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CA ERwin

Developers: Embarcadero Technologies
Last Release Date: 2013/11/24
Technology: DBMS


CA ERwin r9

The CA Technologies company announced in the fall of 2012 release of the new number version of the platform of CA ERwin for design, documentation and maintenance of industrial DB using data models.

The main innovation of the version of CA ERwin r9 the producer calls the improved tools for cooperation between IT division and administrative personnel – such productive cooperation helps to increase considerably quality and efficiency of the made decisions on the basis of corporate data.

The release of CA ERwin r9 became already the second large release of CA ERwin technology less than in a year. Principal direction of development in new releases is delivery of the unified representation of strategic data assets to all concerned parties, including IT specialists and managers. Thereby customers with large information volumes can increase quality of the business information and reduce costs for its use.

The release of CA ERwin r9 offers customers a unified environment for collective data modeling using the intuitive graphical interface. In particular, new tools promote productive reuse of data, optimize quality of systems, accelerate an investment payback and help to manage information effectively. Besides, the new version of the platform of CA ERwin solves the main tasks which customers at creation and maintenance of data models in the long-term period face. Especially useful the CA ERwin functions turn out when it is necessary to give to all parties an opportunity to make the contribution to model and to use model to a common advantage.

The special attention in CA ERwin r9 is deserved by instruments of collective work. In an internal part of a system completely upgraded repository of models is implemented, and from client side serious improvements in the web portal are made. In particular, now using the web portal even technically unprepared users can make important changes to metadata of business character. Among other things, the full integration with corporate security policies and the commonly accepted protocols, such as LDAP is supported. All these opportunities help geographically distributed groups of IT specialists and business users to cooperate easily in such directions as implementation of new standards, impact assessment of changes and increase in efficiency in control of data assets.

2013: ERwin Modeling r9.5

On November 24, 2013 the CA Technologies company announced release of the new version of ERwin Modeling r9.5 - the solution for joint visualization and data management in enterprise scales.


The new software solution supports processes of management of data, the analysis of "Big Data", the business analysis and some other initiatives.

This version of the software product gives essentially new opportunities:

  • New functionality of Web Portal
    1. ensuring integration and the centralized visualization of both the traditional, and new data sources having a direct impact on acceptance of management decisions;
    2. the simple, intuitive, configured web interface which allows business specialists and IT specialists of the organization it is easy to visualize the important metadata which are stored in CA ERwin Data Modeler;
    3. easy access to information via the Internet in the different formats intended for visual representation and information search.

  • The new Designer Report report generator which allows to collect and visualize in the best way data in the course of information exchange between all categories of business specialists and technical specialists in scales of all enterprise. Designer Report has:

    1. simple, intuitive interface;
    2. a possibility of viewing in HTML, export to Excel;
    3. creation of graphic charts with a possibility of viewing metadata.

  • Support of Teradata v13.1/v14/v14.1

CA ERwin helps to organize data management, their analysis and creation of reports so that all interested users, irrespective of their experience, can work with all volume of corporate data at new, deeper level of judgment. CA ERwin R9.5 significantly facilitates a possibility of data analysis and joint work with them, providing uniform information representation from any sources - even in conditions when the landscape of data continues to change.

CA ERwin will help to integrate quickly separate data sources in a common information space, implementing the synergy effect which is crucial for success in management of corporate data.