Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Anokhin Vasily Nikolaevich
Anokhin Vasily Nikolaevich


In 2005 he graduated from the Academy of Economic Security [[|MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS]] Russia with a degree in finance "and credit" (specialization - "tax investigations"), in 2012 - a master's degree Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in "jurisprudence, financial law." In 2016, he received a master's degree in finance. Russian Economic School (Moscow)



In 2013, he was appointed head of the department for systematization and classification of information in the socio-economic field of the Federal Treasury.

Since 2015, he headed the representative office of the administration of the Smolensk region under the government of the Russian Federation.


Since 2015, he headed the representative office of the administration of the Smolensk region under the government of the Russian Federation.

From September 2016 to November 2018 - Vice Governor of the Smolensk Region (the head of the region is Alexey Ostrovsky). He oversaw issues related to the implementation of financial and budgetary policy, economics and foreign economic relations, information technology and communications.

Since November 2018, he worked in the secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the RFVitaly Mutko.


Since March 2020 - Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

From January 15, 2021, he headed the Department of Regional Development of the Apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2023: Appointment as Head of Smolensk Oblast

On March 17, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Vasily Anokhin as Acting Governor of the Smolensk Region. The same document of the post of the head of the region released Alexey Ostrovsky, who led the region since 2012.

Putin held a working meeting with Anokhin. The head of state noted his experience, including working directly in the Smolensk region, and gave parting words.

I worked here for a certain period of time, lived. I understand the main problematic issues of the inhabitants of the region. I have never lost contact with the Smolensk region, as far as possible I provided all kinds of support. I will make all the efforts necessary from me to justify the president's trust and work for the good of the Smolensk region, "Anokhin said.[1]
