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Born May 7, 1968 in Moscow.
In 1985 he entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA) of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
While studying at the university, he was an activist of various youth groups, participated in election campaigns for the election of people's deputies of the USSR[1]. In 1988, he created a democratic faction in the Komsomol organization of Moscow State University, was an activist of the Socialist Alternative group of the Moscow Popular Front, participated in the organization of thousands of rallies in support of Boris[2].
In 1994, he created and headed the GOST (GUEST Strategy Group) - an informal community of Russian intellectuals. The main working profile of GOST is ideological design and meta-management of the meanings and motivations of behavior.
In 1999, he co-founded the Co-Communication magazine, a monthly specialized publication on intellectual business and humanitarian technologies.
Consultant Sergey Kiriyenko
In 1999, he advised the election campaign of the Union of Right Forces to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The co-chairman and leader of the Union of Right Forces electoral bloc was then ex-Prime Minister Sergei Kiriyenko, who later became the head of the Rosatom Group of Companies and deputy head of the presidential administration.
Following the election results, the ATP received 8.52% of the vote and formed a faction in the State Duma. According to Expert magazine, he also "elected" Sergei Mavrodi as a State Duma deputy, and Alexander Lebed as governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
In the late 90s, Kiriyenko and Ostrovsky also together prepared an article related to the concept of the "Russian world." It was released in 1999 under the heading "Russia. The country that was not "with the indication of three authors - Shchedrovitsky Jr., Ostrovsky and Kiriyenko[3].
In 2000-2007 - Strategic Adviser to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District. Since 2000, Sergey Kiriyenko has been the plenipotentiary representative of the president in the Volga Federal District.
According to the Russian Journal, the editor-in-chief and publisher of which is another Russian political strategist, Gleb Pavlovsky, Efim Ostrovsky is one of the world's highest paid specialists in managing political crises and election campaigns. The Expert magazine calls Ostrovsky one of the main political strategists of the 90s.
Co-owner of Marussia Motors
Since 2007, he has been an investor and co-owner of Marussia Motors, the manufacturer of the first Russian luxury sports car. The investor and main co-owner of this project was entrepreneur Andrei Cheglakov. This project closed in 2014.
Creator of the School of Nobility
Efim Ostrovsky's project was also the "School of Schools" - this is the name of the program for training capital heirs. In another way, Ostrovsky called the project "a school of superiority, a school of domination": "we are preparing to know," he said[4].
According to his plan, students at school should be no more than four. The program is designed for a year free of other activities - for example, between graduation and admission to a foreign university. Not everyone was taken into it, as Ostrovsky said: the future aristocrat should have at least initial skills in any of the martial arts and in the game of go.
At school, they taught "to master knowledge and own themselves." The program, for example, provided for the study of Tibetan medicine, administrative skills, martial arts, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) technology, the history of education, inheritance, etc. Classes should be conducted by political scientists, humanitarian specialists, professional consultants. The obligatory part of the program is a lunch conversation. According to Ostrovsky, the cost of training is $2-3 million, the estimate depended on the wishes of the customer: you can organize lectures abroad, combine the program with a round-the-world trip.
Ostrovsky also said that at the same time he began to prepare "saveliches" for future aristocrats - guardians, drivers and guards in one person from martial arts masters and reserve officers.
New Cloud Technology Minority Shareholder
In June 2018, Efim Ostrovsky became a minority shareholder in New Cloud Technologies, receiving a 1% stake in it. The main shareholder in it is Ostrovsky's longtime acquaintance and business partner Andrei Cheglakov.
New Cloud Technologies did not answer TAdviser's questions about the new shareholder.
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In February 2022, Kaspersky Lab became the owner of a controlling stake in New Cloud Technologies - it amounted to 61.05% instead of the previous 47%. Following the results of the transaction, Alexander Davidan (5%) and Efim Ostrovsky (owned 0.5% of the shares) completely withdrew from the shareholders. More details here.