Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Plaunov Sergey
Plaunov Sergey
  • head of practice BPM and ECM department of information technologies of the company CROC


For banks implementation of BPM gives the chance to bring quality of providing the services to new level. Change the nature of interaction with the clients, development processes and an output to the market of new products and services. Retail banking business – very highly competitive and at the same time a low-marginal segment of the market. At a huge number of transactions at the bank which is engaged in mass retail service, profit with everyone is low. Increase efficiency of each transaction, optimize process of provision of services – means to win in competitive struggle.[1]

Implementation of BPM creates in bank an environment in which business can much more actively and directly influence process of creation and provision of services. The barrier between those who create a product or service, and those who sell them to end users disappears. It considerably increases efficiency of sales. Besides, BPM gives the chance to make operational changes to business processes. To flexibly change the products and services, reacting to market changes. It gives essential advantages of the company in the market.

BPM assumes change of approach to management, but, certainly, it and the technology having the corresponding hardware. Direct tools are a BPM system (BPMS). On their base the technology platform providing an opportunity to manage business processes is under construction. Manage – means to have an opportunity quickly to change all process or its components on all chain of implementation. A BPM system allows to create a full stroke of process control by means of its automation, permanent monitoring, identification of problems and bottlenecks during operation and an opportunity most quickly these bottlenecks to eliminate. Elimination of bottlenecks means making changes in process, and BPM gives more opportunities for this purpose, than any other technology. Unlike others these solutions do not "cement" the automated process, and allow to change it, to update, considerably increasing efficiency of making changes.

However often earlier installed systems of automation of these or those processes can act as the factor interfering implementation of BPM solutions. In bank it can be the core banking system, CRM systems, etc. which were already implemented earlier, money is spent for them. Processes are in a varying degree automated, the management of bank can have a reasonable question why to invest in the new automation system? Here it is necessary to understand that the available systems, as a rule, are static. They do not assume operational change of processes, do not allow bank to work with necessary degree of dynamics to correspond to changes in the market. The recent situation with a credit boom which was replaced by a sharp slowdown in the market, and then started by growth over again showed that the financial companies having an opportunity dynamically to change the business processes became the most successful. Only a BPM system can provide it.

Representatives of banking organizations most often pay attention to interaction of a BPM system with the core banking system though, in my opinion, most "competitive" for a BPM system is CRM. By determination, the CRM system is intended for process automation, the concerning customer relations. A BPM system is focused on end-to-end processes which also actively interact with clients. "intersection of interests" of two systems is available. Now in the market the trend of interpenetration of CRM and BPM technologies is noticeable. Leading manufacturers of CRM systems include in the solutions some elements for management of workflows (workflow). Though it should be noted that even the best of such solutions fall short of functionality of BPM systems. At the same time some developers of BPM systems turn on CRM modules in the solutions. It can be both the subsystems developed independently and purchased at third-party developers and integrated into own platforms. Today the banks solving problems of upgrade of the front office face the choice on what platform to make this upgrade. Both solutions have the advantages and shortcomings. Orientation to the CRM platform with the integrated workflow-module will not give those chance for process management which a BPM system gives. The return approach, creation of work of a front office on the BPM platform results in need to again implement all that rich functionality on accounting of customer relations which is available in CRM systems. According to specialists of our company, to the most effective solutions the combined option is. The CRM system set in bank continues to function as the mechanism for accounting and preparation of the reporting in the field of customer relations, and all coordination of processes and management of flows of works are undertaken by a BPM system. Both of these solutions work in close integration. A rich set of means for fast integration with the different systems is provided in the most advanced BPM solutions.
