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WINNUM Machines

The name of the base system (platform): Winnum Platform
Developers: Winnum
Branches: Mechanical and Instrument Engineering
Technology: Big Data,  MES - Manufacturing and Repair Management,  Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT)

WINNUM Machines - a solution for remote monitoring and diagnostics of production equipment, built on the basis of the Industrial Internet software platform WINNUM.

WINNUM has developed a specialized application for monitoring, monitoring and analyzing the operation of machine tools (both CNC machines and universal equipment). The solution ensures the fulfillment of the most important tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of operation and operation of the machine fleet of the modern enterprise, increasing the indicators of uninterrupted operation, preventing equipment failure and minimizing the time of its downtime.


Winnum Machine Tools

Objectivity of data and independence from humans

Technologies of WINNUM software solution Machines provide direct (software) connection for all major manufacturers of CNC systems, including FANUC, SIEMENS, HEIDENHAIN, MAZAK, MITSUBISHI, BALT SYSTEMS, OKUMA, HAAS, etc., as well as support for the main industrial protocols used in CNC systems. For example, OPC DA/UA - with a software connection, the number of monitoring parameters is limited only by the capabilities of the CNC system, and it is standard practice to collect 250-300 signals that describe in detail the operation of the equipment.

Evaluation of the useful operation of the equipment

The application monitors the load on the tools of the machine, evaluates the correctness of the purpose of the equipment for performing operations and the correctness of the assigned modes and provides information for competent selection of equipment and optimization of the control program modes. The purpose of the payload criteria (load, modes, etc.) is completely at the mercy of the enterprise and can be performed both for each type of equipment and for each machine individually.

Optimizing the technology, as a result, reduces equipment usage time and frees up time for the new nomenclature.

Technology Quality Assessment

By recording all indicators of the equipment in terms of the selected modes, the operations performed and the time of their execution, WINNUM provides comprehensive information on the operation of the equipment for the selected periods of time - the number of completed and incomplete operations, the time and place of their interruption, executable personnel, i.e. automatic photography taking into account machine, auxiliary and inter-operational time.

This information is used to compare with technological standards and identify reserves, increase the payload ratio, balance the load on the tool, ensure rhythmicity and consistency of quality, improve the quality of production planning.

Control of process discipline

The application records and stores all data on the equipment operating parameters, including technological - load, program, executable commands, operating modes, time to enter the mode, torque and much more, and, based on the ready-made cases of using Big Data, detects the slightest deviations from the technology and the specified rules of operation.

Built-in algorithms detect deviations for both equipment and processing programs, providing a complete understanding of the most critical manufacturing areas and technologies to look out for. The identified deviations make it possible to determine the available reserves and temporary losses affecting the economic efficiency of equipment use.

Control of tool operation

WINNUM monitors the operating time of each tool and calculates deviations from the planned time caused by a change in feed, and presents information for each tool based on the assignment of tool stores directly in the WINNUM Machines application, both in reference to the machine and to the control program. This information is subsequently used by technologists to optimize the use of the cutting tool, including its unification, setting up the tool outside the machine, changing the range of products manufactured on each machine taking into account the tool used, etc. - all this significantly reduces the time of rearrangements and increases the time of useful operation of the equipment, ensuring an increase in the production of marketable products without changing production capacity.

Managing Processing Programs

WINNUM solutions include exceptional electronic archive capabilities that are used to store version-controlled control programs, iterations and users, transfer programs to date-controlled equipment and executor, with the ability to compare the text of the actual executable control program and the program stored in the technological archive. To compare programs, a special user interface is provided, which in a visual and convenient form, including synchronous scrolling, highlighting changes, etc., displays all changes made in the program.

WINNUM thus implements full control over the quality of the technology and eliminates the possibility of unauthorized changes in programs, ensuring the quality of products established by the technology.

Control of downtime and shift-daily tasks

The special WINNUM Pad application is installed on any computer device (industrial tablet, PC or production kiosk) and provides feedback from production personnel at WINNUM and vice versa. WINNUM Pad displays the current operating modes of the equipment and has a clear and convenient user interface for entering states that cannot be obtained from the equipment in automated mode:

  • Operator or other personnel, supports both standard name/password authorization and identification by barcode or RFID label
  • The reason why the equipment is idle - the reasons are entered on the basis of a reference book, the composition of which is adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise
  • The operation to be performed, indicating both the start and completion of the operation, which ensures timely dispatching of production

Enter messages for service services to promptly provide up-to-date and complete information about equipment status, errors, failures, etc.

Single source of production data

WINNUM software storage technologies enable the platform to be used as a single production data collection and storage system (PIMS - from the English Plant Information Management System) is used to consolidate data from different sources (for example, ASUTP, SCADA, controllers, sensors, files, etc.) and their use in the future for visualization, processing and transfer of data to corporate IT systems and business intelligence applications.

