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HSE: HSE App X (mobile app)

Developers: Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Last Release Date: 2023/04/03
Branches: Internet services,  Education and science

Main article: Mobile applications

2023: Ability to pay for training without entering data and contract number

In the mobile application of the Higher School of Economics HSE App X, it became possible to pay for training without entering data and contract number. The service can be used by undergraduate, master's and graduate students of the Moscow campus of Vyshka. The HSE announced this on April 3, 2023.

The implementation of payments in HSE App X is part of our strategy for developing personalized services in a format convenient for students and university employees. The first examples of use give reason to expect that the new opportunity to pay for training using the usual application will be in demand, "said Elena Odoevskaya, Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics.

For payment, the HSE App X has a built-in service. SberPay This allows you to quickly make a payment on the job and training, using bank card the application. Sberbank Online

Payment with SberPay is available to all online users Sberbank. This is a convenient and safe service. You no longer need to enter data cards and wait for - SMS confirmation. Just click the SberPay button on the mobile device screen and make a payment in a few clicks. I am sure that students will appreciate the possibilities of a modern service, - said the Vyacheslav Tsybulnikov vice-president of Sberbank - chairman. Moscow Bank

The HSE App X mobile app also has a class schedule, grades, ratings, a reading card and other services from the Higher School of Economics. You can download or update the university application in the App Store, Google Play and AppGallery.