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Developers: Nanosoft, Nanosoft development
Last Release Date: 2020/07/09
Technology: Office applications,  CAD


The NormaCS program is intended for storage, search and display of texts and details of regulating documents and also the standards applied in the territory of the Russian Federation and regulating activity of the enterprises of different industries.

NormaCS provides authenticity of texts of the normative and technical documents which are stored in the database of the program. The completeness and relevance of the database, the thought-over interface and the convenient mechanism of information display allow to solve any problems connected with search of the regulating document. The high level of the service provided to the user of the program is provided with features of the attributive and full text database, existence of graphic copies of the official publication of documents and width of a scope of different industries. Communication with office products and other settlement and graphic programs of automated design developed by Nanosoft Ltd company is implemented.

2020: NormaCS 4.x for NX and Teamcenter

On July 9, 2020 the Nanosoft company provided release of the integration solutions NormaCS 4.x for NX and Teamcenter from Siemens Digital Industries Software. The developed modules are intended for automation of the analysis of the Russian regulations and standards applied at design and technology preparation of production.

NormaCS 4.х

In Nanosoft noted that for qualitative and timely execution of works the engineer needs to address regulating documents regularly. Reasons for that a little: it and need to observe requirements of standards, and the need for the reference information. Besides, confidence is important that regulating documents to which the issued technical documentation, a product 3D model, materials and assembly units refer have the status of operating.

Many companies come to need to automate work with regulations and standards. With such task representatives of one of engineering enterprises of Russia addressed to Nanosoft company. The enterprise uses in the work an automated design engineering system of NX and the software of Teamcenter from Siemens Digital Industries Software.

NormaCS 4.х

As the solution integration with NormaCS 4.x – the information retrieval system of regulating documents and standards developed by Nanosoft company was offered. Integration allowed to add to NX and Teamcenter from Siemens Digital Industries Software instruments of quick search of regulating documents and also functions of the automatic analysis of their relevance.

The user can be sure of the status of the standard specified in the designations item or item revision: NormaCS automatically analyzes properties of the selected object and outputs data on relevance in an auxiliary view of My Teamcenter. Besides, functions of demonstration of a card of the standard with complete rekvizitny data are implemented, and in the NormaCS interface transition to the text of the standard is supported, emphasized in Nanosoft.

According to the developer, during creation of an information object the instrument of check is available: NormaCS provides to the user the list of the regulations and standards answering to the entered designation, accompanying this list with information on a current status of each of the provided standards. If necessary it is possible to correct right there the entered data, to look at cards of standards or to address the text of documents.

NormaCS 4.х

For the fast analysis of the regulations and standards specified in the NX file whether it be the model or the drawing, the engineer can start the NORMAAUDIT service checking relevance of reference regulating documents. Based on check in a separate interactive panel the complete list of the standards which are found in objects of NX will be output and for each of them assessment of the status is executed and the list of options on replacement forms. Summary information on results of check can be recorded in the report – it is useful for cases when correction of reference data contradicts regulations of work, consider in Nanosoft.

In a window of quick search of regulating documents which can be started both from Teamcenter, and from NX the user can pick up documents on demand, look at cards with rekvizitny data and at once pass to the text of the standard.

According to the statement of the developer, the integration solutions NormaCS 4.x for NX and Teamcenter from Siemens Digital Industries Software create conditions in order that work with regulations and standards became fast and productive.

"The feature of solutions is also that check happens in real time, on the basis of data of the set NormaCS base which is updated daily. If at the enterprise own qualifiers of internal documents in the NormaCS format are created, these standards will also be available to the analysis and an output of data",

'Olga Kutuzova, the project manager of development of the integration module noted'

Similar integration with other CAD systems is planned.

Integration modules for Teamcenter and NX are delivered on the basis of licenses for a period of one year. It is necessary to have the commercial IPS version of NormaCS 4.x set in the local area network of the enterprise for operation of integration modules. Also integration of modules will require implementation services, proceeding from architecture of the software solutions used at the enterprise.

2019: Release of the web system interface of NormaCS 4.x

On October 1, 2019 the Nanosoft Development company announced release of the adaptive web interface of the NormaCS 4.x information retrieval system using which users will be able to get online access to the specifications and technical documentation in any convenient location and using mobile devices.

