Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Notification server

The name of the base system (platform): Correqts
Developers: Bank Soft Systems (BSS, BSS)
Last Release Date: 2017/05/22
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit


"The notification server" is intended for providing interactive service by Bank in the automatic mode both its existing, and to potential clients on different channels, convenient for the client (the SMS, e-mail, internet paging, etc.) information transfers.

The Notification Server system (further SN) is intended for the solution of the following tasks of banking business:

  • Carrying out marketing mailings for the purpose of involvement of new clients, or increases in consumption of banking products by the existing clients of bank.
  • Informing clients of bank on a status of their banking products. In each case, the solution of this task is directed to achievement of the purpose, for example:
      • Uvelichit percent of timely accomplishment of obligations of clients (repayment of the credits).
      • Minimizirovat losses of the client and bank from fraud with plastic cards.
      • Povysit attractiveness of banking products, having provided the modern service replacing regular calls or visits to bank for refining of the current amount and parts of the executed transactions, etc.

  • Providing the reference information about bank (for example, contact information and the working schedule of offices of Bank), about the products and services offered by bank.

Use of SN for information exchange with clients of bank will allow:

  • Reduce costs of bank for information customer service in the operational hall or using call center.
  • Levy a payment for rendering the information services included in structure of banking products.
  • Increase attractiveness of banking products, having added them with information services which rendering is reasonable only at automatic information processing:
    • - The mass services or services requiring processing of large volume of information.
    • Services during which information which is quickly losing the relevance is processed and transferred.
    • Services during which confidential information is processed and transferred.

  • Raise a customer loyalty due to expansion of services of Bank out of limits of standard settlement transactions.

Use of SN allows to make banking products and service more convenient for the existing and potential clients of bank:

  • Service of requests in mode 24x7.
  • Access to service from any point. The client can obtain necessary information, being "in any" the place as the technical means used for an information access are widespread and mobile.
  • The client quickly receives the response to the requests as formation of outgoing messages is performed automatically.

All these advantages belong both to existing, and to potential clients of bank as obtaining the necessary reference information about bank and about banking products and services requires no registration actions.

For the solution of assigned tasks of SN it is equipped with the application functions allowing:

  • Perform a subscription of clients to information services and marketing mailings.
  • Obtain information on events from the external information systems (EIS).
  • Accept requests for obtaining information from clients of bank.
  • Create messages on the basis of the data obtained from external systems.
  • Create any messages containing marketing materials about bank and banking products.
  • Send messages to clients on different data transmission channels.
  • Keep account of the messages sent to clients.
  • Unload accounting information, in particular for calculation of cost of the rendered services.
  • Besides in a system the opportunities for its development which are not requiring considerable completions of a system are put. SN allows to expand:
    • Structure of data transmission channels.
    • Structure of the requested and obtained data from external information systems.
    • Structure of external information systems from which SN obtains necessary data.
    • Structure of the created and sent messages.

All functionality is concentrated in the SN application server. Interaction of SN with external information systems is performed using gateways, and with data transmission channels - using adapters. For work of the Operator and the Administrator the graphical interface is provided.

SN supports 3 scenarios of information exchange with clients of bank:

  • Informing clients of bank on the events arising in external information systems.
  • It is used for informing clients of bank on a status of their banking products.
  • Informing clients at the initiative of bank. It is used for carrying out marketing mailings.
  • Informing clients on their requests. It is used for informing clients of bank on a status of their banking products, and for providing the reference information about bank and about banking products.

The example of the scenario of informing clients of bank on the events arising in external information systems is provided in fig. 2.

File:Сервер Нотификации 02.gif

The example of the scenario of informing clients of bank on their requests, is provided in fig. 3.

File:Сервер Нотификации 03.gif

The example of the scenario of informing clients at the initiative of bank is provided in fig. 4:

File:Сервер Нотификации 04.gif

The Notification Server system is implemented on the platform of the CORREQTS system - systems for automation of the front office of bank (financial company), all sphere of contact with end consumers of banking and financial services, and can be completely integrated with this system.

One of important properties of the solution "SN" is the possibility of its easy and flexible integration with any other information systems used in bank (ERP systems, the processing systems, the core banking system, etc.) that is reached due to use of the manager of gateways of the CORREQTS system.

