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Ulyanychev Matvei
Ulyanychev Matvei



For November 2022 - Development Director of Platform V of Sber Tech.

TAdviser interview

Sber has successfully implemented a digital transformation based on its cloudy Platform V platform, which has reduced the time to launch products and their updates to the market, as well as speed up and reduce the cost of development. In 2021, a platform became available to the market, the products of which cover the needs at IT all levels of the enterprise architecture. cloudy "Sber Tech" Matvey Ulyanychev, director of development of the digital platform platform Platform V of the company, told why many corporations are in critical need to switch the Russian DBMS to and about approaches to this to import substitution category. ON Read more here. [1]

2023: Participation in TAdviser SummIT

Development Director Platform V Sber Tech Matvey Ulyanychev will speak at the TAdviser SummIT conference, which will be held on May 30, 2023 in. To Moscow Read more here.

Photos of the Ulyanychev Matvey