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The name of the base system (platform): Projects of Virtual reality
Developers: BRIO Group
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/01/10
Branches: Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: BIM - Information modeling of buildings and constructions



BRIO MRS (Mixed Reality System) — a technology hardware and digital platform of the mixed reality for construction.

The solution integrates the following technologies:

  • The mixed reality (Mixed Reality).
  • BIM technologies (Building Information Modeling).
  • Exact positioning.


Announcement of the second generation of BRIO MRS

The BRIO Group announced on January 10, 2019 the second generation of MR helmets for the construction industry. In the provided model of a helmet the positioning accuracy of objects is improved and the storage system is finished.

BRIO MRS is a MR helmet for the construction industry

As representatives of BRIO Group reported TAdviser, a helmet is developed especially for the construction industry and for work with the professional systems of digital design of BIM (Building Information Modeling) buildings. Investments into the BRIO MRS project in total made $3 million. The technology of the mixed reality used in BRIO MRS visualizes digital objects, building in them the real world. The platform provides instruments of work with digital objects of buildings and constructions directly on the building site in real time. The solution allows to optimize process management of design, construction, operation and liquidation of construction objects at all stages of their lifecycle, told in the company.

According to BRIO Group, the second generation of a BRIO MRS helmet received big positioning accuracy. This indicator is necessary for object definition on location and actually VRAR MR is the main requirement of the construction industry to any similar developments in the field of//, explained in the company. For January, 2019 the accuracy of BRIO MRS reached 8 centimeters with a possibility of free movement on the building site. For comparison, the first version of a BRIO MRS helmet had the positioning accuracy of 20-30 cm. Until the end of 2019 developers of a helmet are going to reach the positioning accuracy of 5 cm. Further positioning accuracy is going to be brought to precision 0.5-1 mm.

More operational analysis system of the environment became the second significant addition of BRIO MRS. The common ground between digital and real objects is quicker and with a bigger accuracy. Now with a helmet it is possible to go, without expecting data loading about the environment. In the future representatives of the company are going to develop more compact solution using extralight and powerful tablets on building. In particular, with development of 5G network there will be an opportunity to significantly facilitate a system by processing of arrays of information in the cloud storage, consider in BRIO Group.

Opportunities and components

For January, 2019 BRIO MRS provides visualization of the following projects:

  • Installation of utilities according to drawings
  • Marking and control of underground services in 3D
  • Survey of projects of buildings in real building
  • Comparison of the plan and fact
  • Operation
  • City underground services


  • Reduction of terms of construction for 10-20%.
  • Saving 5-7% of the cost of SMR.
  • Method of control of building in real time.
  • Always also responsible is unambiguously known.
  • Reduction of corruption and theft.

Platform components:

  • Wearable part:
    • a Helmet – MR points, a stereocamera, sensors of a system of tracking and the additional hinged equipment.
    • the Portable computer with specialized software.

  • The prepared platform:

    • System of radio of tags.
    • System of optical tags.

  • Server part / cloud technology:

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