For data exchange, WINNUM software solutions have a wide toolkit - a choice of fully documented exchange protocols based on RESTful, WebSockets, JMS, as well as developer libraries for Java, Javascript,.NET languages ​ ​ (c#, cpp, vb, vba) are offered, direct integration with MS Office is provided and reporting on this basis directly in MS Excel, without using the WINNUM user interface.


CNC machines

  • Supports all major types of CNC machines
  • Connecting to machines without the need for additional options
  • Reading an unlimited number of signals from the CNC/PLC system of the machine
  • Connection without installation software on the machine
  • Connection without installing hardware on the machine
  • Connect using standard connectivity only
  • Support of machines in leasing and operation without violation of warranty conditions

Universal CNC machines

  • Support for universal CNC machines
  • Reading Load Metrics
  • Read spindle rotations
  • Support for retrofitting machines with additional monitoring parameters


  • Support for load monitoring on all machine controls
  • Support for process data monitoring (G/M codes, personnel, programs)
  • Support for service data monitoring (axis loads, currents, inputs/outputs)
  • Support for operational recording of the accident and processing of alarm messages
  • Support for high-frequency data processing (e.g. for diagnostic tasks)
  • Support for monitoring signal storage intervals up to 1 millisecond
  • Adding and changing signals without programming and special skills
  • Supports unlimited monitoring signals per machine
  • Supports unlimited retention
  • Supports unlimited number of simultaneously connected machines
  • Data encryption, crypto protection

Built-in analytics

  • Control of payload and payload (along all axes)
  • Control over the use of cutting tools
  • Control of technology optimality and quality
  • Control of operators' interventions in the operation of the machine
  • Control of equipment production and its payback
  • Operator Monitoring
  • Spectral analysis

Built-in reporting

  • Production Calendar Reporting Support
  • Support of different operating modes of machines during reporting
  • Detailed photo of the working day for the departments of labor and wages
  • Supports selection of unlimited number of machines and intervals for reporting
  • OEE calculation support

Built-in features

  • Thin client (web browser) for all tasks
  • Modern HTML5 interface with mobile support
  • Downtime Management and Downtime Cause Reference Books
  • Creating Your Machine Operating Statuses
  • Create event notifications, alarms, and monitoring settings
  • Storage of control programs, management of their versions and iterations
  • Controlling the loading of control programs on machines
  • Comparison of Control Program Texts
  • Management of service documentation for machines
  • Schedule management (WEP, M&R), Gantt chart support
  • Create and issue shift-daily tasks
  • Automatic Logging in PDF Format (Dynamic Publishing)
  • Management of directories of control programs, operations, DSE
  • Development and launch of diagnostic programs and algorithms
  • Real-time monitoring of machine signals and parameters
  • Interactive 2D Mimic Editor
  • Interactive 3D Digital Twin Editor
  • Online Offline Geo Map Editor for Distributed Branches
  • User Interface Editor (widgets, tables, etc.)
  • Support for different time zones for users
  • Support for different time zones for machines (with distributed stores)
  • Multi-language support (user interface)

Data Upload/Export

  • Uploading data to a file (xls, csv, json, sql, txt)
  • Data upload to the database (Microsoft SQL, Oracle DB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, OleDB)
  • Uploading Data as JMS Messages
  • Uploading Data to Restore
  • Uploading WebSockets
  • Uploading Data to Microsoft Excel
  • Uploading 3D Digital Twin Data (object, step, json)


  • Integration with video monitoring systems
  • Integration with vibration monitoring systems
  • Integration with messenger applications for sending notifications
  • Integration with network monitoring systems, servers and network equipment
  • Integration with corporate email services to send email
  • Integration with popular BIM and CAD systems for loading 3D models
  • Integration with SMS gateways for sending SMS messages
  • Integration with LDAP, for example, Microsoft AD, Apache DS
  • Integration with enterprise accounting systems such as ERP
  • Integration with Microsoft Office applications, such as reporting
  • Integration with Microsoft.Net Framework, for example, for data exchange
  • Integration with Java EE for midsize and large enterprise tasks

Data Security and Protection

  • Work on the internal network of the enterprise without the need for an Internet connection
  • Separate subnets to improve security and data protection
  • Work without any third-party paid software
  • Work without using the Microsoft Framework
  • Unix Family Operating Systems Support
  • Built-in integration with information security software
  • User passwords are not stored, authorization via enterprise LDAP server


  • Machine connection licensed
  • There are no restrictions on the number of users
  • No restrictions on functionality and modules (all in one)
  • Availability of a fully functional test version