Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



2021: 175th place in the IT industry in terms of income and 102nd in terms of the cost of personal cars

For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, Denis Fedotov's income amounted to 2 million rubles[1].

The total average estimated cost of cars of the head of the Digital Transformation Department of Control and Supervisory Activities of the Department of Affairs, Civil Service and Legal Support of the Rosselkhoznadzor amounted to 2.6 million rubles. The list of declared vehicles includes Hummer H2[2].

Real estate: apartments owned - 76.4 m ² (1/3) and 46.0 m ²; land plots - 4994.0 m ², 1590.0 m ², 1032.0 m ² and 10.0 m ²; houses - 88.3 m ², 200.0 m ² and 256.9 m ² (391/1000); garage - 77.0 m ²; bath - 17.0 m ²; household block - 25.0 m[3]estates.

2023: Rosselkhoznadzor

As of February 2023, he holds the position of Deputy Head of the Office of Digital Transformation and Information Security of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision.