"Nanosoft development" released the adaptive web system interface of NormaCS

Approach to providing access to materials of the base set on the local server in internal network of the enterprise is the cornerstone of the web interface. The main principles of development – high-speed performance, visualization, openness, an opportunity to quickly discuss the document with colleagues, to get advice of experts.

"Modern rate of life dictates the rules: promptly appearing problems should be solved quickly, effectively, avoiding errors. Online access to information – a decisive factor for high-quality performance of work, and regulating documents – the main information necessary for the technical specialist. It is important that documents always were near at hand regardless of whether the specialist is in the workplace or should make the decision on the run",

'Andrey Blagy, the director of information center Nanosoft Development LLC noted'

Lists in the filter in NormaCS

The development team was faced by a difficult task: implement light version of the classical NormaCS Client application, having saved at the same time necessary functionality. Not to miss anything important, the scenario of work of the user was taken as a basis. As a result of careful study of all possible options of actions for information search and a job with it was got the user-friendly and modern web interface, the developer noted.

According to the statement of the developer to begin work with the documents NormaCS 4.x via the web interface, it is not necessary to install the customized application and to undergo long training – rather simply to open the browser and to pass to the necessary page.

The web interface works in the local area network of the enterprise on which internal server NormaCS Server is set. It can be used in parallel with NormaCS Client. User data (Favorites, the system "Documents on Control", "History of Access") can be synchronized. Features of the web version of NormaCS mentioned by the developer:

  • intuitive interface;
  • "light" design;
  • the updated search paradigm;
  • it is not necessary to install the customized application;
  • Entry into Lists service and not only;
  • work from the tablet;
  • does not depend on the operating system.

General view of the document in NormaCS

According to the developer, the software package NormaCS 4.0 helps to automate use of regulating documents in design process. Whatever industry the enterprise treated, with NormaCS will easily look for standards for any parameters, to quote them in the documents, to put down links to regulations and standards in documents and engineering applications, to perform automatic compliance assessment. NormaCS guarantees authenticity of the normative and technical documents which are stored in the database of the program. The completeness and relevance of the database, the thought-over interface, the convenient mechanism of information display, integration with nanoCAD and office applications of Microsoft company – all this allows to solve a broad spectrum of the tasks connected using normative and technical documents.

2017: NormaCS: standards on a pipeline armature (TPA)

On June 5, 2017 the Nanosoft company announced that specialists of the Central Design Bureau of Armature Engineering (CDBAE) and the staff of Technical committee of shopping Mall Rosstandart 259 "A pipeline armature and sylphons" developed the set of the TPA standards included in the structure of base of standardization NormaCS as the section.

The product received as a result represents the software package containing the standards and standards regulating activity of the enterprises in the field of a pipeline armature and also large volume of the reference information and convenient functionality for work with it.

Users of the information section will be able:

  • reduce specifications and technical documentation purchase costs;
  • get access to the authentic texts received directly from developers of documents;
  • get rid of risks of use of irrelevant documents thanks to daily updating of a system;
  • use a common information space for all specialists of the company;
  • increase sweep rate and convenience of using of necessary documents;
  • get access to consultations of experts in any questions of use the specifications and technical documentation, an opportunity to request the missing document;
  • have an opportunity to influence development process of the specifications and technical documentation thanks to access to;
  • use integration into office and design applications (Microsoft Office, nanoCAD, AutoCAD, Semantic KOMPAS-3D, NSI, etc.).

Use in activity of the project and operational companies working with TPA will help to avoid errors and defects at a stage of creation of the project, to provide safe and reliable operation of the equipment, its timely and competent prevention, repair, service or replacement.

Information product consists of 15 primary partitions and more than 100 subsections, about 2200 documents of different level are available.

Main types of documents:

  • GOST and all its versions (GOST ISO, GOST EN, GOST IEC).
  • GOST P and all its versions (GOST P ISO, GOST P EN, GOST P IEC).
  • The TsKBA ST standards and standards developed by other organizations.
  • Federal laws.
  • Technical regulations of Russia and Customs union.
  • Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Documents of federal executive authorities.
  • Documents of state supervision bodies.
  • Other documents (industry and regulating documents, instructions, techniques, instructions, governed, etc.).

