Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Belomyttsev Igor Yuryevich
Belomyttsev Igor Yuryevich


Igor Belomyttsev was born in 1966 in Gorky (since 1990 - Nizhny Novgorod).


1989: Budapest university of economic sciences of Karl Marx

In 1989 gained the diploma of qualification of the economist in "The external economic relations" of the Budapest university of economic sciences of Karl Marx (since 2004 - the Budapest university of Matvei Corwin).

1993: Stockholm University of economy

In 1993 ended a magistracy in Stockholm University of economy.


1990: Mezobank

Started a bank career in 1990 in Hungarian "Mezobank" which was attached later to large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. It was appointed the Director Diviziona of treasurer transactions and was responsible for development of ALM and management of treasurer activity of Erste Bank in Hungary, development and implementation of business strategy in treasurer transactions, initiation of development of new investment products and strategy.

2001: Folksbank

In 2001 passed into PJSC Folksbank (Budapest) and headed the Division of Treasury and the investment direction in Bank.

2007: Vice chairman of the board OTP Bank (Ukraine)

In 2007 joined a command OTP Bank (Ukraine) as the Vice chairman of the board responsible for Treasurer transactions and asset-liability management, development of subsidiary companies. Under the direction of were created and developed: OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management company and OTP Leasing.

2016: OTP Bank (Russia)

In 2016 passed into OTP Bank (Russia) where held a position of the Adviser to the President and was responsible for development of Corporate business and Treasurer transactions.

In February, 2017 it was appointed the Director Diviziona of corporate business and treasurer transactions, directed development of strategy and new products in the business directions of these divisions.

2017: Vice chairman of the board

On November 3, 2017 according to the solution of Board of Directors "OTP of Bank" joined the board and it is appointed the Vice chairman of the board, along with Muslim Satybaldiyev and Kirill Dremach. All three candidacies were approved by the Central Bank of Russian Federation.