Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Diasoft FA# Balance

The name of the base system (platform): Diasoft FА#
Developers: Diasoft
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: ERP,  HRM


Diasoft FA# Balance is the specialized complete solution for automation of administrative activity of the credit and financial organizations. The product exists in the market more than 15 years, in the development it replaced three generations of technology platforms.

Diasoft FA# Balance components

  • Personnel management

The Diasoft FA# Balance software product, Personnel management is intended for services of personnel management, personnel departments, accounting of the credit and financial organizations and other divisions interested in the effective organization of work of employees.

Responsible for the direction: Kudryashov Alexey Nikolaevich

  • Material accounting

The software product is intended for conducting inventory accounting of material values, fixed asset accounting and not tangible assets in quantitative and value term, tax accounting of fixed assets, stand-alone accounting of material values in operation.

Responsible for the direction: Nikitonov Alexey Gennadyevich

  • Accounting of economic agreements

The software product is intended for accounting of contractual relations with contractors, both from documentary, and from the financial point of view.

Responsible for the direction: Nikitonov Alexey Gennadyevich

  • Settlings with advance holders

The software product is intended for accounting of settlings with advance holders, both from documentary, and from the financial point of view.

Responsible for the direction: Nikitonov Alexey Gennadyevich

  • Budgeting of business activities

The software product is intended for maintaining the overhead budget and the capital investments of the credit and financial organizations.

Responsible for the direction: Pavlikov Andrey Anatolyevich


All reports and procedures of calculations Diasoft FA# Balance conform to regulatory requirements of the Russian legislation and are constantly updated. All standard unified report forms are provided in a system, there is a possibility of formation of big set of analytical reports.

Communication with the core banking system

Thanks to the opportunities put in a system, she easily adapts to any core banking system, including own developments of bank. Integration levels:

  • Data loading (currency rates, updating of reference books)
  • Control of passing of payment orders
  • Control of acceptance of postings
  • Reconciliation of account balances.

The Diasoft FA# Balance system consists of software products which can work as as a part of a single system (in this case they use the general reference books), and separately. All software products support multi-user network work.

The architecture of Diasoft FA# provides high efficiency and reliability of a system, and as required – and a possibility of accumulation of power of its separate components.


Lebedev Mikhail Borisovich is a department director
Sushkov Vladislav Vladimirovich is an associate director of department
Kartashev Alexey Nikolaevich is an associate director of department


Diasoft is not afraid to undertake the most courageous and difficult projects
Budgeting of household expenses
Diasoft: HRM for financial structures