Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Azarov Dmitry Igorevich
Azarov Dmitry Igorevich


Was born on August 9, 1970 in Kuibyshev (since 1991 - Samara).

1987: NO. 132 SOSH

In 1987 left secondary school No. 132 (since 2012 - Municipal budget educational institution high comprehensive school No. 132 with profound studying of separate objects of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Gubanov G. P. of the city district Samara).

1992: SAMGTU

In 1992 graduated from the Samara state technical university.

1994: BFEK

In 1994 ended Buzuluk financially-economic college (since 2006 - the Buzuluk financial and economic college - the branch of federal state educational budgetary institution of the higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", worked as the software engineer in private company.

1995: Samara Plant "KVOIT"

In 1995 - 1998 worked as the associate director on economy of the Samara plant of boiler ancillary equipment and pipelines.

1998: Work in Sintezkauchuk, Volgapromkhim

In 1998 - 2001 was an associate director on economy and preparation of production of the Sintezkauchuk plant, further worked in Volgapromkhim production association.

2001: Middle Volga Gas Company LLC

In 2001 - 2006 held a position of the CEO of Middle Volga Gas Company LLC.

2003: RGTEU

In 2003 at the Russian state trade and economic university (on December 21, 2012 RGTEU is attached to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) defended the dissertation for a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the subject "Improvement of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Formation of Profitability of the Commercial Organization".

2006: City administration Samara

In 2006 - 2008 was the first deputy head of the city district Samara. In the city administration supervised activities of finance departments, economic development, municipal economy and ecology, for industrial policy, an entrepreneurship and communication.

2008: Ministry of forestry, environmental protection and environmental management of the Samara region

In 2008 - 2010 was the minister of forestry, environmental protection and environmental management of the Samara region.

2009: Inclusion in a talent pool of the Russian President

In 2009 it was included in the first hundred talent pool of the Russian President.

2010: Mayor Samara

In 2010 on elections of the mayor Samara will put forward a batch United Russia. On October 10, 2010 won a victory in the first round, having collected 66.94% of votes. Ahead of schedule resigned authority on October 9, 2014 in connection with receiving a new position.

2014: Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

On September 25, 2014 entered a position of senator of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Samara region.

2017: Governor of the Samara region

On September 25, 2017 the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin it is appointed the acting as the Governor of the Samara region.

On September 9, 2018 it is elected the Governor of the Samara region, having received 72.63% of votes.

On September 17, 2018 entered a position of the Governor of the Samara region.


He is married, brings up two daughters. The oldest daughter, the graduate of MGIMO, is fond of history, younger sings and plays in theater, has victories in international contests.