The name of the base system (platform): | GIS Panorama |
Developers: | KB Panorama |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2025/02/28 |
Technology: | GIS - Geoinformation Systems |
Main article: Geo-information system
2025: Announcement of the "Spatial Analysis Complex for Assessing Terrain Characteristics and Building Thematic Maps"
On February 28, 2025, Panorama Design Bureau announced the development of a Spatial Analysis Complex designed to study the properties of territories and search for dependencies between objects and their attributes. The program builds thematic maps on data in the field of planning and development, social, geographical, environmental and financial research. The basis of the construction is quantitative indicators of information on the reserves of natural resources, the quality of soils and vegetation, planning and development, the distribution of animal species, the level of environmental pollution, health care, demography, crime and other phenomena.
According to the company, thematic maps allow you to visually show statistical data on the selected map of the area, from the map of the World to the map of an individual city. The results of spatial analysis are saved in the form of various variants of maps: color and hatched polygons, column and pie diagrams, hexagonal networks. The complex is installed as part of the Panorama GIS. Launch the complex panel in the dialog "Launch of applications" in the section "Thematic maps and diagrams." The procedures for creating thematic cartograms and diagrams allow you to form graphic images that clearly illustrate the ratio of values of the selected characteristic for individual objects of the digital map.
The procedure for building a hexagonal network forms thematic maps in the form of a hexagonal network based on positive and negative environmental factors in the selected territory. When building a thematic map, the selected map fragment is covered with a network of hexagonal cells of equal area containing objects of interest. The choice of hexagonal cell shape is explained by the more uniform structure of connections between neighboring cells: each hexagonal cell has 6 neighboring cells, with the same distance to the centers of neighboring cells. As an example, parameters for building a map of favorable areas based on a test map of the area were added to the installation of the program. The construction of the map takes into account the presence of objects of interest (residential buildings) and environmental influences, as well as the distance of objects of interest from environmental objects. Objects with negative factors include objects (territories) representing a technogenic hazard (chemical enterprises and nuclear enterprises industries), noise level (objects, constructions railways, main roads, stadiums), air quality (landfills, livestock farms, chimneys), unfavorable landscape elements (cemeteries, wetlands). Objects with positive factors include objects (territories) that improve the quality of the urban environment (sites, theaters sports basins), favorable landscape elements (water woods bodies). Each object is assigned a radius of influence (in meters) on neighboring objects. For example, for a trunk road, a radius of 3000 m is assigned, for a railway track - 1000 m, for a landfill - 5000 m. For objects of short length and area, the radius of influence decreases.
At the end of the hexagonal network, the map is painted in colors corresponding to the degree of influence of negative and positive factors: red - unfavorable area, orange and yellow - areas with poor and low quality urban environment, green and blue - areas with good, high and comfortable quality urban environment. When you select Show Hexagonal Network Statistics, a dialog opens to show the hexagonal network area statistics. The dialog contains lists of objects of interest (residential buildings), lists of objects of influence and factors of influence. Selecting objects allows you to select them in the map. The task "Calculation of semantics values by incoming objects" allows you to copy object semantics taking into account territorial affiliation and works in two modes: semantics calculations and semantics transfer from incoming objects to selected polygons. The Semantics Calculations mode allows you to analyze the distribution of a group of objects within the selected polygons (area objects) and fill in the semantic characteristics of the polygons based on the results of the analysis. Before starting the dialog, the search and selection tools on the map mark polygons to which semantic characteristics will be added. The analyzed objects are defined by the map object filter (Filter button).
The task "Copying semantics to incoming objects" is designed to transfer the values of the specified semantic characteristics of the reference polygon objects to the semantics of the geographically dependent selected objects of the digital map. If the input map and the editable data map have different classifiers, select one characteristic from the list of copied semantics and match the semantics of the selected objects. Otherwise, if there are identical classifiers, multiple selection of copied semantics is allowed. The semantic characteristics are reconciled automatically.