2016: NormaCS: Promekspert

In March, 2016 Nanosoft, the Russian developer and the software distributor for design, announced entry into the market of the specialized block of the NormaCS information retrieval system — "NormaCS: Promekspert". First of all, the product will be interesting to specialists of different services of the small and medium enterprises, analytical laboratories and the centers for certification, tests and certification and also supervision bodies and control.

The uniform structure of sections of the block Promekspert is developed according to the regulating documents regulating activity of services of the enterprises. Five sections of a product are presented in the user-friendly form: technical regulation (standardization, certification, quality management), metrological support, labor protection and security, industrial security, environmental protection and ecological environmental management, told in the company.

Each of sections of the block contains necessary normative and technical and other documentation which is used in work as heads and specialists of the relevant services. All information volume is regularly updated and replenished.

"Specialists of different professions — users of sections of the block Promekspert — can expect that all necessary for them in work documents will be near at hand. Provide the specialist with the necessary work documentation and, at the same time, to save him from need to purchase additional sections of NormaCS or to address other sources — the main distinctive property of a new product Nanosoft" — the area director of NormaCS of Nanosoft company Alexander Vorobyov emphasized.

"NormaCS: The Promekspert" can be purchased the single unit or to select only those sections which are necessary for the specific enterprise or the organization. Regardless of the number of the purchased sections of this block, the developer company gives to each client the section Metrological support.

In general IPS of NormaCS represents the software package including the large volume of information which is regularly updated and replenished. According to developers, constantly there is a development of integration of a complex into office and design solutions on which work of a great number of technical specialists in Russia and the CIS countries is based. Also support of a product is provided.

Documents "NormaCS: Promekspert" will be irreplaceable for implementation of the following works: normative quality assurance and standardization, examination of standards, compliance assessment of technical documentation, confirmation of conformity; development, implementation, certification, support of functioning and ensuring continual improvement of the systems of quality management (ISO 9000), system of ecological management (ISO 14000), system of management of labor protection and security regulation (OHSAS 18000); metrological support of production (analysis of a status of measurements, testing and control, checking and calibration of measuring instruments, certification of methods (techniques), accomplishment of measurements, metrological examination of engineering documentation); development of environmental standards and standards of the enterprise, implementation of the actions directed to fulfillment of requirements of the ecological legislation on observance of standards and standards in the field of environmental protection; the organization of works on ensuring accomplishment at the enterprise of requirements of industrial security and labor protection (PBIOT), control of compliance with laws and other regulations on PBIOT, including requirements of industrial security of OPO.

2015: Integration of the NormaCS information retrieval system and cloud automation system of works on construction supervision of Stroycontrol

Nanosoft Ltd and Mobilnye resheniya dlya stroitelstva LLC signed in September, 2015 the partnership agreement within which integration of the NormaCS information retrieval system and the cloud automation system of works on construction supervision of Stroycontrol which main feature is use of opportunities of modern mobile devices for fixing of notes directly on a building site and gaining access to the status of working off of notes at any time and in any place was implemented.

Specialists of construction supervision are obliged to prove each revealed violation or defect by discrepancy with the project, work documentation and/or violation of requirements of the specifications and technical documentation (STD). In case of violation of the specifications and technical documentation it is necessary to spend a lot of time for search of the necessary standard, point and check of their relevance, and to perform such search, being on a building site, often there is no opportunity. Sharing of programs of NormaCS and Stroycontrol allows to solve this problem.

As the note is proved by violation of specific point of the regulating document, in the system of Stroycontrol all documents break on points. It became possible only thanks to the fact that NormaCS developers undertook huge work on the translation of all scanned documents in a convenient text format. The choice of specific point is provided in the form of dialog (on a screenshot it is selected by the joint venture 16.13330.2011).

After the choice of the violated paragraph of the regulating document the note card is autocompleted: name, description, link to the complete text or card of the document.

If at the user the NormaCS program with a packet which includes the necessary document is installed, direct jump from the browser from the page of the note of a system of Stroycontrol on the complete text of the document in the NormaCS program is possible. For this purpose it is required to click on document title only.

In mobile application at the same action there will be a transition to a document card on the website

Integration is carried out according to obligatory and voluntary lists of "The technical regulation about security of buildings and constructions". Further connection of other regulating documents available in such sections of NormaCS as "Econom", "Full", "Max" is planned.

