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Баннер в шапке 2

Mikhailenko Andrei


Previous jobs:
TerraLink (formerly TerraLink)
Director, Infrastructure Solutions Business Development

Chief Project Engineer

MPEI National Research University
Mikhailenko Andrei
Mikhailenko Andrei


He graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in applied mathematics and computer science, MBA with a degree in strategic management.

Since 2020, Andrei Mikhailenko has served as Director for Business Development of Infrastructure Solutions at TerraLink. His area of ​ ​ activity includes strategic management and development of the company's infrastructure business in Russia and the CIS countries, the implementation of complex projects for the creation, modernization and support of multimedia and IT infrastructure.

More than 15 years of work in the field of design, implementation and use of multimedia solutions for office, education and production.

For his professional activities, Andrei Mikhailenko took part in the implementation of infrastructure projects for consulting companies from the Big Three, divisions of Rosatom, offices of Avito, KPMG, Slavneft, J.P. Morgan, Kerry, Kazmunaigaz, BASF and others.