Developers: | Huawei |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2020/01/09 |
Last Release Date: | 2020/04/01 |
Technology: | OS |
Content |
the Exit of openEuler 20.03 LTS and commercial versions of OS from Kylinsoft, iSoft, Uniontech and ISCAS based on openEuler
On April 1, 2020 the Huawei company announced an exit of openEuler 20.03 LTS — the first version of the OS from increased by the period of support (LTS). Besides, Huawei together with four OS developers — Kylinsoft, iSoft, Uniontech and Institute of the software of the Chinese academy of Sciences (ISCAS) — submitted commercial versions of OS based on openEuler. The free Linux distribution kit with the open code openEuler supported by community of developers from around the world is designed to bring the industry of multinuclear heterogeneous calculations to the following level. The community openEuler became the center of joint work and cooperation of constantly growing number of developers from around the world.
According to the company, the structure of community openEuler quickly evolves: already its secretariat, technical committee and the security council work. For April, 2020 participants of community submitted applications and registered more than 30 project teams.
Exit of openEuler LTS reflects readiness and a maturity of OS open source to mass commercial application.
According to the current plan the community openEuler will issue the LTS version each two years, and large updates — each six months to provide CVE ability to manage (the database of well-known vulnerabilities). At the same time the openEuler project will adhere to the policy of Upstream First and to submit all opportunities to community of developers within the shortest possible time.
Thanks to technical knowledge and practices of Huawei company the version of openEuler 20.03 LTS for March, 2020 shows high stability and security. Created on the basis of complex software, it will allow to implement possibilities of various computing platforms completely:
- Multinuclear processing of huge number of parallel queries: the optimized mechanism of management of a file cache saves from blocking and increases high-speed performance of multithreaded tasks of Nginx HTTP by 15%.
- Integration of a plug-in of KAE: the hardware and software system activates the hardware accelerator of calculations Kunpeng thanks to what the library of accelerations Kunpeng increases the capacity of ARM processors to 100%.
- The facilitated container iSula: the lightweight, fast, flexible and simple system of containerization in use reduces start time for 35%, and resource consumption of memory by 68%.
- Assembly of OpenJDK from community openEuler: increases performance by 20% due to optimization of memory management and compilation.
- Tune: automatic intellectual tuning of parameters depending on option of use of a system increases efficiency of setup for 30%.
- Support of a broad spectrum of architecture: OS is compatible to processor architecture of Kunpeng and x86, increase in number of the maintained architecture in the future is expected.
The OS leading developers — Kylinsoft, iSoft, Uniontech and ISCAS — actively support community openEuler and play the leading role in creation of commercial versions of operating systems.
The Kylin Server operating system from Kylinsoft company on the basis of cores of openEuler finds application in scenarios of multinuclear heterogeneous calculations and is aimed at processing of crucial services and data loading.
The iSoft company announced an exit of iSoft Server v5.1 — the first commercial version of OS based on openEuler for Kunpeng processors. The iSoft company gives support to community openEuler in its formation as the leading international community.
The Uniontech company released deepinEuler v1.0 — OS based on the Kunpeng processor which supports all new features of the processor and provides improbable performance. The company is going to update constantly deepinEuler to improve an ecosystem of Kunpeng and to promote application of deepinEuler in bigger number of scenarios.
The ISCAS institute released the EulixOS Server 1.0 operating system designed to accelerate delivery of software open source and by that to expand opportunities and stability of work of community openEuler.
The community openEuler actively is engaged in training, advanced training and certification of developers and OS producers, promoting deepening of their professional knowledge and improvement of service quality.
Release of the openEuler distribution kit
On January 9, 2020 it became known that the Huawei company released the operating system based on Linux kernel – the openEuler distribution kit which, as expected, will develop with the assistance of community. It is reported on the official site of the project.
Source texts of components and packets of a distribution kit are published on the Gitee platform which is the Chinese alternative of Github. The image of the OS setup disk for architecture of ARM64 can be loaded on the corresponding web page.
As noted in CNews, openEuler is based on EulerOS – the commercial Linux distribution kit developed by Huawei and first of all ARM64 focused on server platforms based on architecture (though x86 is also supported).
As of January, 2020 the methods of protection applied in a distribution kit are certified by the Ministry of public security of the People's Republic of China. EulerOS is included into the list from six OS certified by Opengroup committee on compliance to the UNIX 03 standard, i.e. having the right to hereinafter be referred to as UNIX, but not the only UNIX-LIKE systems. In addition to EulerOS the list includes macOS, Solaris, Inspur K-UX, HP-UX and IBM AIX.
EulerOS is based on CentOS which, in turn, is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) code – corporate Linux with long lifecycle.
As well as EulerOS, openEuler is mainly intended for servers with processors of architecture ARM64 and appropriately optimized.
In spite of the fact that the project is at an early stage of development (works on its start were conducted since September 17, 2019), at it, according to Gitee, more than 50 developers and about 600 kommit. Over 1 thousand packets collected as under ARM64 systems, and x86 are provided to repositories.
Besides, open-cast minings are mentioned in the message devoted to start of infrastructure of the project: A-Tune and iSulad. The first of them is the tool for automatic optimization of settings, using artificial intelligence technologies. iSulad represents "lightweight" tools for management of the isolated containers, held for use in cloud infrastructure and IoT (Internet of Things).
CNews noted that for January, 2020 in repositories of the project there is no documentation in the languages other than Chinese. Huawei does not specify whether the provided distribution kit will replace already existing EulerOS, or openEuler and its commercial predecessor will continue to develop in parallel just as it happens in a case to RHEL and CentOS. Also the reason for which the Chinese corporation decided to be engaged in development of the next Linux is not reported.[1]