or the New Two-Day Adventure," opera vaudeville in three acts by A. PL Pisarev, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsky (overture and 11 vocal numbers). Overture and first action - music by Alyabyev; the second and third are composed of other works and again written ballad, two romances and trio by A.N. Verstovsky, Copy of the score (CMB, VII. I. A. 60/p. h, and L 3. A. 60/p. Three.) —56, 270. 1825

Three Russian romances dedicated to V, A. Saburova. Ed. M., 1827-64. 1. "Orphan" ("As soon as she saw the light"), to the words of V.A. Zhukovsky - 64, 236, 2. "Don't say: love will pass," to the words of A. A. Delvig - 64. 3. "Fiery eyes" ("Fiery eyes light the soul"), to the words of Gorchakov - 64. Three elegies for voice, cello and piano, singing. Matv. Yu. Viel-Gorsky. Ed. M., 1839-172-173. 1. "Under the sky blue," to the words of A. S. Pushkin - 173, 237. 2. "Northern prisoner" ("Wind, fierce wind, harsh"), to the words of V. A. Alyabyev - 172, 173. 3. "Blessed, who could on the bed of the night," to the words of N. M. Yazykov - 172. Trio a-rnoll, for piano, violin and cello (I. Allegro ma pop troppo, a-moii, 4Д; 2. Adagio, A-dur, 3Д; 3. Rondo allegretto, a-moll, 2A) * ¦ Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 410); recorded on a phonograph record; ed. M., 1950 (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) - 152-153, 157, 232, 240, 247. Trio Es-dur (one-part), for piano, violin and cello *. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 401); ed. M., 1952 (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotova) - 21, 240. "Troubadour" ("Walked with war road"), a romance to the words of S. I. Davydov; singing. N. A. Islenyeva. Ed. M "1827-64. "Your image is foggy, like a distance" - see "Secret sorrow," "You took an oath, it is terrible," an elegy for voice and piano to the words of an unidentified author, singing, S. V. Islenyeva. In one manuscript with the romance "Happiness in a Dream." Final manuscript with censorship permission of August 9, 1835 (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 339); ed. 1835 undetected; ed. St. Petersburg, "Yuvellist," 18-14, No. 2 - 160. "You cry, mournful Russia, paying attention to the fatal" - see. "Elegy is not" the death of Empress Maria Feodorovna. "

Overture on the theme of "Glory" - 76, 145, 247. Es-dur overture. C about part [1810-20 years]; score (fund - Alyabyeva;. No. 348) - 22. Overture d-moll. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 345) - 103, C-dur overture. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 349) - 103. Overture f-moll. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 122); and d. (ed. I.I. Jordan and G.V. Kirkor). M. - L., 1952 - 103, 104. An overture to the vaudeville of the unidentified author of "Punished for Deception" Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 352) - 161. Overture with a bell to the vaudeville of F. A. Kopi "Ivan Saaolich." Op. [1835]—161. Overture composed for the first Tobolsk concert - 94, 95, Overture B-dur, for a brass band. Score (Alyabyev Foundation,. 128) — 100,

Es-dur overture, for brass band. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 126) - 100, Circassian overture f-moll. Sketch (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 10) - 203, 246. "Alas, why does she shine," a romance on the words of A. S. Pushkin. And from the village of M.,. 1833— 157, 237.

"Solitude" ("Solitude is a mile to me than a crowded sing and noise." to the romance to the words of an unidentified author. Ed. M., 1833-127.

"Prisoner" ("Wind, fierce, fierce"), an aria for voice and choir and orchestra to the words of V. A. Alyabyev, singing, in memory of F. E. Scholz. Op. [1831] — 83, 109, 112, 173, 247, 278. A variant for voice, cello and piano - see three elegies (2),

"Prisoner" ("I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon"), a romance to the words of A. S. Pushkin. From about part 1832; and from the village of Mm 1843 - 128, 237.

"Despondency" ("Kula, where did you hide, the beam of fun is inexorable"), a romance with the words of A. Glebov. And from the village of M., 1829-76.