Treat the other distinctive features of SN inherited by it from the CORREQTS platform:

  • Three-unit distributed architecture "client-server".
  • Real-time operation.
  • Solution Platformonezavisimost (use of JAVA technology).
  • Support of different DBMS, including Oracle, MS SQL, Firebird.
  • Scalability of the solution, distribution of computing loading and clustering (support of industrial solutions).
  • Ability to integrate with any external channels.

2021: Inclusion in the unified register of the Russian software

The unified register of the Russian software included four more solutions BSS. The company reported about it on January 21, 2021. Also service for effective communication of bank with clients "The notification server" was included in the register. Read more here.

2017: Server of Notification of v. 2.11

On May 22, 2017 the BSS company announced release of the version of the Notification Server system of v. 2.11. Support of work under Linux OS is implemented.

The version of a system expands possibilities of the choice by banks of the platform for deployment of a product, and banks using Linux in the infrastructure can reduce considerably total cost of ownership[1].

Dmitry Knyazev, associate director of department of retail products of BSS company

Transition to the version of the Notification Server system of v. 2.11 it is possible from version v. 2.10 within the agreement of maintenance.

2016: Server of Notification v.2.10

In March, 2016 BSS announced release of the version of the Notification Server system of v. 2.10, intended for sending to clients of bank of different messages, including messages about payment transactions and offers of bank.

The updated Notification Server system provides a possibility of export and import of settings of a system, expanded journalizing of the transactions performed in a system and flexible management with magazines of a system, more convenient installation.


Server of Notification v.2.8.1

On March 12, 2015 the BSS company announced release of the new version of the Notification Server system of v.2.8.1.

In the new version of a system stability of work is increased and the feature for resending of messages on alternative channels in case of impossibility of delivery on the main is added. For example, the chain of sending the message can be built: the push-channel, in a minute of the SMS, in 2 minutes of e-mail.

In this case, at impossibility to confirm delivery of the push-notification, to the same receiver in a minute the sms will be automatically created and if for some reason it is not delivered, then in a minute the message by e-mail will be sent. The corresponding tunings can be performed separately for each type of the message. Such flexibility allows to increase reliability level on delivery of important information to clients with simultaneous reduction of delivery cost of information.

Transition to the new version of the Notification Server system of v. 2.8.1 from the version of v.2.8 - within the agreement of maintenance.

Server of Notification v.2.9

On October 15, 2015 the BSS company announced release of the Notification Server system of v.2.9.

In this version:

  • the feature to obtain information from external systems on the SMPP protocol is added. For connection of a banking information system to the Notification Server system it is enough to change setup of the address of SMS provider in an information system. Any costs for integration. Right after connection the possibility of sending cheap Push and email messages instead of expensive sms opens. And all this with a possibility of automatic duplication of the message through the SMS for the guaranteed delivery and other systems capabilities Server of Notification — accounting of time zones, a transliteration, logging, etc.;

  • support of the IMAP protocol is implemented. It became simpler to configure interaction with mail servers;

the request of data from external information systems and processing of incoming requests became possible using scripts. If necessary, by means of such scripts the random logic of work with data for messages or requests of receivers is implemented. At the same time the version of the Notification Server system remains standard, and the bank can continue to set standard updates of a system. Writing of scripts is possible both forces of BSS Company, and forces of specialists of bank;

  • work with adapters is selected in separate plug-ins. Thanks to it there were ample opportunities of customization and also the level of reliability of a system is increased;

  • the system of licensing is finished. Starting with version 2.9, a system warns administrators that selected within the purchased license of the message come to an end. Administrators have an opportunity to react quickly to a situation, without allowing breaks in work of services of bank.

Transition to version 2.9 of the Notification Server system from version v. 2.8.1 - within the agreement of maintenance.

2014: Server of Notification v.2.7.

On July 30, 2014 the BSS company announced release of the new version of solution "Notification Server" v. 2.7.

In new implementation Server of Notification of v. 2.7 requirements of financial institutions regarding the operational and comprehensive notification of the clients are considered. The solution provides flexible instruments of control and management of information flows and has ample opportunities on embedding in the available IT environment of banks, organizations or business companies.

