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Norma Medical Center has implemented Mango Office and created a single space for communication with customers

Customers: Norma (Centre for Emerging Medical Technologies)

Murom; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Product: Mango Office Virtual PBX VATS

Project date: 2023/08  - 2024/12

2025: Implementation of Mango Office

The private medical center of the Vladimir region "Norma" introduced MANGO OFFICE and created a single space for communication with clients. This was announced on February 21, 2025 by MANGO OFFICE.

Mango Office Contact Center


At the end of 2021, Norma began to actively expand. A branch was opened in Aleksandrov. The medical center in Murom has launched additional directions: the operating unit and the children's department. And also increased the volume of work with VHI patients. In parallel, the clinic began to invest more in marketing. All this led to an increase in the number of patients and an increase in the load on the contact center.

85% of patient calls occur by phone. In 2021, Norma received 263,000 calls, in 2023 - 329,000, in 2024 - 591,000. Top managers understood that simply increasing the staff would not help "digest" the growing flow of traffic.

To process incoming calls, the clinic used telephony MIKO - it was installed on its own. server The solution worked in conjunction with MIS "."1C: Medicine. Policlinic

"1C: Medicine. Polyclinic


But integration did not cover all business needs - there were not enough tools in the field of control and analytics.

The main problem was that people simply did not call us. And we could not work quickly with missed calls.

told Elena KARAVAEVA, head of the client service "Norma"

The contact center of the clinic needed:

  • analysis and restart of the entire system for processing missed calls
  • monitoring the workload of operators
  • classifying calls by category
  • evaluating dialogues when dealing with patient needs

Platform selection

Norma executives have already tried to integrate MANGO OFFICE digital products in 2021. Then the clinic organized the call of patients using a robot to confirm the appointment. The purpose of the experiment was to save time for contact center employees.

Clients negatively perceived communication with the robot - the project had to be curtailed. But the medical center team had a good experience working with MANGO OFFICE specialists.

As a result, in 2024, when choosing a solution for the complete digitization of the contact center, the leaders of Norma considered the proposals of two familiar vendors - MIKO and MANGO OFFICE.

Key selection criteria:


  • August 2023 - start of negotiations, formation of SOW
  • January 2024 - Implementation of MANGO OFFICE product ecosystem and testing
  • March 2024 - transition to a full-fledged version of the solution

Teams and Workgroups

On the part of Norma - 7 people:

From MANGO OFFICE - 4 people:

  • Presale Specialist
  • Macroregion Sales Manager Center
  • Head of Macroregion Center
  • Technical Support Specialist

How the contact center "Norma" is organized

The customer service employs 46 people. Of these, 24 contact center specialists are directly involved in calling and processing calls. The rest are connected as needed. These are reception staff and cashiers in the clinics of Murom and Alexandrov.

There are 17 operators on the line every day. All of them work from a single contact center in Murom. Some employees work according to schedule 2/2, some - according to schedule 5/2.

Patient appeals are divided into the following categories:

  • record for paid medical services
  • recording for medical examinations, consultations on them
  • record in the CHI system
  • recording in the VMS system
  • Check-Up Comprehensive Program Questions
  • information requests (readiness of the results of surveys, certificates, clarification of the cost of services)

How the integration of MANGO OFFICE and MIS "1C: Medicine works. Polyclinic "

Communication with customers takes place right in the CRM interface. The operator does not have to switch between windows. During an incoming call to MIS "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic "automatically opens the patient's card if he has already contacted the medical center.