"Morning and Evening, or The Wind Has Changed," opera vaudeville and two acts, text by R. M. Zotov (overture, introduction to the second act, polonaise, French quadrille and 8 vocal numbers). Op. 1826. Score (overture - autograph, then authorization copy; CMB 13 А 60/bp. U.V., Inventory № 7850)—61—63, 65, 73, 74, 99, 227, 242, 243, 251.

"Teacher and student, or hangover in someone else's feast," opera vaudeville in one act, text by A. I. Pisarev, music by A A Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsky and f, E. Scholz (overture and 14 vocal numbers). From about part 1824; score-autograph of Alyabyev (CMB, 13 A 60/p.o. U. and U. niv. № 6941) - 38, 39.

"French quadrille from Asian songs," for piano by Iz * d M.,. 1N34 - 131 - 132, 246, 247. French quadrille for piano (apparently the arrangement of quadrille from the vaudeville opera "Morning and Evening"). Izd- (with mazurka and kaleom). M., 1826-63. French quadrille B-dur, for orchestra-ensemble, Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 113); recorded (ed. G.V. Kirkor) on the record AS part of the "Dance Suite" - 217. 'French romance, to the words of an unidentified author. Ed. M 1810 - I), 258.

"Cherubic" for mixed four-voice choir. Op.: "1843 June 30" (in one manuscript with "Lord, have mercy"); score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 44) - 209.

"Troublesome, or The Case of the Master is Afraid," opera vaudeville in one act, text by A. I. Pisarev, music by A. A. Alyabyev together with A. N. Verstovsky (overture and 14 vocal numbers written by Alyabyev, 13 - Verstovsky). - Op. 1824; score (CMB VII I A 60/p. Chlop., Inventory. № 17743) — 38, 39, 40, 251.

"Flower," a romance with words by A. S. Pushkin - see "Music Album of the Northern Singer" (2). "Flower" ("The past beauty of the fields, the flower is faded, lonely"), a romance on the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Giuvellist," 1845, in a, No. 6-210.

Church choirs for a four-voice male composition written in Tobolsk ("I believe," "Lord, have mercy," "Zryashe mya voiceless," "Psalm," "Glory to father and son," three "Cherubim"). Scores (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 31, 36, 42, 61, 65, 45, 70, 43) - 88.

Church choirs for a mixed composition, written in Tobolsk (two "Liturgies" (including the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, "All-Night," "Aigeli Dormition of the Blessed," "I Believe," three "Lord, Have Mercy," four "May My Prayer Be Corrected," "Eat with Dignity," "Grace of the World," "Irmosa of the 8th Voice," two "Fathers and Sons," Our, "Communion," Lord, good "). Scores (Alyabyev Foundation, Zh No. 25, 29, 30, 32 - 35, 38, 39, 41, 46, 48, 50, 55, 56, 60, 62-64, 66, 67, 71, 77) -79, 276.

"Gypsy song" ("Conchen, the long journey is over, I see the birthplace"), to the words of an unidentified author. Draft manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 423) - 211.

"Gypsy song" ("I will not tell anyone"), to the words of A. V. Koltsov, having sung. L.I. Shatilova. Ed. M "1844-173.

"Gypsy Song" - see "Old husband, formidable husband."

"Cherkes" ("Wrapped with a broad brown"), a romance with the words of V. A. Alyabyev. Final manuscript (GBL, Veltmanov Foundation) - 132-133, 246.

"Circassian Song" ("A rattling rampart runs in the river") from the music for A. Pushkin's "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Ed. St. Petersburg, no later than March 3829; second edition in Sat. "Collection of Russian songs. Words of A. Pushkin. Music by different writers. " St. Petersburg, 1829-84, 86, 237, 245.

"Circassian song" ("Many virgins in our mountains"), in the words of M. Yu. Lermontov. Ed. M., 1843 - 201.245. "Circassian Overture" for symphony orchestra - 203, 247. "Blackish Maiden" ("I Love You, Maiden Sweetheart"), Romance pa Elephant B. G. Benediktova, singing. L.I. Shatilova. Ed. M., 1844-173,

Four eco-scales for piano. Op. [1828]; ed. M., 1828-81.

