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Srednyakov Evgeny Aleksandrovich
Srednyakov Evgeny Aleksandrovich


In 1998 got an education in Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

From 1997 to 2005 worked as the consultant, the expert, the manager of Parus corporation.

From 2004 to 2006 worked as the director of corporate projects of Parus branch in St. Petersburg.

In 2006 passed to work into USN-Projects, the director of corporate projects where worked for 2011.

From 2011 to 2013 worked in BDO Business Solutions, the director of the industry direction.

In 2013 came to work to Softline.

For July 9, 2014 Evgeny Aleksandrovich Srednyakov works as the director of the department of sales of SAP solutions of Softline company.

In 2016 - the partnership director and clients of the AuthenticateIT project


Hobbies: travel, diving, photo.