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Digital campus

Developers: White-Soft (White Soft)
Branches: Education and Science

2023: Launch of digital student tickets in Khabarovsk

In early November 2023, digital student tickets were launched in the Khabarovsk Territory. The pilot project involves the Pacific State University (TOGU) and the Far Eastern State University of Railways (DVGUPS).

University students will receive a student ticket through the Digital Campus mobile application. It will allow them to freely use various educational and sports facilities, libraries and laboratories not only in their institution, but also in other universities participating in the project. In addition, students will be able to take part in various creative, scientific and sports events.

Digital student tickets launched in Khabarovsk Territory
In September [2023], we, together with university rectors, discussed the idea of ​ ​ developing a single student ticket. I'm sure students should have equal opportunities. The doors to other universities are just opening a single student card. In addition, the Unified Trust Environment project is another important step in creating an intercollegiate campus in Khabarovsk, "said Yevgeny Nikonov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Khabarovsk Territory for Social Affairs.

The "Unified Student Card" was developed on the "Digital Campus" platform, which is a key project of the ANO "Agency for Attracting Investments and Developing Innovations of the Khabarovsk Territory." "Digital Campus" unites the infrastructures of a learning organization, students, business, employers, ideas and projects in a single digital environment. A service of incentives for student activity has been created here. In the appendix to the beginning of November 2023, more than 3 thousand students were registered, who earn prizes from the university for their activity, and 12 project partners. White Soft is responsible for the technological development of the project, including the Digital Campus mobile application. [1]