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IVK Bureaucrat

Developers: IVK
Date of the premiere of the system: 2010/07
Last Release Date: 2019/10/11
Technology: EDMS


The systems of the protected electronic document management (EDMS) are "IVK Bureaucrat".

2019: Compatibility with the JaCarta keys

On October 11, 2019 the Aladdin R.D. company reported that together with JSC IVK signed certificates of compatibility of products.

The tests which are carried out by specialists of the companies within preparation of certificates confirm correctness of work of EDMS "IVK BUREAUCRAT" with electronic keys of JaCarta and ZMNI JaCarta SF/GOST.

In particular, in secure system of electronic document management of "IVK BUREAUCRAT" the protected machine-readable medium of JaCarta SF/GOST and also USB tokens and smart cards of JaCarta-2 GOST, JaCarta PKI, JaCarta-2 PKI/GOST and JaCarta LT can be used.

The correctness of work of JaCarta SF/GOST in EDMS "IVK BUREAUCRAT" was checked century OS Viola of 8 joint ventures. Testing for compatibility with a line of electronic keys of JaCarta was held also in Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

2012: Built-in system of the EDS

On January 19, 2012 IVK company announced completion of the important development significantly expanding scope of the secure system of electronic document management (SEDM) "IVK the Bureaucrat". In it in full the built-in system of the electronic signature (EDS) meeting the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and optimized for effective work in the distributed organizations which territorial units can not have connections to the Internet for interaction with the certification center (CC) at all. New development of IVK can be used for the organization of legally significant document flow and for personal data processing of any category in automated information systems. Let's especially note that EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\" with the built-in means of processing of the EDS is already applied as a basis of such document flow in structures of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Now possibilities of Crypto Pro certification center where EDMS receives the root certificate of the qualified signature which (already without new appeals to UTs) is used for creation of certificates of staff of the organization – users of EDMS are integrated into EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\". The electronic signatures appended by them using these certificates have the status of gostirovanny. Besides, appeals to UTs "Crypto Pro" happen also at cross-certification of the EDS systems of the different organizations using different root certificates. This procedure exempts from need to address to UTs at each verification of the EDS of staff of the organizations to which there is a permanent exchange of electronic documents.

The EDS system EDMS IVK "Byurokrat™\" is completely integrated with a subsystem of the authentication of users which is built in software of an interface layer (middleware) of "IVK Yupiter™". Software is a technology basis of the EDMS providing the last a broad set of the application programming interfaces (API) and the guaranteed services for storage, protection, transfer and processing of different information including certificates of participants of electronic document management. Software "the Byurokrat™\" is integrated by IVK with the system of interdepartmental electronic document management – MEDO, and in the short term – with SIEI (system of interdepartmental electronic interaction). Let's remind that the authentication system of "IVK Yupiter™" can be customized both on use of traditional login password pairs, and on more reliable authentication schemes using hardware keys and/or biometric sensors. Anyway, the user identified by the IVK Yupiter™\system should not use when signing documents any additional technical means, for example, USB-sticks any more. The certificates of users which are stored in the centralized protected IVK Yupiter™\storage, are automatically substituted at the right time.

Such sale of the EDS mechanism provides a number of important advantages. First, all procedures of management of certificates of employees extremely become simpler at employment, change of job responsibilities or dismissal. Full automation in tracking of validity periods of certificates and also maintaining a corporate show-window of the withdrawn certificates is reached. Not less important and the fact that the risk of loss and time abuse of regulations of use of hardware personal storages of certificates practically vanishes that as practice shows, is one of the main and hardly revealed abuses when using the EDS.

One more major advantage of the above described control circuit EDS is connected with minimization of number of appeals to external UTs during the work with electronic documents. It allows a system to react instantly to actions of the user, providing him comfortable working conditions. Moreover, this scheme opens possibilities of full application of the EDS on the objects located in places without the developed telecommunication infrastructure. At last, centralization of information exchange with external UTs allows to minimize expenses of the organization on communication since to territorial units of rather simple connection to an information backbone of "IVK Yupiter™".

Let's emphasize that work with UTs "Crypto Pro" is not basic restriction of EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\". The EDS system can be easily customized on interaction practically with any other external certification center.

