Evgeny Gavrilenkov is the managing director, the chief economist Troika Dialog since May, 2002.
Before arrival to Troika Dialog in May, 2002, Evgeny Gavrilenkov held a position of the deputy. CEO of Bureau of the Economic Analysis fund. Under the leadership of Mr. Gavrilenkov Byuro by request of the government was engaged in studying of problems of the foreign investments in Russia, issues of pension reform, development of government economic strategy. Besides, the fund prepared offers on reforming of the bank and financial systems, gas market restructuring, etc. One of priority activities of Bureau of the Economic Analysis was the research of trends of development of a world financial system and role of Russia in this process.
Evgeny Gavrilenkov was also the vice rector of Higher School of Economics. Before he worked in the Center of an economic environment at the Government of the Russian Federation where held positions from the head of department to the acting director of the Center. Mr. Gavrilenkov was repeatedly invited in different foreign scientific and financial institutions as the teacher and the expert-analyst. Among such organizations – Bank of Finland, one of the largest Japanese universities of Hitottsubasha and others.
Scientific activity
Evgeny Gavrilenkov is professor of Higher School of Economics, the author of the numerous researches, lecture rates, articles and other scientific works published in Russia, Germany, the USA, Finland and Japan. In 1997 in Japan there was a monograph "Development of capitalism in Russia. The second attempt", Kaboniva written by Evgeny Gavrilenkov in collaboration with professor.
Scientific works of Evgeny Gavrilenkov – some of the most quoted by economists-theorists as in Russia, and abroad. Mr. Gavrilenkov holds a number of the leading posts on a voluntary basis – he, in particular, is the director of Institute of macroeconomic researches and forecasting and the head of the department of Applied macroeconomic of the HSE and also the Chief Editor of "The economic magazine" of the HSE.