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Ram Sergey Vladimirovich
Ram Sergey Vladimirovich

Ram Sergey Vladimirovich is a CEO Onlanta.


Was born in Moscow.

In 1997 graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute, faculty of automatic equipment and ADP equipment. Specialty - "Computers, Systems and Networks".

In 1994 Sergey received the certificate of the engineer of Novell. At the beginning of a labor activity worked four years in Parus corporation the chief of the technical center.

Came to LANIT in January, 1998 and till 2007 directed department of network integration. In 2007 it is appointed the director of the department of IT services.

For December 23, 2013 Sergey Vladimirovich Taran works as the CEO of Onlanta company.

Hobbies: tourism, snowboard. Gives preference to swimming - the candidate for the Master of Sports in water polo.

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