Czech song - see "Orphan."

"What is my name?," A romance on the words of A.S. Pushkin, singing. C. V. Islenyeva. Ed. M., 1834-237.

"What is clouded, the dawn is clear" - see "Song of the robber" in Sat.

"Caucasian Singer" (12). "What you sing beauty-girl" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (M 6). "What, sisters?" - see "Mermaid" (4).

Six romances dedicated to E. A. Ofrosimova. Ed. M., 1834-126.

  • 1. "I see your image," the words of A. Bistrom (from Goethe) - 126, 248.

  • 2. "Ring" ("I look sadly at the cherished ring"), the words of M. A. Bestuzhev-Ryumin - 126.

  • 3. "Mystery" ("I will not say, I will not confess"), the words of A. F. Veltman - 118, 126, 279.

  • 4. "Where are you, where are you, my dear friend," the words of S. Stepanov - 126

  • 5. "Goodbye" ^ ("Sorry! How sad is this word "), the words of P. A. Vyazemsky - 126.

  • 6. "Sasha" ("I love it when my bird chirps"), words by A. Mickiewicz, translated by Yu. Poziansky - 119, 126.

"Edwin and the Oscars," an opera in four acts, a libretto by an unidentified author. Fragments of the score and sketches (Alyabyev Foundation, Nos. 15, 281, 14, 16, 278, 279, 281, 280) - 146, 244. Ecoseses (four) for piano. Ed. M., 1828-81. "Elegy on the death of Empress Maria Feodorovna" ("You cry, mournful Russia, paying attention to the fatal"), for a mixed choir and orchestra, the words of I. L. Cherkasov. Op. 1828—1829; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 79) - 91, 95, 99. The sketch of the melody (80 bars) of an unidentified instrumental work (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 34) - 233. Sketches of vocal and instrumental works. Op. in 1846 in the village of Vasilevo (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 423) - 211.

"Julia. Voice from that world "(" Do not find out where I bowed the way "), a romance to the words of V. A. Zhukovsky. Ed. M., 1956, in the book "Pages from the Life of Alyabyev" - 23.

"I loved you" - see Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (9).

"I see your image" - see Six romances dedicated to E. A. Ofrosimova (1).

"I am waiting for you when the marshmallows are playful," an unidentified piano work on the theme of this romance - 215-216. "I loved life" - see Sat. Caucasian singer "(2).

"I will not say, I will not confess" - see, "Mystery," in Sat. Six romances dedicated to E. A. Ofrosimova (3).

"I survived my desires, I fell out of love with my dreams," a romance with the words of A. S. Pushkin. Ed. St. Petersburg, "Nouvellist," 1848-217, 237.

"I remember a wonderful moment" - see "Northern Singer's Music Album" (4). "Clear eyes, black eyes" - see, Sat. "Caucasian Singer" (3). Processing your own works

"Evening Ruddy Zoryu," a Russian song to the words of I.P. Nikolev - for a tenor and a male choir and orchestra. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 315) - 63. "Eyes are blue" ("Eyes, eyes are blue"), mazurka pa words by A. V. Ivanov - for a mixed choir a cappella. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 328); ed. (ed. G.V. Kirkor) with a new text by A. Mikhailov "In Dance," in Sat. "A. Alyabyev. Songs for choir unaccompanied. " M. - L., 1952-220, 239.

"Dubrava Makes Noise," a romance for voice and orchestra to the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 87) - 145, 192.

"Well. the first glass, "a drinking song to the words of S. PL Stromilov - for a mixed choir with piano, singing. V. A. Perovsky. And from the village of M., 1839, in Sat. "Drinking Russian Pesii" - 175. "Well, more friendly, more fun, bring it soon," a drinking song to the words of M. Vladimirov - for a four-voice male choir with piano, singing. P. A. Nashchokin.