Users of new development of IVK – the organization with high requirements to security of information, complexity and reliability of its processing, in particular, large departments and state structures of federal and regional scale. It is possible to carry to typical tasks: office-work, support of an internal system of business processes and exchange of electronic documents with partners. One more important scope of application, according to IVK, are portals of state services.

"The need for legally significant document flow is exclusively high. Recently in this sphere there were important positive changes: in the regulatory base, in technologies, in a real status of the corresponding infrastructure of the EDS. At last, creation of universal, convenient and effective sale of the mechanism of the electronic signature which will smoothly work in any point on the map of our country became possible, – Valery Andreyev, the associate director on science and development of IVK company says. – We consider our new development the most important milestone in development of EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\" before which new scopes of application open. And the Russian users will be able to bring the information systems into accord with requirements of the current legislation now, and without any damage to convenience of work of employees and, respectively, for efficiency of the organization".

2011: Automated workplace "Head"

On December 19, 2011 IVK company announced completion of the important development significantly expanding scope of a system of the protected electronic document management (EDMS) "IVK the Bureaucrat". The automated workplace (AW) supporting the approved management activity of managers of the top and average management in the geographically distributed organization of any scale is created. The full range of instruments of information support of acceptance and control of execution of management decisions which is built in the automated workplace "Head" is integrated with other subsystems of EDMS: office-work, ORD, electronic archive, work with citizens' appeals and other sources of information, automation equipment of business procedures (workflow), etc. Let's especially note that new development supports use of all types of the electronic signature (ES) provided by the Russian legislation. New development of IVK can be used in automated systems of personal data processing of any category.

The central functions around which the separate information automated workplace "Head" tools are structured it is judgment of a thematic selection of initial documents, a request of optional data, decision-making and formation of the corresponding hierarchy of instructions to subordinates – to both direct contractors, and managers who, in turn, repeat the same sequence of actions, but for the private task. At the same time at each level the manager can control all set of instructions (as given by him, and the decisions turned out to be a consequence made by contractors at the lower layers of hierarchy). The built-in instruments of end-to-end monitoring allow to monitor easily all work flow over all set of instructions, to react beforehand to risks of failure to meet time constraints. The original informatin is made out in the form of a selection of documents (so-called "filing") which is created by secretaries, reviewers and analysts (Automated workplace "Secretary") and also the manager.

EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat" is completely Russian development in which the methods of the organization and protection of the distributed information systems patented by IVK are used and also certified backbone by software of the class middleware "IVK Jupiter". EDMS allows the geographically distributed organization to create up to four circuits of security for information processing of a different confidentiality level, including the data which are the state secret of the Russian Federation. At the same time physical separation of these circuits is not required. Besides, EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\" allows to implement legally significant electronic document management using the EDS. Let's especially note that thanks to middleware software providing to developers a broad set of the application programming interfaces (API) and the guaranteed services for storage, protection, transfer and information processing, software "the Byurokrat™\" is easily integrated by IVK with different corporate business applications and electronic document management systems including with the system of interdepartmental electronic document management – MEDO, and in the short term - with SIEI (system of interdepartmental electronic interaction).

Customers with high requirements to security of information, complexity and reliability of its processing will become users of new development of IVK. First of all, it is large departments and state structures of federal and regional scale. Besides, it will be widely demanded by personal data operators – because of a possibility of data processing of all categories.

"e-document flow is some kind of nervous system of the organization. Naturally, obligatory tasks at implementation of e-document flow are a coordinated management by flows of the entering and outgoing documents, control of regulations, cataloguing and the correct storage of electronic documents of all types – with the guaranteed adherence to deadlines and rules of storage and an information access. It is very important, but nevertheless the main thing is an adoption of intelligent and timely solutions. And the supporting processes only deliver information, carry managerial influences and close feedback loops. Therefore if acceptance of management decisions is cut off or badly integrated with these processes, work of the organization is broken – in the same way as behavior of an organism which brain is cut from the rest of nervous system, – Valery Andreyev, the associate director on science and development of IVK company says. – Our new development gives to decision making process the same powerful tools what were already available in EDMS "IVK Byurokrat™\" for the supporting processes. Now all links of information processing and management became a single whole, and it opens very ample opportunities on increase in efficiency of the organizations which already use or will become users of our EDMS".


