Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Mitin Sergey Gerasimovich
Mitin Sergey Gerasimovich


Was born on June 14, 1951 in the city of Gorky (now - Nizhny Novgorod) in family of the military personnel.


1974 - graduated from Gorky polytechnical institute (now - Nizhny polytechnical Novgorod Institute) as "Electrical engineer".

Scientific degree

Doctor of Economics.

1999 - defended the doctoral dissertation on the subject "The Strategy of State Regulation of Economy during a Transient Period (Russia of the 90th Years)".

Honourable doctor of the St. Petersburg state timber college.


1968 - 1969 - the test technician of special design bureau of the plant of V.I. Ulyanov in Gorky.

1974 - For 1995 - worked at Gorky production association "Plant of V.I. Ulyanov" (since 1993 - the Nizhny Novgorod JSC Termal) as the master, the production director, the deputy CEO, the chief engineer and the CEO.

December, 1995 - is elected by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the II convocation according to the list of the pro-government block of Our home is Russia. In parliament became the vice-chairman of committee on economic policy.

November, 1997 - May, 2000 - the deputy minister of economy in Victor Chernomyrdin's government. Supervised civil mechanical engineering.

May, 2000 - the deputy minister of the industry, science and technologies Aleksandra Dondukova in Mikhail Kasyanov's government.

2000 - it is elected the cochairman of Association of Oil and Gas Equipment Producers in which creation was directly involved.

March, 2004 - the director of the department of the industry in the Ministry of Industry and Energy in Mikhail Fradkov's government.

July, 2004 - the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Alexey Gordeev in the second government Mikhail Fradkov.

April, 2005 - Sergey's candidacy of Mitino was considered in the list of potential candidates for an area post of the head.

On June 9, 2007 - the member of the Government council for nanotechnologies formed according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

On August 3, 2007 - the president Russia Vladimir Putin the decree "About Early Termination of Powers of the Governor of the Novgorod Region" appointed Mitino the acting as the governor of the Novgorod region and submitted for consideration of the Novgorod region duma the candidate of Mitino for investment with its powers of the governor.

On August 7, 2007 - the candidacy of Mitino is unanimously approved by deputies of region duma, and he took the oath of the governor of the Novgorod region.

On August 8, 2012 - according to the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin of August 7, 2012 No. 1118 "About the acting as the governor of the Novgorod region", Mitin was appointed by VRIO of the governor. Worked in this position prior to the beginning of 2017.

On October 14, 2012 - won on elections and continued activity as the governor of the region.

United Russia is a party member.

Is a part of Board of Directors of JSC Plant of Pipes of Large Diameter, JSC Tver Carriage Works and JSC KAMAZ.

Sergey Mitin about policy, an oppoziiya, elections

Public activity

On September 21, 2012 - took part in opening of a bust to the Emperor Alexander II in Veliky Novgorod, in the first day of celebration of the 1150 anniversary of the Russian statehood. The bust is set in Museum of Fine Arts of the Novgorod joint memorial estate, the former building of Nobility assemly of the Novgorod province where 150 years ago the emperor Alexander II held an official ceremony of celebration of the Millennium of the Russian state[1].

On October 2, 2012 - participated in the festive actions devoted to the 110 anniversary of the Borovichi professional lyceum No. 8 which took place in JSC Borovichi Plant of Refractory Materials Recreation center[2].

On October 8, 2012 - participated in the festive actions devoted to the 85 anniversary from the date of formation of the Borovichi district. Sergey Mitin visited the agricultural fair "Harvest — 2012", examined malls, with pleasure tried Russian cabbage soup and tried to poshinkovat cabbage[3].

On October 26, 2012 - visited Valdai where participated in a scientific and practical conference on bell art. The meeting took place in the museum center. Among participants there are famous scientists, local historians and bell ringers. The governor got acquainted with exhibits, (and them there are more than two thousand) and gave a rare bell to exposure[4].

On December 10, 2012 - Yaroslavov took part day in a regional holiday of education, education and science "– 2012"[5].

On March 2, 2013 - took part in the holiday devoted to the 12th flight motor-and hang glider riders to the Rdeysky monastery which passed Overthrust folding of the Holmsky municipal district in the village[6].

Mitin Sergey Gerasimovich about falsification of history of Russia


  • 2006 - the Order of Friendship.

  • 2010 there is a rank "Honourable Doctor of the St. Petersburg State Timber College".

  • Honorary title "Honored mechanician of the Russian Federation".

  • Certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Interesting Facts

Has own blog on the Internet -[7].


In one of an interview told:

"I do not think of the old age yet. It is too much another matters. Believe, the governor has many efforts "here and now" to think of that time when they are not. And in principle, I have enough hobby and personal hobbies to devote to them in the future more, than today time. Sport, hunting, library and reading historical books. And the contribution of the grandfather to education of the granddaughter is necessary too:)"[8]

Sergey Mitin about family

Marital Status

He is married, there is a daughter.
