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Maduro Nicholas (Nicolas Maduro)



Maduro Nicholas (Nicolas Maduro)
Maduro Nicholas (Nicolas Maduro)


2020: Charge of drug trafficking with cryptocurrency

At the end of March 2020, the US Department of Justice accused Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and 14 current and former Venezuelan officials of "drug terrorism, corruption, drug trafficking and other criminal offenses." According to the United States, they have been cooperating with the left-wing radical group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia for 20 years.

According to the US Department of Justice, Maduro has been one of the leaders of the Cartel de Los Soles ("Cartel of the Suns") drug cartel since at least 1999, which was engaged in the transfer of cocaine from Colombia to the United States through Venezuela.

Thus, the cartel members wanted "not only to enrich and strengthen their power, but also to flood the United States with cocaine," "to undermine the health and well-being" of Americans, the department said.

Senior Venezuelan government leaders cryptocurrencies are being used for drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism-related activities, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Investigation at the Ministry of Homeland Security (HSI) Alice Erichs said. It is unclear whether cryptocurrencies in general are meant or only national, cryptocurrency Petro oil-backed and directly controlled by Sunacrip - an organisation set up by the country's authorities to regulate the digital currency.

The United States announced a reward for the capture of Nicolas Maduro in the amount of $15 million and recalled that they did not consider him the president of Venezuela. Maduro himself commented on the allegations as follows:

There is a failure to embrace the extravagant behavior of a cowboy, a Trump government that has offered a price for our heads, as if we are in a time of the Wild West... But we are not intimidated or intimidated by any American aggression. And if only one hair falls off the head of one of us, our people have a plan, a civil-military association, the police have plans, and you know that the people have already given a name to these plans - Bolivarian[1]

2024: New presidential election wins

In July 2024, Maduro won the presidential election in Venezuela, gaining 51.2% of the vote compared to 44.2% of rival Edmundo Gonzalez.

Venezuela's political opposition rejected the election commission's decision to re-elect Nicolas Maduro as the country's president and called on the military to intervene in the situation.

USA Secretary Blinken said his country had serious concerns about the Argentina Peru Chile outcome of the vote in Venezuela., and did not recognize Nicolás Maduro's victory.


  1. rage. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Accused of Using Cryptocurrency for Drug Trafficking