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ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) Galaxy

Developers: Galaxy Corporation
Last Release Date: 2019/01/24
Technology: SOA


The ESB Galaxy is a platform that provides the ability to exchange data between ICs using a message broker. The ESB galaxy is designed on a modular architecture that, combined with the advanced technologies used, allows you to customize integration at a minimum cost and at the same time has wide possibilities for customization and expansion.

2024: Compatible with 16 versions of the Postgres Pro Enterprise and Postgres Pro Standard DBMS

Postgres Professional, developer the Russian DBMS Postgres Pro, Galaxy Corporation and on June 7, 2024 announced compatibility of their products.

The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct operation of 16 versions of the Postgres Pro Enterprise, Postgres Pro Standard DBMS, as well as their certified editions and systems: Galaktika ERP, AMM Galaxy, MES Galaxy, Galaxy EAM and ESB Galaxy. More here.


Version 2.1

On January 24, 2019, Galactica announced the release of the Galaxy ESB integration platform version 2.1, which is a universal tool that ensures the operation of various systems in a single information space.

According to the company, in version 2.1 of the platform, the integration configuration capabilities have been expanded and improved, the ability to perform distributed installation of components and centralized update has been added. Adapters appeared in the ESB Galaxy platform: Treasury Galaxy, AMM-MES Galaxy,,, 1C ActiveDirectory DB (universal adapter to arbitrary on databases ,,). MS SQL Oracle Postgres Pro Enhanced capabilities for mapping data and validation of integration settings and optimized performance.

The development of ESB technology is one of the key areas of work of the Galaxy Corporation to create a national digitalization platform. The Galaxy ESB integration bus covers the needs of both large integrated structures and end enterprises. Also, this technology will significantly facilitate the process of switching to the predominant use of domestic software due to the wide possibilities of integrating targeted and systematically replaceable previously implemented systems.

Anton Malkov, Member of the Board of Galaxy Corporation

ESB Galaxy

The Galaxy ESB platform provides a convenient mechanism for managing data migration in the organization's information environment. The integration bus is designed according to a modular architecture, which, in combination with the current technologies used, allows you to customize the integration of heterogeneous solutions with minimal costs and at the same time has wide possibilities for customization and expansion.

The ESB Galaxy allows you to synchronize not only the corporation's software products - the Galaktika ERP, AMM Galaxy, Galaktika EAM, HCM Galaxy, etc., systems, but also third-party solutions. The platform supports the domestic Postgres Pro DBMS.

Order of work. Architecture. Opportunities

How the platform works

Data between IEs is transmitted using adapters and message broker. This means that the adapter extracts data from its IC, converts it into messages and transmits it to the broker, the receiver adapter connects to the broker and takes the messages intended for it and stores them in the receiver IC.

As of January 2019, the broker provides guaranteed delivery of messages with a performance of more than 100,000 messages per hour.

Asynchronous messaging is provided, that is, with massive changes in system databases, adapters can receive and send data multithreaded. However, when saving data to the database, a consistent recording mechanism is used to avoid duplicate operations.

The platform expands easily. You can integrate an unlimited number of ICs and their instances.


  • An adapter is a module that can be started as a service or as a console application. It is supplied to each system. Adapter services provide configuration and activation of the integration model, as well as tracking changes in the system, data transfer and data storage in its own IS.
  • The RabbitMQ message broker (bus) is an application for working with message queues. It defines the queues and their relationships, allowing messages to be exchanged between adapters. System components communicate through a common interface, while they do not know anything about each other's existence. The broker allows you to distribute information evenly, which provides resource savings. It can accumulate messages, which, given the independence of the components from each other, ensures the reliability of the queues and cushioning the disadvantages of the computational capabilities of the system.
  • Administration Console is the main user tool. It allows you to edit the integration model and track the operation of the system. To initialize adapters in the console database, as well as receive log messages from adapters, a special service operates.

System capabilities

  • Adapters work with the Windows operating system, RabbitMQ broker - with Windows, Linux, MacOS.
  • Vertical (number of systems) and horizontal (data exchange within instances of the same system) scaling.
  • The processing speed is more than 100,000 messages per hour.
  • Advanced logging and diagnostic capabilities: division of log messages by levels; different types of log recipients (file, database, Windows log, etc.) Collecting disparate logs into a single repository centralized journal analysis.
  • Set up pre-post processing of transmitted data.
  • Launch of IE business functions during data transfer.
  • Building cross-system business processes.
  • Load data to the bus from external (non-integrated) sources as XML files.