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Satellite Trusted Browser

The name of the base system (platform): CryptoPro CSP
Developers: Satellite Search Portal
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017
Last Release Date: 2019/07/15
Branches: Internet services


The browser from Sputnik was included in the unified register of Russian software.

2024: FSB recommends abandoning Sputnik for security reasons

In August 2024, the National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents (NCCCI), created at the initiative of the FSB, recommended stopping the use of the domestic Sputnik browser developed by Rostelecom in connection with security threats. The organization released an official statement in which it called for abandoning the use of the Sputnik browser both in organizations and for personal purposes.

The conclusions about the risks of using Sputnik in NKCKI came after the bankruptcy of the developer company and the subsequent sale of the domain name of the browser of the American organization.

source = Satellite
NCCCI recommended to abandon the use of the Sputnik browser developed by Rostelecom for security reasons

The Sputnik browser, developed by Sputnik-Lab LLC, was previously actively used in state structures and authorities of Russia. Its popularity was due to the support of domestic SSL certificates and the inclusion of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media in the software register.

Earlier, the development company was declared bankrupt, which entailed a number of negative consequences. In March 2024, the Sputnik browser was excluded from the software register Ministry of Digital Development Russia at the request of the company itself. Technical support for the product ceased back in 2022.

Of particular concern to NKCKI specialists was the sale of the domain name the American company Global Internet Telemetry Measurement Collective. The new owner uses the domain for unknown purposes, while the web service associated with the domain name continues to accept update requests from Russian users of Sputnik browsers installed on computers.

In this regard, NCCCA specialists warn of the possible threat of introducing malicious modules into the Sputnik software in order to compromise the computer equipment of users. This situation creates serious risks for information security for both individual citizens and government agencies.[1]


OS DEW Compatibility

On July 15, 2019, the STC IT Rosa company announced the technological cooperation of PP Sputnik, within the framework of which it successfully checked and established the compatibility of developer products: Russian operational systems of the ROSA and the domestic corporate browser Sputnik. As a result of testing, the operability of the corporate version of the Sputnik browser on the following operating systems developed in STC IT ROSA was confirmed:

Sputnik browser passed compatibility certification with ROSA OS

Corporate users of ROSA OS now have secure access to, and Internet also gain a number of advantages from stable work with the Sputnik browser: for example, support for outdated, but used in corporate products, technologies (Active X, Java Applet or), Silverlight design a browser in a corporate style and communication with internal systems of the company, deep integration browser with corporate systems, for example, with or electronic document management systems employee reference book.

For administrators of corporate local networks based on the ROSA operating systems families, the use of the Sputnik browser allows you to deliver ads and internal news of the company to employees, flexibly configure the browser for the needs of employees of various departments of the company, as well as collect and analyze information about employee interaction with the browser. This information is used to generate various reports, such as the availability and health report of the company's internal systems.

NTC IT "ROSA" monthly expands the range of technological partners who present their products and solutions based on operating systems of the ROSA family. As of July 2019, both products widely used in the domestic market and niche solutions can be found in the portfolio of proven solutions. NTC IT ROSA focuses on corporate products and we could not pass by the Sputnik browser. We look forward to continuing and expanding technological cooperation with colleagues from the Sputnik Search Portal,

We are purposefully building a technological partnership with Russian software developers. The technological compatibility of our enterprise browser with the ROSA Enterprise family of operating systems will provide our common customers with a full range of solutions for working with secure document flow within government departments and on electronic trading platforms where they need to use an electronic signature. Such decisions will fully comply with the requirements of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation for import substitution,

Red OS Compatibility

On June 24, 2019, Red Soft announced technological cooperation with PP Sputnik, the main goal of which is to establish the compatibility of developer products, namely the Russian import-independent operating system RED OS and the domestic corporate browser Sputnik. Testing confirmed the correctness of the browser on the operating system.

{{quote 'author = comments Rustamov Rustam, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT|We position RED OS primarily as a corporate platform. In view of its import independence and sanctions stability, our operating system is actively being implemented in state bodies and companies. We are glad to announce that RED OS has confirmed compatibility with the modern Russian browser Sputnik, which is widely used in the corporate environment, }}

The Sputnik browser has great potential, as it allows you to work with secure document flow within government departments and on electronic trading platforms where you need to use an electronic signature. Therefore, we are constantly expanding a number of partnerships with leading developers in the field of information security, user authentication, electronic document management and software. The technological partnership with RED SOFT will raise the security of work in the Sputnik browser to a higher level, since the solutions of both companies are based on domestic technologies in the field of data protection,


Built-in cryptographic protection on Astra Linux

The Sputnik company, which creates Internet services in the structure of the national telecom operator PJSC Rostelecom, completed in 2017 testing a trusted browser with a built-in cryptographic information protection tool for OSAstra Linux, developed by NPO RusBITech JSC. The solution was built on the technological basis of a partner - KryptoPro - and was developed in accordance with Russian GOST standards. The browser is intended for use in government and corporate systems, where the use of Russian cryptographic information protection tools is required.

The browser is the main tool for viewing information on the Internet. State employees and ordinary citizens use foreign-made browsers, which use "default authentication " on sites enciphering and transmitted data over the protocol. HTTPS This means that in most user systems, information encryption is implemented by closed modules of foreign origin, the reliability of which Russia cannot be objectively assessed. At the same time, the use of foreign cryptographic algorithms is unsafe for state bodies, and in some cases it is prohibited by law. Until now, there has been no alternative in the form of a Russian browser with domestic cryptography, although the procedure for using Russian cryptographic algorithms in HTTPS has been standardized for a long time (and the final protocol is resistant to a large number of theoretical and practical attacks to which foreign counterparts are vulnerable).

The cryptographic core of the trusted Sputnik browser, where all cryptographic transformations are implemented, is a certified solution from CryptoPro (CryptoPro CSP). In addition, a special plugin from CryptoPro is integrated into the Sputnik browser to work with an electronic signature, which allows you to use the browser for secure document management within departments, work on electronic trading platforms and other services using an electronic signature.

Support for JaCarta tokens when working with the portal of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

On September 21, 2017, the company "Aladdin RD" announced that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using the tokens of the line JaCarta can now work in their personal account Federal Tax Service Russia through browser Sputnik. As key media, organizations and entrepreneurs can use the entire line of JaCarta tokens - JaCarta-2 GOST, JaCarta GOST, JaCarta PKI, JaCarta LT and JaCarta PRO. More. here