Changes Server of Notification of v. 2.7

  • the new channel of sending messages - push-notifications is implemented. The technology of push-notifications is supported by all modern smartphones on platforms iOS and Android at the level of operating systems. Push-notifications promptly gain popularity as have efficiency of SMS notifications, but at the same time is much cheaper for banks and clients;
  • the feature for synchronization of time zones is added that allows the companies to send with a large number of branches messages from the uniform center local time of each of clients of the company;
  • support of legal entities is expanded. Now the notifications for physical persons and legal entities arriving from the different systems can be processed in a single system Server of Notification;
  • there was an opportunity to configure criteria of mailing of the message. For example, notifications on transactions form only when carrying out transaction for the amount from 1000 rubles. It allows to configure flexibly mailing of messages for each client: it is possible to specify that the client receives messages about considerable write-offs or charges without delay on one number, and about insignificant - on another;
  • possibilities of differentiation of the rights between users of a system are expanded that does it safer and fault-tolerant.

"The complete solution "Notification Server" of BSS Company is constructed based on modern cross-platform technologies, allows to manage effectively information flows, to flexibly configure rules and methods of the notification of clients and is easily integrated with systems which are sources of messages — Denis Dergunov, the product manager emphasized Server of Notification. — Increase both the legislative, and set by internal standards of the companies requirements to efficiency and quality of the notification, found the reflection and implementation in the new version of our system".

Transition to the new version of a product from version v. 2.6.1 - within the agreement of maintenance.

2013: Server of Notification v.2.6.1

The BSS company announced on July 5, 2013 an exit of upgraded version of the specialized solution Server of Notification of v. 2.6.1.

Changes in version 2.6.1:

  • stability of system operation is significantly increased;
  • the mechanism of archiving of attached files is created;
  • additional opportunities for administration of a system are organized — possibilities of registration of events and actions are expanded (in the event log), data filtering is added, user interfaces are finished;
  • operation of gateways for their more uniform loading is optimized;
  • installation process is finished and updates of a system — digit capacity of the platform is considered, auxiliary messages are displayed;
  • documentation of a system is updated.


Server of Notification of v. 2.1

In October, 2010 BSS announced the new version of a system for the organization of information exchange of bank with clients - Server of Notification of v. 2.1. In comparison with the previous versions in the updated system the features improving performance and functionality of a system, in particular are added:

  • Speed of preparation of outgoing messages is significantly increased;
  • The feature for sending Sms for the phone number specified in the XML files transferred to a system is added.

Server of Notification of v. 2.2

  • System compatibility Server of Notification with the following software is provided:
    • regarding operating systems of a server part: Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition, Web Edition;
    • regarding operating systems of workstations of operators and administrators: Windows 7 (x64).

  • Logging mechanisms for ensuring collecting of statistics on changes for individuals, gateways, channels, lists of messages are finished.
  • The possibility of viewing history of change of the statuses for each message is provided.
  • The possibility of accession of files to messages of the mail channel from the system interface Server of Notification is provided.
  • The mechanism of setup of the mail channel regarding separation of settings for SMTP- and POP3 protocols is changed.
  • The possibility of blocking of not used channel is provided.
  • In the system interface Server of Notification is implemented information output about the adapter via which sending the message is performed.
  • Support of updates of the previous versions of the Notification Server system is provided (starting with version 1.3.3).
  • Documentation with recommendations about creation of the database for the Notification Server system is developed.

Transition to version 2.5 of the Notification Server system is performed from version 2.4 within the agreement of maintenance.

Server of Notification of v. 2.6

  • The interface of the system administrator Server of Notification is improved;
  • The mechanism of archiving of messages and requests is implemented;
  • Integration opportunities with information systems of bank for the realization account of the universal mechanism of connection (plug-ins) are improved;
  • The new transmission channel of messages through IBM WebSphere MQ v is implemented. 7.0 by means of servers of queues. The new channel of interaction provides ability to integrate the Notification Server system both with the systems of BSS Company, and with information systems of bank and also increases security of delivery of data;
  • The possibility of start of the server of the Notification Server system as system service Windows is implemented;
  • The principles of licensing of the Notification Server system calculated in the new version on the basis of availability of the used transmission channels of messages and the maximum quantity of messages in day regardless of the channel are improved;
  • Support is implemented DBMS MS SQL Server 2012;
  • Documentation of the Notification Server system is updated.
