Was born on January 12, 1959 in the city of Moscow. Graduated from MISI. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Graduated from the Manhattan Institute of business (USA). Second higher education - RGGU.
Tverdynin Mark Mikhaylovich is the director of the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (NP RAEC), the chairman of the board of Regional public organization "Center of Internet Technologies" (ROTsIT), the first deputy chairman of the organizing committee of tender on award of an annual National award for a contribution to development of the Russian network segment the Internet Runet Prize earlier - the member of the board of trustees of the award "Russian Entertainment Awards". The specialist in the development area of systems for distance learning. Works at Institute of UNESCO on Information Technologies in IITE UNESCO. The member of the commission of RUIE on telecommunications to information technologies of Council of RUIE for competitiveness and industry strategy.