2013: Integration of a management system of the specifications and technical documentation of NormaCS with a management system of NSI Semantic

In February, 2013 SDI Solution and CSoft company signed the partnership agreement within which integration between an electronic management system for the specifications and technical documentation (STD) of NormaCS and a management system for the normative reference information (NRI) Semantic intended for classification of material objects and the structured description of their characteristics was implemented.

The NormaCS and Semantic systems functionally supplement each other. NormaCS provides users with the uniform updated base of relevant normative and technical documents, and Semantic will organize access to corporate reference books of NSI and allows to run for quick search of help objects to one or several parameters.

The direct and return integration of NormaCS and Semantic connecting standards and standards from NormaCS with the parameterized description of help objects in Semantic is implemented.

In the Semantic system it is possible to use unique functionality of automatic check of relevance of the specifications and technical documentation now. On designation of standards and standards of objects of Semantic in the NormaCS system it is possible to run for quick search of the relevant documents and to check their relevance.

The return integration allows on designation of standards from NormaCS to find the corresponding help objects in Semantic. If such object is the gostirovanny tool, the equipment or a standard product, then Semantic will provide access to standard sizes of this object and in case of need visualizes its 3D model.

2012: NormaCS 3.0

The updated principle of data processing is the basis for platform 3.0 thanks to what the average time of access decreases and the overall performance of a system increases. As expected, it will allow to accelerate NormaCS start, to work with an unlimited number of the connected bases, to perform quick search of data in a system, reported in Nanosoft in April, 2012. All this, finally, will save time of users and also will allow to offer within the next year to them new services, developers believe.

A system leaves with the updated logo and a little changed graphical interface. These changes are intended to make the interface even more convenient and friendly and also to facilitate work of users on monitors with the big permission. The NormaCS logo is visually approximate to the nanoCAD logo that emphasizes a course towards deep integration of NormaCS and a CAD of a product line Nanosoft, noted in the company.

Also the functionality of the program was replenished. For example, there was an opportunity to configure the starting screen according to the user's wishes. Now work can be begun with any of the offered versions of the screen of the program, whether it be a standard or new type of NormaCS.

As it was already mentioned above, work with an unlimited number of the connected user bases is supported: each department of large enterprise can independently create own base now and connect it to the server of the organization. Further users will be able to exchange bases not only with colleagues, but also on the Internet, reported in Nanosoft.

Besides, search capabilities are expanded: if the unfamiliar term occurred in the document (Word, Excel, AutoCAD, and in the nearest future and nanoCAD), it is easy to find its determination, having clicked "Look for in Terms" on the NormaCS panel.

In the near future there will be also other interesting opportunities which Nanosoft is going to announce in process of an exit of updates of an information system. Today more than 150 thousand specialists work with NormaCS, according to the company.


NormaCS 2.0

(data are relevant for January, 2011)

Information completeness

  • The authenticity of texts is provided with their receiving directly from institutes - developers of standards.
  • A common information space of regulating documents and standards regardless of the number of the set bases, end-to-end movement on hypertext links.
  • Evident display of signs of a status of the document (works, does not work, the project).
  • Ample opportunities of connection of different databases.
  • Completeness of a scope of the regulations and standards applied in the different industries (the database of the program includes over 30 thousand state standard specifications and a set of other documents).
  • The total quantity of cards of documents exceeds 79 thousand, and the number of texts - 63 thousand.
  • Storage and display of amendments and changes to texts of documents.
  • Possibility of the analysis of communications of the document with other regulations and standards.
  • Access to regulations and standards online.
  • Simplification of tracking of regulations and standards (the user of the program does not need to make inquiries in information centers of the different ministries and departments).
  • Possibility of creation and maintaining the user folders with support of hierarchy.
  • Regular information service (the user himself selects frequency of updating of the data which are contained in the database).
  • Support of current status of documents (the cancelled documents are not removed from the database and can be used as reference materials).

Search capabilities of documents

  • High sweep rate on attributes (to the name, a type, the index, number, the name of the organization which accepted the document and also for a key word, dates of input, a statement, etc.).
  • Search in the name taking into account Russian morphology
  • Intellectual search in number
  • Search in multiple indexes and the organizations and creation of groups for reuse
  • Full-text search (including on text fragments).
  • Search in subject to which the interesting document is referred according to classification.
  • Possibility of creation of search queries.
  • Preparation of different selections according to copulative conditions (including enclosed).
  • Use of the normal and expanded search options.
  • The end-to-end search in all connected databases based on any, even the most fractional information on the document that allows to find the necessary document within several seconds.
  • Possibility of transition to any qualifier where the found document is submitted.
  • Storage of the previous search queries.
  • Possibility of an output of search results to printing.
  • The annotated representation of search results.