Certification in NPO Eshelon

IVK company announced in November, 2010 obtaining the certificate of conformity certifying that the electronic document management system (EDMS) of "IVK Bureaucrat" is the protected software tool of information processing. At the same time this development of the company conforms to requirements of the regulating document "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification by the level of absence control of not declared opportunities" (State Technical Commission of Russia, 1999) on the second level of control, says IVK.

As noted, the certificate covers application of EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat" both running operating systems of family Microsoft Windows, and in the environment of MSAF OS 3.0. Now these platforms are used by law enforcement agencies, state institutions and the commercial organizations as computing environment for secure systems of electronic document management in which information with high security classifications is stored and processed.

Certificate of conformity No. 2152 is issued by IVK based on the certification tests of EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat" which are carried out by testing laboratory NPO Eshelon (the certificate of accreditation of 10/10/2007 No. of the information security facility RU. 1994. B011.033) and also according to technical and expert opinions of Center of Security of Information certification body (the certificate of accreditation of 2/9/2007 No. of the information security facility RU.l 17.A10.004).

In general EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat", according to the developer, represents completely Russian development which allowed to organize geographically distributed legally significant electronic document management with high requirements to security of information, complexity and reliability of its processing. This EDMS provides formation of several circuits of security for information of a different confidentiality level, including the data which are the state secret. At the same time physical separation of circuits is not required. Besides, using "thin client" (web client), the user can fully work with documents EDMS and participate in procedures of workflow from any mobile devices (in particular, smartphones iPhone and iPad tablets). All this became possible thanks to application in EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat" of the certified backbone software of the class middleware "IVK Jupiter" which is built in it InEx Web server software and also the patented IVK of methods of information system protection explained in the company.

Initially EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat" is focused on integration with different information resources, corporate applications and electronic document management systems, including the system of interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO). And integration allows not only to communicate between systems, but also to automate regulations of data processing, being both in the EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat", and in the boundary systems, emphasized in IVK.

"In last years certification successfully there passed general-system software of IVK Jupiter and 'IVK the Chain armor', now in this row there was also a development of 2010 – EDMS 'IVK Bureaucrat'", – Sizonenko Grigory, the CEO of IVK company noted. According to him, this event is important not only for IVK company, but also for all Russian market, developers had a complete certified platform covering all main objectives – from application integration, data protection and safe connection of territorial units of the enterprise to the Internet before creation of the universal and specialized electronic document management systems integrated with open and internal information and computing resources.

Release of EDMS "IVK Bureaucrat

IVK company announced in July, 2010 release of a system of the protected electronic document management (EDMS) "IVK the Bureaucrat".

As the developer informs, in EDMS 'IVK Bureaucrat' the methods of information system protection patented by IVK and also backbone by software of the class middleware 'IVK Jupiter' that allows to involve in document flow such guaranteed services as safe storage and delivery of information (including when using unreliable communication channels), observance in geographically distributed heterogeneous computing environment of regulations of logical processing of each document type, control of authenticity and integrity of the application and system software for each node of network, automatic delivery of documents, simultaneous use of two main engines of access isolation — discretionary (access control lists, standard for modern software) and mandatory are used (check of compliance of the privilege level of the user to a signature stamp of confidentiality of the document).

As important feature of EDMS representatives of IVK note application of the protected storages 'IVK Jupiter' for systematization of use of storages of documents. Such storage represents as informs IVK, the transaction temporal DBMS optimized for work with poorly structured information. Application of software IVK Jupiter, according to these IVK, also simplifies the organization of remote work of users and integration of EDMS into mobile devices, software agents and legacy systems.

It is reported that using new EDMS the geographically distributed organization can create up to four circuits of security (without their physical separation) for information processing of a different confidentiality level, including the data which are the state secret. In a system the standard algorithms of office-work allowing to control at the level of the organization and its divisions electronic and paper documents are implemented. 'Bureaucrat' allows to implement legally significant electronic document management using the EDS. The developer company of a system pays attention to ability to integrate new EDMS with another electronic document management systems including with the system of interdepartmental electronic document management of MEDO.