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Oracle Cloud Platform for Big Data

The name of the base system (platform): Oracle Cloud Platform
Developers: Oracle
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/11/16
Technology: Big Data,  Data Mining,  PaaS - Platform As A Service - Business platform as service

Oracle Cloud Platform for Big Data is technology of extraction of valuable knowledge from Big Data.

On October 27, 2015 the Oracle corporation announced a cloud solution of Oracle Cloud Platform for Big Data. This component of a portfolio of PaaS-services (Platform as a Service, platform as service) will give to users opportunities for the most effective use of data, their fast understanding.

Oracle announces Cloud Platform for Big Data (2015)

As a part of Oracle Cloud Platform for Big Data services work:

  • Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service - allows clients to automate, simplify and direct process of receiving, preparation, error correction, enrichment of data and managements of them without expensive manual intervention. This service with the innovation mechanism of recommendations provides reduction of time and costs for data preparation, in comparison with traditional methods. The industry-first cloud service of Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service combines possibilities of machine learning on the basis of Spark-technologies with semantic Natural Language Processing technologies (NLP, processing in a natural language) and data sets of Linked Open Data (the connected open data) for internal enrichment of data. The Big Data Preparation Cloud Service technology simplifies preparation, correction and enrichment of business data.

  • Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service provides fast data movement in cloud reservoirs of data and the data warehouse. Cloud services of Oracle Database Cloud Service, Oracle Exadata Cloud Service and Oracle Big Data Cloud Service simplify integration of traditional corporate databases and cloud services of data management on the basis of DBaaS, Hadoop, Spark and NoSQL. This service is founded on the powerful GoldenGate technology which is already used by thousands of clients worldwide and intended for collecting of initial data in the mode of the minimum influence on data source and their high-speed moving to Oracle Public Cloud. The innovation cloud functions, such as built-in automation of configuring and the integrated cloud monitoring, provide absolutely new environment of data integration.

  • Oracle Big Data Discovery Cloud Service extends innovations of Oracle in the field of the analysis of Big Data to cloud environments, allowing to understand even quicker and more simply the potential of Big Data, to execute their conversion and enrichment and to provide valuable knowledge both to business users, and specialists in a research of data. The combination of Oracle Big Data Discovery Cloud Service and Oracle Big Data Cloud Service allows clients to get immediately to work with Big Data without need to unroll difficult architecture, to study special tools or to involve experts. The complete analytical solution of Oracle also includes the products Oracle Big Data Spatial and Graph, Oracle Advanced Analytics (including R) and Oracle Big Data SQL Cloud Service, predictive models and to bring analytics to new level allowing users to improve.

  • Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service provides the developed data warehouse like key/value as the cost-efficient, high-performance solution for simple transactions over collections of data with the built-in means of ensuring of high availability and elastic scaling. This service conforms to requirements of modern corporate applications for which simple, fast, flexible, reliable transactions with large volumes of data at the minimum administration are necessary. It is also integrated with other products of Oracle for reduction of time of development and costs and acceleration of entry into the market.