Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: R-Style Softlab
Last Release Date: 2021/01/20
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit


RS-Payments is the tool for management of financial flows of credit institution.

A system provides effective management of resources of bank, confidentiality and integrity of information and also guarantees expense reduction on service of payments and the most effective work of users.

The RS-Payments system is intended both for large multifilial credit institutions, and for banks of a segment of SMB, at the same time deep integration of RS-Payments into the core banking system set in bank is possible.

2021: A possibility of authorization on SSO using the Active Directory

On January 20, 2021 R-Style Softlab provided upgraded version of the RS-Payments system for automation of work of settlement center of bank with interbank and interfilial payments.

The client-server application of RS-Payments is translated to other architecture. As the client the browser based on Chromium is used thanks to what the convenient web interface became available to specialists of banks. The JEE server acts as the application server.

Upgraded version provides higher level of security and convenience during the work of settlement center with the application as the authorization option on SSO became available to users of RS-Payments (Single Sign-On, technology of a uniform input) using data of the Active Directory, synchronization of users and their rights with data of the Active Directory is also supported. The mechanisms increasing convenience of management and increasing reliability of background processing of payments are added.

Thanks to a relevant stack of technologies of upgraded version of the RS-Payments system to banks inherent reliability and security during the work of settlement center with payments — Dmitry Sulimov, the technical director of the production center of department of banking software RS-Bank, R-Style Softlab reported. — Besides, in this version of RS-Payments work in a cluster architecture is supported. Specialists of R-Style Softlab implemented more flexible mechanisms for a possibility of horizontal scaling allowing to process over 10 million payment documents a day that is especially necessary for settlement centers of banks with the growing business.


In RS-Payments process of tracking of interbank transactions is automated

At the beginning of 2016 the R-Style Softlab company expanded systems capabilities for management of financial flows of banks RS-Payments. In the solution process of tracking of interbank transactions and identification of the reasons of their violation is automated. This functionality reduces labor costs of financial institutions on correspondence with banks partners for refining of details of payments and requests for their passing.

The mechanism of tracking is implemented by the principle of card files. Management of the thematic card files systematizing settlement documents of clients is available to bank employees. In each card file storage of an unlimited number of so-called cases — cases of correspondence in which the main attributes are fixed is possible (date, number, the partner initiator, control term). The payment on which it arose, and all requests answers is attached to case. At the request of bank the vendor can create any quantity of card files.

In RS-Payments three card files are implemented: standard and obscure requests and also card file of refining of details. The card file of standard requests allows to automate based on the created templates of requests and answers conducting correspondence with banks partners according to loro accounts. In a system the format of a standard request is configured and the form of the standard answer which will be sent to this request, in particular, for obtaining the current balance or the statement, the account status (debit and the credit), about changes or cancellings of transactions and also about detailing on specific transaction is put in compliance. The card file of the obscure requests includes those addresses (for example, with a request to confirm purpose of payment), most of which often cannot automatically be processed and require direct participation of the operator in formation of the answer. The card file of refining of details contains those requests, answers to which also form with the assistance of the operator.

The RS-Payments system processed 1 million payment documents in a day

The R-Style Softlab IT company held in the spring of 2016 system testing for automated management of interfilial and interbank payments — RS-Payments. Results of a research showed that the application is capable to process not less than 1 million documents a day.

Testing was held at the stand imitating work of one settlement center (SC) and two bank branches. Each of three databases (D) contained over 2 million payments.

The research purpose was to determine the maximum volume of documents which a system can process for one trading day. Check over 30 automated actions made by the solution in the course of work in bank was for this purpose performed. Check included generation of payments in settlement center concurrent processes, generation of payments in branches, formation of formats of payments, vising of payments, acceptance of receipts in branches, analysis of a transmission format, processing of receipts in RTs and many other things, told in the company.

Along with the main achievement of testing (1 million documents a day), a system showed high performance on each transaction. For example, according to R-Style Softlab, it is capable to generate 200 thousand payments by two concurrent processes less than in 1 hour (58 minutes), to vise about 10 thousand payments in RTs in 11 seconds, to accept a packet from 10 thousand electronic payment documents in 1 minute.

"Application testing showed high rates. Taking into account its opportunities for scaling, the number of the processed documents can increase to several million documents a day — noted Frenkel Lev, the director of the department of bank SOFTWARE RS-Bank R-Style Softlab. — The range of services, offered banks clients, all the time increases with respect thereto also the number of payments grows in financial institution. Therefore system performance for management of financial flows is one of key requirements of bank to such solution".


Exchange of documents with the regulator

On December 8, 2015 the R-Style Softlab company announced inclusion in the RS-Payments system of functionality of exchange of documents in the unified formats of electronic bank messages (UFEBM) with[1].

In the solution information exchange between working interest owners of calculations and the Center of processing and calculations of a system of bank electronic due payments (TsOiR BESP) and also interaction of clients of the Bank of Russia among themselves and with the servicing division of the Bank of Russia is implemented.

