Developers: | ReinnolC, NPE dynamics |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2022/06/07 |
Branches: | Housing and communal services, service and household services |
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2022: Launch of waste processing plants with minimization of harmful emissions into the atmosphere
The Skolkovo Foundation announced on June 7, 2022, the launch of a joint project by Reinnolz Lab and NPP Dynamics to produce waste processing plants to minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
NPP Dynamics is the developer of equipment for thermal waste disposal, and Reinnolz Lab has competencies in the development and production of highly efficient heat exchange equipment for water treatment and wastewater treatment.
It always pleases when our residents begin to implement joint projects, this demonstrates the effectiveness of the functioning of ecosystems Skolkovo. Both Reinnolz Lab and NPP Dynamics are actively developing companies that solve urgent tasks to improve energy efficiency and. environmental friendliness economies I am confident that cooperation will further accelerate the development of each company. Combining competencies in the field, sciences technologies, production, business, which are possessed by various Skolkovo participants, will make it possible to create more and more the Russian level products, " world Oleg Pertsovsky, Director for Operational Operations of the Energy Efficient Technologies Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, commented.
The plant solves the problem of recycling solid man-made waste with minimal negative impact on the environment. In the standard disposal scheme, several types of environmental pollution occur: emissions into the atmosphere, water pollution and the disposal of combustion products is necessary, and the technology itself is quite energy-intensive.
In this installation of Skolkovo residents, the reactor technology with a rotating drum was used, supplemented by a number of special design solutions, which gives it competitive advantages over analogues, including foreign production and makes equipment in demand on the market. The main difference is that thermal degradation occurs by low-temperature pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is a technology for separating raw materials into volatile compounds (consisting of hydrocarbons, steam) and dry residue.
The mineralized residue obtained, which is 10-30%, does not harm the environment and can be buried compactly at the landfill, which significantly reduces the volume of emissions into the atmosphere. In the process of incineration of waste, emissions cannot be divided. This is an independent solution, the entire production cycle is carried out at technological sites in Russia.
There are many powerful scientific developments in Russia, and the collaboration of scientific thought and effective technological solutions leads to the successful implementation of the most breakthrough projects. The expertise and competencies of the Reinnolz Lab team allow you to efficiently and on time perform the production of complex engineering equipment according to the strict requirements of the customer, said Pavel Blokhin, founder of "Reinnolz Lab."
This is an example of useful production cooperation among Skolkovo residents in the Urals. The development of such internal relations contributes to import substitution, an increase in the level of domestic competencies and an increase in the quality of innovative technological solutions, and the manufactured equipment will help make the planet cleaner.