Developers: | I-Retail (Ah-Retail Rus) |
Last Release Date: | 2020/03/24 |
Branches: | Trade |
Technology: | CMS - Content management systems, CRM - Loyalty systems, SaaS - the Software as service, trade Automation systems |
Content |
The i-Retail service is the software for online and offline trade. i-Retail allows to automate the majority of the processes connected with business management. So instead of the normal cash equipment the cloud cash desk which can work both in the mode of a workplace of the cashier, and in the self-service mode is offered to entrepreneurs. The program conducts a stock count system, takes all payment types, keeps up with analytics and the reporting and also supports a loyalty system of clients. Besides, i-Retail controls strict observance of all statutory requirements.
The cloud service has advantage in comparison with the usual point-of-sale terminal: the individual workplace of the cashier, the commodity accounting system, payment acceptance and performing transactions, analytics, the reporting, the system of encouragement of clients – all these processes can be configured depending on needs of the specific company. And the owner of business can manage and control all trade processes far off – using the computer, the notebook or the smartphone.
2020: The solution allowing outlets to transfer all transactions to online in one day
On March 24, 2020 it became known that the i-Retail company developed the solution allowing outlets to transfer all trade operations to online within one day. The product is focused on small business in the field of retail: any shop or cafe can quickly open for themselves the channel of Internet sales.
All works take one day. The project assumes creation the Internet of a show-window, connection payment online, integration of the program with cash desk in shop and, if necessary, start of advertizing on the Internet.
Purchase design order standard: as soon as the buyer does the order online, the request is displayed at the checkout in outlet. Having received the notification, the cashier makes the order about sending formation. Not collected orders are noted on the screen by the special indicator. The ready order is transferred to delivery. Payment can be accepted directly via the website, on delivery or directly in outlet in shop – if the buyer after all decides to come there. In case of advance payment and contactless delivery the check can be sent to the buyer by mail.
Small business the first appeared under blow in connection with an epidemic situation and self-isolation of many people. Especially it is difficult to small outlets to compete with network retailers at whom Internet trade is adjusted for a long time, but they have one important advantage: proximity to the house that guarantees efficiency of delivery, and is very serious success factor, Comments Kirill Voytsekhovich-Kazantsev, the founder and the operating officer of i-Retail
Experts confirm the negative outlooks connected with small business during the current crisis and assume that distribution of epidemic will become a strong incentive for the accelerated online retail development. According to the Chairman of the Committee on development of restaurant business of capital department of Business Russia Sergey Mironov, since the beginning of year the Moscow restaurants lost a third of the revenue, and the trend will accrue. The CEO of Fashion Consulting Group Anna Lebsak-Kleymans considers that forced social isolation will push to more active mastering of modern technologies and notes that traffic in the Russian shopping centers was already reduced by 10-20%, and fell in clothing stores up to 30-50%.
The latest statistical data also confirm high perspectives the Internet of sales. According to NPD Group research company, for the last 30 days of 21% of consumers of the USA ordered products on the Internet. It is 18% more, than in the same month in 2019. Meituan is the platform for the order and the product delivery of a power supply in China, reports that, 80% of all orders in the period of epidemic were contactless. Delivery services of products in Russia recorded the sharp growth of number of orders at the beginning of March, 2020: demand for delivery grew four times. At the same time sales of products and convenience goods grow quicker, than in a normal situation: for the last week demand grew by 20%.
The solution is available to the companies across all Russia and also abroad. For March 24, 2020 it is adapted for the English-speaking countries (the USA, Great Britain, etc.).
i-Retail integrated online cash desk and online store
In May, 2017 i-Retail, the developer and the supplier of modern cash solutions for the enterprises of SME in retail trade, put on the market the free CMS platform for creation of online store meeting all requirements 54-FZ. The platform is a part of the complete solution i-Retail integrating online cash desk, online store, commodity accounting and a cloud platform. At the moment this only thing in the market the solution with similar functionality.
The ready online store allows to create the solution and to begin to trade online in 10 minutes after registration of the ekkaunt on the website and loadings of the range. It includes OFD the set allowing to draw electronic checks according to 54 Federal Laws and also the module of payment of Internet acquiring from the leading banks of the country on a fixed rate of 2.65% is integrated. The online store has adaptive imposition under mobile and normal browsers.
This functionality is provided to all clients free of charge. The owner of the retail enterprise can use only the CMS platform, or to receive it within the complete solution which is provided at the fixed price which is not changing depending on expansion of functionality.
Together with VTB 24
VTB 24 and i-Retail bank announced the joint solution for small and medium retail business at the beginning of a year. The product integrates in itself the integrated trade acquiring, the cash equipment and the software with online cash desk. The solution completely corresponds requirements of law 54-FZ.
On July 3, 2016 amendments "About use of the cash registers" were made to Law 54-FZ defining rules of conducting trade in Russia. According to these amendments the new order of use of the cash registers is entered. As a result, in 2017 in our country complete replacement of the cash registers will be made. Cash registers should digitize automatically all information on payment transactions and transfer data to FTS through the fiscal data operator (FDO). You See Also: Online data exchange between outlets and tax administration (the cash registers, the cash register equipment, POS terminals)
To pass independently to a new system to entrepreneurs it will be difficult – especially if it is about small and medium business. The choice of the cash equipment and the software, purchase, installation and maintenance of own server – all this will involve costs and presence of the highly skilled IT specialist. Not each company can afford it.
The joint product of VTB 24 bank and cloud service of i-Retail will become the available solution in the circumstances. The packet includes acquiring from one of the most authoritative Banks of Russia and the multi-channel cash solution i-Retail. Pleasant news consists that new service not only brings payment processes into accord with new statutory requirements, it also allows to optimize trade processes and to raise a customer loyalty (at the expense of the system of encouragement).
VTB 24 – one of the largest Banks of Russia. The bank ensures the maximum safety on transactions with bank cards. In particular, money transfers are protected by the 3D-Secure system – the advanced technology providing the additional security level at data transmission on the Internet. Besides, VTB 24 offers a number of profitable rates for bank card payments.
2016: Together with Bank Russian Standard
The bank Russian Standard signed the agreement with i-Retail service on start and the beginning of sales of the product integrating in itself the integrated acquiring with cloud cash desk. This product is especially relevant for small and medium business in connection with global changes and new requirements of law 54-FZ which become effective since January 1, 2017.
Law 54-FZ since 2003 defines rules of conducting trade in Russia. On July 3, 2016 amendments "About use of the cash registers" were made to it. As a result, in 2017 replacement and completion of the cash registers will be made – now cash registers should transfer automatically data on all transactions to FTS.
The product of bank Russian Standard and a cloud service of i-Retail – it will become solution of the problem of transition to a system not only will bring all payment processes into accord with statutory requirements, but also will become the effective tool for management and increase in profit.
At the same time the client remains in the usual, comfortable environment, only the situation with sales and costs changes, profit increases. What is important, any company can arrange i-Retail service specifically under specifics practically.
The bank Russian Standard began to develop acquiring in 2007 and for short term entered into top three on a covering and volume of card transactions. For 2016 the bank locates the most complete list of partners in Russia, with the maximum scope of the clients using bank cards. Service of acquiring of bank Russian Standard is certified according to the international standard of information security PCI DSS (PaymentCardIndustryDataSecurityStandard) that ensures safety and as much as possible reduces a risk degree of plunder and damage.