Users of RS-Payments got access to functionality:

  • both automatic, and manual sending messages;
  • maintaining the reference book of criteria for consolidation of payment messages in ED108 format;
  • fast exception of the created packet of the defective document and reorganization of a packet;
  • change of an order of inclusion of the document or document group in a packet;
  • setup of number of documents in a packet and a maximum amount of a packet.

At message handling the warning system notifying subscribers on acceptance of different types of messages and sending them, and for a number of formats (ED243 and ED244) — the mechanism of investigations for maintaining cases and correspondence on the specified details operates.

Mikhail Drobyshevsky, the deputy CEO of R-Style Softlab, noted:

- The convenience of the implemented support of documents in Unified format of electronic banking messages in a separate system is that at each change of formats it is not necessary to update the core banking system. Besides, the functionality developed by us on formation and message handling executed in the open code is distinguished by the high level of performance and ergonomics.

Features, functionality, security

RS-Payments will help to execute quickly interfilial and interbank payments, to control a status of correspondent accounts, to select an optimal route of carrying out payments, to perform their positioning. For control of activity of branches of large banks RS-Payments can execute monitoring of external payments of bank and branches, to regulate observance of the requirements set for payments to monitor undesirable payments.

A system is installed in each balance sheet division of bank. Architecturally it consists of a core and a set of special modules by means of which interaction with external applications is performed activity of authorized employees is supported, automatic processes and so forth are executed.


  • high processing speed of payment and information messages
  • support practically any topological model of a payment system
  • setup of formats and interfaces of display of the processed messages
  • setup of accounting, financial and dynamic models of message handling
  • interaction with the core banking system of different producers
  • independence of a transport transmission medium of messages
  • high ergonomics
  • open program code on the macro language

Specific Features

  • The RS-Payments technology assumes setup of document flow on the basis of the distributed step-by-step payment processing
  • A system allows to configure message handling at own discretion
  • Payment processing is executed step by step. The choice of each next step is caused by a payment type and its current status
  • Work of all RS-Payments nodes is based on the basis of the dynamic model considering a set of statuses of all payment types and steps of their processing
  • There is an opportunity to configure any model of postings that a system itself opened necessary accounts and executed transactions completely in the automatic mode


  • Full automation of processing of payments and the accompanying messages in multifilial bank of any size
  • Implementation of interaction with different payment systems of electronic calculations
  • Choice of an optimal route of carrying out payments, implementation of operational positioning of payment messages
  • Status monitoring of correspondent accounts
  • Accomplishment of monitoring of external payments of head bank and branches, controlling observance of rules of their processing
  • Adaptivity of a system under the changing requirements

System implementation will allow bank to accelerate passing of payments, to reduce costs on their processing, to manage effectively financial resources, to monitor activity of branches and many other things.


  • Three-unit architecture by means of which physical access for users to the database is excluded.
  • Flexible access control system (ACS). For each user it is possible to configure individual structure of the menu, to specify the list of available subsystems and modules and also lists of clients, accounts and other objects of a system with which it is authorized to it to work. Means of recording and audit are provided.
  • Principle of continuous electronic document management. Confidentiality of information and confirmation of authorship are provided here by the electronic digital signature (EDS) imposed on documents. All the cryptographic systems, most widespread in Russia, are supported.
  • Rules of formation of passwords (the minimum length of the password and frequency of its replacement both on time, and on number of inputs) are flexibly configured for each user. A system or permits the user to change passwords independently, or imposes ban on these actions. She controls quality of the password, in particular monitors that not only alphabetic or numerical characters, but also, for example, their combination entered it and also behind that the new password did not match former, etc.
  • Blocking of a profile and the keyboard at a long absence of the user. If after password entry the user does not log into the system during the automatically determined time, then access will be prohibited. If the employee interrupts for some time work (will not click any key during individually set period), then a system will automatically block the keyboard (it will be possible to unblock it, having entered the login and the password).
  • The used mechanism of enciphering of channels ensures safety of data transmission between remote terminals and the application server. The possibility of use of other certified means of enciphering is provided in IBS of RS-Bank V.6.


System architecture (2014)

Structural unit of RS-Payments - the node created at balance sheet division of multifilial bank. The node should be configured and configured according to the specific role in payment processing. For example, at creation of the two-level system "Head Bank — Branch" the modules RS-Payments can be grouped in two logic blocks:

  • "Settlement center";
  • "Branch" (or Terminal).

"Settlement center" interacts with the core banking system of head bank, branches, external payment systems, payment processing center and banks partners. "Branch" is connected with the core banking system of branch, with Settlement center and also can interact with external payment systems. "Terminal" unlike Branch has no block of direct interaction with the core banking system. Instead the functionality allowing the user to perform input of documents directly in RS-Payments, to receive different reports (including the reporting under turnovers and a remaining balance on the corresponding accounts serviced by RS-Payments) and also to import and export documents in the formats stipulated in advance is provided in it (really this functionality can provide, for example, the S.W.I.F.T terminal.).

2001: Completion of development

Development of RS-Payments payment system – a product for management of financial flows of multifilial bank is complete.
