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Mikhail Goncharov was born in 1967 in Moscow.
In 1990 graduated from faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics.
In difficult Perestroika student's years earned additionally on vegetable warehouses, on cold-storage facility, in student's cooperative for washing of windows. Organized search of orders for washing of windows for percent from the cost of works.
On the fourth year was engaged in wholesale in audio-video equipment and its delivery to large Moscow department stores.
Opened the company selling the equipment, having expanded its range.
In 1991-1995 was the commercial director of Tempinvest LLC.
In 1995-1998 was the CEO of Elastika LLC.
Tempinvest and Elastika companies stopped existence in crisis of 1998. On the means which remained after closing of business in 1998 created Teremok — the Russian Pancakes company. The idea of business arose at Goncharov by analogy with pancake booths in Paris. On the long trip to France devoted to business studying learned recipes and methods of preparation of pancakes, structure of the test and the added stuffings in local booths and restaurants. Refused a franchize of the Crêpes de France brand to Russia, having constructed own scheme of business.
For September, 2018 Mikhail Goncharov is the managing director of Teremok network.