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Баннер в шапке 2
Czech Ilya
Czech Ilya


Ilya was born on August 8, 1989 in Polotsk, Belarus.

Till 2007 studied at school No. 16.

In 2011 received degree of the bachelor of the equipment and technology in "Mechatronics and Robotics" at faculty of exact mechanics and NIU ITMO technology. Thesis: "Modeling of the four-motor UAV using a packet of applied modeling MatLab&Simulink"

In 2013 received degree of the master-engineer of the equipment and technology in "Mechatronics and Robotics" at faculty of exact mechanics and NIU ITMO technology. Thesis: "Analysis of applicability of the balancer suspender for planet research vehicles".

From 2013 to 2014 worked as the project engineer of the systems of joining for small spacecrafts in Selenokhod LLC.

Since 2013 the CEO and the founder, the engineer designer/electronics engineer in W.E.A.S. Robotics company.

For December 8, 2015 Ilya Cech works as the CEO of Motorika company.


Robotics, travel, active types of rest (snowboard, soccer, tennis), reading, astronomy and astrophysics.