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Rudin Alexander Izrailevich



Alexander Rudin is one of the leading modern Russian musicians, successfully combining conducting with solo performance.


Alexander Rudin (25.11.1960) is a native Muscovite, a graduate of the Gnesinsky ten-year school and the Gnesins Institute in cello and piano classes (1983), but the main thing for him is a string instrument, with which the musician's further successes are associated. So, as a student, he becomes a laureate of several major international competitions - in Prague, Leipzig and Florence, as well as named after Tchaikovsky in Moscow (1978, 1982), becoming at the age of 17 one of the youngest prize-winners of this prestigious competition.

After serving in the army, Alexander enters the Moscow Conservatory (1985), where he receives his third musical specialty, conducting, from Professor Dmitry Kitaenko.

1988: Reformatting the Vladimir Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble at Musica Viva

In 1988, Rudin replaced the deceased conductor Viktor Kornachev at the head of the chamber ensemble of the Vladimir Philharmonic, with whom he connects his further creative fate. The new artistic director gives the team the name "Muzika Viva," that is, "Live Music," under which he soon becomes known as one of the best chamber orchestras in the country.

For more than 30 years of joint work, the musicians traveled around dozens of cities in the world, gave hundreds of concerts, prepared a number of interesting programs and musical premieres, performing not only classics, but also works by Kraft, Triclir, Facius, Volkman and other, now almost forgotten European authors, as well as little-known works by Russian composers of the 18th-19th centuries - Kozlovsky, Pashkevich, Alyabyev, Degtyarev, Vielgorsky.

The team annually holds subscription thematic cycles and festivals in Moscow, where major vocal and choral masterpieces - cantatas, operas, oratorios - are played with the participation of outstanding soloists and conductors of our time. At the same time, Rudin himself appears before the audience in all three of his hypostases - as a conductor and soloist on cello and piano. His vast repertoire covers the music of almost 4 centuries - from Bach, Handel, Haydn and Mozart to Shchedrin, Sylvestrov, Artyomov, Denisov. Many of these compositions were recorded by him on discs.

Maestro shares his rich experience with young people - conducts master classes, teaches at the Moscow Conservatory. For his creative merits, Alexander Rudin was awarded the title of "People's Artist of Russia" and the State Prize in the field of literature and art.

2022: Director and chief conductor of the Russian National Orchestra

Since 2022, Alexander Rudin is the artistic director and chief conductor of the Russian National Orchestra (RNO). Earlier in mid-September, it became known that the RNO decided not to renew the contract with the then artistic director Mikhail Pletnev due to his actual absence in the country and the lack of information from him about his plans and prospects for further work with the team. In such a situation, it was impossible to build a long-term strategy for the development of the team, explained the RNO telegram channel. They also noted that there has been no close creative contact between Pletnev and the orchestra since the end of 2020, guest conductors actually worked with the musicians.