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Terrasoft (basic system)

Developers: Terrasoft (Terrasoft, CU-Consulting)
Technology: BPM,  CRM,  Call centers,  ITSM - Management systems for IT service,  SaaS is the Software as service


Terrasoft 3.4

The Terrasoft group announced a release of new version 3.4 of a software platform of Terrasoft on which flagship products of the company are based in July, 2011: Terrasoft CRM, Terrasoft XRM, Terrasoft Sales, Terrasoft Service Desk, Terrasoft Call Centre, etc. The main focus in the new version is placed on increase in convenience of setup, administration and fall forward of work of users with a system.

System setup wizard

According to the statistics, 80% of clients perform setup of a system under the unique business processes. For the maximum simplification of process of setup version 3.4 of the Terrasoft platform includes the powerful tool - Master of Settings. The module integrates the main steps which need to be executed at a system implementation stage, and allows to make on a centralized basis primary setup of a system, to change basic logic of its work.

Giving an opportunity of step-by-step setup, "The master of settings" allows to register easily and quickly users of a system and to distribute them on groups, to fill out reference books and to specify values of system settings, to create diagrams and to customize the display of columns and parts in all sections of the application, and many other things. All changes executed in "The master of settings" become effective immediately that allows at once, to see in the WYSIWYG mode in a system results of the performed operations.

"The master of settings" as the catalyst of adaptation of an information system, allows to customize in the shortest possible time a system under needs of the company.

The simplified administration of data

Updating of the platform introduced a set of useful opportunities for administration of data. The new section Reference books simplifying access to reference books of a system is added. The module of search of the duplicated records is completely processed: deeper setup of search criterions and also advanced functionality for users on identification and consolidation of doubles is implemented.

Setup of jobs

In the version of Terrasoft 3.4 additional opportunities of the organization by the user of the workplace are implemented. For convenience of work in a system the user can change structure of the menu of navigation, add or delete jobs, define the list of sections which are a part of its own workplace.

The automated task performance

The section "The scheduler of tasks" for the automated task performance became one more innovation of version 3.4. Automation of accomplishment of the same, frequent actions in a system, for example, business process start, adding of participants in mailing, state change of a task, etc., allows to save significantly the employee's time for accomplishment of routine transactions.

Speeding up for users and developers

Additional speeding up of systems on the Terrasoft 3.4 platform will be estimated by both users, and developers. Work of the designer of windows in Terrasoft Administrator is considerably improved and work of an application interface is accelerated. During creation of cards and other windows an opportunity to change their appearance is provided. Besides, the full support of Unicode is implemented. Thanks to it, work with different languages in a system is performed correctly, irrespective of the selected regional settings.

It should be noted that the most part of innovations and changes of the version of Terrasoft 3.4 were implemented, based on wishes of users and the ideas on improvement of the products Terrasoft sounded on the Terrasoft Community portal.

The detailed description of new opportunities of the platform is provided in the document 'by What's new. Version 3.4', provided on the website Terrasoft.