"The song of the Siberian old man Luka" ("Along the street wide"), to the words of P.P. Yershova - for the male choir a cappella. PI from the village of M. - L., 1952, in Sat. "A. Alyabyev. Songs for the choir without accompaniment "under the new title:" Song of the Young Blacksmith "(ed by G.V. Kirkor) - 220, 221, 239. "A sad song to the death of the blessed memory of the sovereign Emperor Alexander I" ("Whose coffin Moscow is in a hurry to meet"), to the words of I. D. Ivaichin-Psarev - for a high voice and a mixed choir and orchestra. Op. 1825; score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 316) - 56, 61, 270. "The daytime light went out," elegy to the words of A. S. Pushkin - for voice (bass) and orchestra. "Farewell to the Nightingale" - for piano (two options). Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation No. 149 and 414); ed. (ed. B.V. Dobrokhotov) in the anthology "Russian piano music from the end of the XVIII to the 60s. XIX century," comp. V. A. Nathanson and A.A. Nikolaev, issue two, M., 1956-76, 217, 240. "Farewell to the nightingale" ("You are sorry, our nightingale"), a romance to the words of N. A. Kashiitsov - for voice with a choir and orchestra. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 83) - 76. "Farewell to the Nightingale in the North" ("Fly away, our nightingale"), a romance to the words of I. PL Vetter - for the choir a cappella - see in section

"Original Compositions," - "Collection of Different Russian Songs" (10). "Let's drink, this walk," a drinking song to the words of S. PL Stromilov - for a mixed choir with piano, singing. V. A. Perovsky. Ed. M., 1839, in Sat. "Drinking Russian Pesii" - 179. "Nightingale," a Russian song to the words of A. A. Delvig - for voice and mixed choir and orchestra. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 1 "0) - 63, 94 - 95, 270. t n "Nightingale," a Russian song to the words of A. A. Delvig - for a mixed choir a cappella - see, in the section "Original compositions," "Collection of different Russian songs" (7). 01 k "The sky is gloomy, the wind is noisy," elegy to the words of P. E. Burtsov - for voice and orchestra. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 333) - 145-146, 192.

"51 I remember a wonderful moment," a romance with the words of A. S. Pushkin - for voice and orchestra. Op.: "Orenburg, 1834," score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 88) - 146. "Clear eyes, black eyes," a romance with the words of D. P. Oznobishin - for voice and orchestra. Op. - "Orenburg, 1834 March 20"; score, (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 332) - 145.

Recording and processing of folk songs

. "Asian Songs" (1. Bashkir song - "Through the masonry I will come." 2. Kyrgyz song - "Why am I not a young mountain eagle." 3. Bashkir song - "Karay Yurga. A raven pacer. " 4. Turkmen (Turkmen) song - "Our khan said a rich campaign"), Sat. singing. V. A. Perovsky. Authorized Mine (State Research Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography) - 149, 158, 207, 245, 285.

"B gon yamyshts tsegartan eneral," the melody of the song about Salavat Yulaez (and Sat. "Tatar Songs"). Authorized copy (Alyabyev Foundation,. № 184) — 150.

"Voices of Ukrainian Songs," Sat. M. A. Maksimovich, music arranged by A. A. Alyabyev. (№ 1. "Oh, you live pa goronzi," JVb 2. "Over the rich, over the fast," No. 3, "Viyut Vitry," No. 4. "For thick lozonkama," wedding, No. 5. "Let the ticks fly," wedding, No. 0. "The Seagull," No. 7. "Pike Fish in the Mori," No. 8. "Oh, zore, dawn," Vesnyanka, No. 9. "Hurt my head," No. 10. "Rolling," No. 11. "Sharpie richka small," No. 12. "One Mountain High," No. 13. "Woe zh meia, woe," singing Galmsky, No. 14. "Gay Ihala Kozaki," Galptz-kaya, No. 15. "Oh, for guy, guy," No. Sh. "Yes, I don't like Stska," No. 17. "And Dozhchyk Ide," No. 18. "And I Sleep, Meni Shines," No. 19. "Oh, Moloditsy Knvaly," No. 20. "Da hto bachiv," No. 21. "Od Poltava do Khorol," No. 22. "Oh pid cherry," No. 23, "Metelytsya," dance, No. 24. "Opanas oxen pass," No. 25. "Yes ide chumak"). Op. 1832; ed. M., 1834-120-125, 224, 245, 279. Mountain songs recorded by Alyabyev - 175.

