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Toplog automated the Aros distribution center

Customers: Arosa

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: TopLog
Product: TopLog WMS

Project date: 2023/06  - 2023/12

2023: TopLog WMS Implementation

TopLog"" automated the distribution center Arosa""- the supplier of products for HoReCa in, To Moscow,, and St. Petersburg. Sochi This was announced KrasnodarTopLog by "" on January 25, 2024.

The TopLog WMS system will allow you to accurately monitor residual shelf life, product quality, and delivery accuracy.

source = Toplog

For working with the HoReCa business segment, clear control of goods with a residual shelf life, quality and speed of working with orders, accurate accounting algorithms, work with a wide range of products in various temperature modes are important. Due to the growing volume, the company's management decided to introduce a high-performance TopLog WMS system. The contractor of the project was the company "Toplog."

The pilot object of automation was a warehouse complex of class A in the city, St. Petersburg with an area of ​ ​ 20,000 square meters. m. The total product range is approximately 2,000 SKU. The warehouse operates daily, processing the execution of about 2,000 order lines per day.

During the implementation, the automation of all major warehouse processes and functional areas was reconfigured. At the same time, the integrator took into account the algorithms of the old system, implemented taking into account the specifics of the business, in order to make a "friendly" transition to the new WMS.

Particular attention in the WMS settings is paid to working with the quality of the product at all stages. Control of the remaining shelf life of the incoming goods in percent was implemented, but at the same time it was possible to send a "manual" request to the manager in the CIS. The strategies for working with various accounting storage groups by temperature conditions ("dry," "frost," "cold," "skoroport") have been diversified. Batch accounting has been set up, the rotation of products with an expiration date is carried out according to the principles of FEFO (First Expire, First Out), BBD (Best Before Day). Each temperature mode has its own selection settings. For example, when receiving information from the CIS on the delivery of orders to customers, WMS organizes the selection and then placement of items along the depth of the vehicle body in the order of unloading when moving along the route.

Integration with the accounting system of the client "1C: Trade Management" is implemented through the TopLog API module built into the basic functionality of the system.

Additional modules "Billing" and "Personnel Motivation" are set up to improve the performance of warehouse employees and reduce errors caused by "human factors." The TopLog WMS system implements a full-fledged mechanism for automatically calculating the bonus part or piecework salary of warehouse employees based on the results of their work. The system takes into account each action of an employee with a personal shipping documentation. For any period, you can calculate the number of works performed, the execution time (during working hours, weekends, overtime), downtime, and apply different tariffs, taking into account the complexity of processing different categories of goods. Integration with the own warehouse management system "AROSA" has also been carried out.

The TopLog WMS warehouse management system made it possible to increase the accuracy and speed of all warehouse operations, reduce the likelihood of errors in picking, and guarantee the delivery of goods of the declared quality to the client. The company's management received accurate and transparent tools for "online" monitoring of warehouse processes and an extensive reporting system formed in WMS. In the near future, it is planned to automate the functions of 3PL, as well as replicate the WMS solution to the AROSA distribution warehouse complexes in Moscow, Sochi and Krasnodar.