Integration into office and design applications

  • Citing documents (fragments of texts, drawings, tables) in office applications.
  • Export of documents to Microsoft Word clicking of one button.
  • Export of documents to Writer clicking of one button.
  • Copying of images of pages of the graphic copy through a clipboard.
  • Opening of regulating documents through hyperlinks from the user Word documents, Excel, AutoCad drawings and any other applications.
  • Automatic arrangement of links to regulating documents in MS Word.
  • Check of relevance of links.
  • Search in base of regulating documents directly from office applications.
  • Work on integration with OpenOffice is conducted.
  • Creation of own databases with documents of the enterprise/organization.
  • Works on combination with the workflow system TDMS are conducted.

Features of the interface

  • The interface configured according to the user's wishes.
  • Possibility of setup of display of details (card) of the document.
  • Various service opportunities (sorting of documents according to different attributes in sections, on search results, the configured user environment, different filters).
  • Display of the document in the form of printing pages or the hypertext.
  • Rotation, scaling, pan scrolling of graphic display of the document.
  • The active table of contents and the reduced images of pages for fast transition.
  • Search and illumination of the found words in a graphics mode.
  • Copying of fragments of the image in graphic and CAD systems.
  • Support of vector drawings and export to CAD systems.
  • Setup of a format and type of the displayed columns containing a list of documents in the qualifier and search results.
  • Work in the single-user and network modes (in turn the network mode is subdivided into Intranet-and Internet-options).
  • Preserving of working settings at an exit from the program.
  • History of access and chosen documents.
  • History of printing of documents.
  • The single interface for local, network and Internet-versions.

Features of the network mode

  • "Floating" license
  • Priorities and access isolation of users
  • History of work and audit
  • Security of data on the server
  • Minimum load on the administrator
  • Standalone mode of work

Software module of NormaCS PRO

For January, 2011 the program is intended for creation and editing databases in the NormaCS format. With its help it is possible to create the database with standards of the enterprise, rare documents, documents for office use. Editing the user database is made locally from one workplace. The created base can be connected to the network or local version of NormaCS.

Creation of hierarchical complexes of regulating documents is possible, for example: Industry standards → Standards of the enterprise → Standards of branch → Documents of department, with links to documents of the upper layers and end-to-end search.

NormaCS PRO provides to the user a wide choice of tools and opportunities:

Possibilities of editing

  • Creation of multilevel qualifiers.
  • Creation and editing cards of documents. 21 bibliographic attributes are available to filling.
  • Support of synonyms in designations of documents (index and number).
  • Possibility of the instruction of several organizations of developers and the claiming bodies.
  • Use of both standard, and user indexes.
  • Installation of direct and back links to documents from any connected NormaCS bases.

Document storage

  • Loading of documents in the HTML formats, TIFF, DOC and PDF.
  • Storage and loading of texts/images of changes to documents.
  • Automatic indexation of the loaded texts of documents for full-text search.
  • Automatic creation of links from the loaded documents.
  • Creation in the user qualifiers of copies (links) to standard documents.


  • In an editing mode the card differs in nothing from a usual card of the document NormaCS.
  • All input modes of information - manual set, transfer through a clipboard, drag and drop (drag&drop) are supported by a mouse.
  • Creation of modules of import of bibliographic information from other bases which are available at the enterprise is possible.

Features of the multibasic NormaCS configuration

  • A common information space of regulating documents and standards regardless of the number of the set bases, end-to-end movement on hypertext links.
  • The end-to-end search in all connected databases based on any, even the most fractional information on the document that allows to find the necessary document within several seconds.
  • High sweep rate on attributes (to the name, a type, the index, number, the name of the organization which accepted the document and also for a key word, dates of input, a statement, etc.).
  • Full-text search (including on text fragments).
  • Possibility of transition to any qualifier where the found document is submitted.
  • All abilities to integrate with office and design applications

Protection and dissemination of the created databases

  • Access isolation of users to the connected bases in the network version
  • Creation of the protected databases for commercial or internal distribution.
  • Document storage protected from printing and export to office applications.