Recording the game chebyzgi. 1834. Autograph (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 363) - 148,

"Karai Yurga. Raven pacer "(" Between granite rocks ") - see. Asian Songs (3). Kyrgyz song about Salavat. Pencil recording (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 363) - 148-149. "Kyrgyz song" ("Why am I not a young mountain eagle") - see Asian Songs (2). "Kozak Zakharenko" - see "Three Little Russian songs." (2).

"Abandoned goat" - see, "Three Little Russian songs." (1). P1 L Tatar songs (six instrumental, one vocal). Autogoaf. (Alyabyev Foundation, JS & 184) - 150. "Three Little Russian songs, Arranged for singing with piano A. Alyabyev." 1. "Abandoned goat" - 176 2. "Kozak Zakharenko" - 176. 3. "Shinkarochka" ("Yak I will get tired of ranzi, gorilochka at shlyantsi"). Final manuscript (Alyabyev Foundation, ftb 97) - 176, 245.

Turkmen (Turkhmep) song ("Our khan said a rich campaign") - see "Asian songs" (4)

"Ukrainian blizzard" ("Oh, blizzard in the yard, why won't the old one marry?"), Recording a folk Ukrainian song (violin game and recording a vocal melody; Alyabyev Foundation, Sfe 433) - 120, 121. "I'll go through the masonry." Bashkir song - see "Asian songs" (J), "I will go through the masonry," an option for voice and orchestra. One and, sketches for the opera "Ammalat-bek" (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 6 6) - 207, 291. Six Ukrainian songs for voice with piano ("Woe w meni, woe,." "Gay, Ihals Kozaki," "Kozak Horse Iapuvav," "Pra Berezi" and one song with an unspecified title). Draft manuscript (foundation. Alyabyeva, No. 431) - 124. "Shinkarochka" - see "Three Little Russian songs." (3).

Processing the works of other authors

Variations for A. O. Sihra's guitar on the theme of the song "Flat Among the Valley" - processing for guitar and orchestra 1827-64, 271.

Potpurri S. N. Aksenov for guitar - processing for guitar and orchestra. 1827 — 64, 270. Symphony (Es-dur) for brass band. Op. of an unidentified author. Instrumentation by A. A. Alyabyev (1. Allegro, Es-dur, 4А; 2. Menuet, Es-dur, 3D; 3. Roso andante e grazioso, B-dur, 2D; 4. Final, allegretto, Es-dur, s/fi). Completed in 1830; score (autograph > Alyabyeva; Alyabyev Foundation, No. 375) - 97, 100, 277. The theme with variations a-moll by G. K. von Kriedener is a treatment for clarinet and orchestra. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 178) - 100. D. Steibelt's Turkish rondo for piano is a piano and orchestra treatment. Score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. W) - No. 4,

Overture to the opera Faniska by L. Cherubini. Apparently, Alyabyev's treatment for a brass band. Copy of the score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 377) - 100. Overture to the opera "The Swiss Family" by I. Weigl. Apparently, Alyabyev's treatment for a brass band. Copy of the score (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 141) - 100. Theoretical works Table of trills executed on flute. Autograph (Alyabyev Foundation, 453) - 72. Brass instrument range tables. Autograph, (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 168) - 97.

Harmony exercises (examples and rules). Text in French. Autograph (Alyabyev Foundation, No. 165) - 9, 258.

Treatments of Alyabyev's works performed by other composers

"The Farewell Nightingale" ("Farewell to the Nightingale"), transcription for piano by K. Gertum - 76.

Romances (over 60), transcription for piano A. 14. Dubuca - 212.

"Nightingale," variations for piano by M. I, Glinka on the theme of Alyabyev's song - 3, 174. "Nightingale," performed by M. I. Glinka, instrumentation to accompany Alyabyev's song - 3, 174. "Nightingale," transcription for piano by A. I. Dubuk - 212. "Nightingale," transcription for piano by F. Liszt - 207. "Nightingale," transcription for violin with piano by A. Vietan - 3. "Circassian Song," transcription for piano by K. Gertum - 84.