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G-Core Labs AI platform

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: G-Core Labs S.A.
Branches: Advertizing, PR and marketing,  media, TV and broadcasting,  Insurance,  Trade,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service,  Corporate portals,  Development tools of applications

Main articles:

2020: Start of the AI platform

On September 15, 2020 the G-Core Labs company, the international provider cloud and edge-solutions, announced start of the AI platform which is a component of a public cloud of the company of the PaaS level and allowing any business and development teams to reduce many times time-to-market of the applications based on artificial intelligence. The platform supports a full stroke of machine learning of any complexity, allows to organize continuous delivery of models and joint work over them in real time and also provides the directory of ready templates and models.

AI platform

According to the company, the AI platform is located in Luxembourg. In further G-Core Labs is going to develop it in all operating and perspective regions of presence of a public cloud of the company, including in the USA, Germany, Russia, Singapore, Brazil and Australia.

The G-Core Labs AI platform is a uniform complex portal for the accelerated creation, a training and deployment of applications based on artificial intelligence. The platform works by the principle of one window: here any developer can concentrate completely on development of the ML models and services and he does not need to worry about preparation of infrastructure, acquisition of the necessary software and its setup, providing frameworks, storage systems and also technical support of all these elements.

Vsevolod Weiner, the head of cloud platforms G-Core Labs noted

To the AI platform different modern solutions for receiving and data processing, including Kafka, Storm, Spark, PySpark, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle, MongoDB are integrated; tools of a research and data visualization, including Matplotlib, Seaborn, TensorBoard, and developments, including Jupyter, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, GitLab, GitHub, RStudio, XCode, Airflow.

The G-Core Labs AI platform supports such programming languages as Python, R, Swift, JavaScript, allows to work with platforms of data Spark, Hadoop, PostgreSQL, Vertika and solutions for machine learning and artificial intelligence of TensorFlow, TensorRT, OpenVINO, Keras,, PyTorch and BigDL.

The G-Core Labs AI platform opens great opportunities for the projects connected with recognition of people, images, objects and documents. Such applications will be useful in spheres of retail, finance and insurance, the media industries and also in the fields of health care and ensuring public security.

So, supermarket chain or fashionable clothes by means of a video surveillance system and service based on artificial intelligence can create a reliable portrait of the visitors and clients in real time, obtaining exact data on that how many people visited shop in a day, week, month or quarter; how many from them men, how many women; what their approximate age; to what goods they pay attention first of all; at last, satisfied or not really visitors leave a trading floor.

In the field of medicine and health care the AI platform can help with creation of analysis algorithms of medical images, including fluorography, the ECG, EEG that increases the accuracy of results of diagnostics in comparison with the conclusions accepted by doctors independently.

Applications on recognition of people and objects begin to be used also in the media industry.