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How Walmart uses virtual reality for selection of managers

Customers: Walmart

Bentonville; Trade

Contractors: STRIVR

Project date: 2017/01

In July, 2019 it became known of use to take the leading positions in Walmart of headsets of virtual reality through which the retailer checks the employees for capability.

According to USA Today with reference to the senior vice president of Walmart concerning adaptation of employees to work Drew Holler, the company uses the VR equipment in real situations, including to calm of the angered buyer or to acquaintance of new employees with shop.

Walmart uses virtual reality for selection of heads

Besides, the technology helps to check at personnel of knowledge of departments of shop, capabilities to make the decisions, leadership skills and skills of communication allowing employees to find the most suitable work.

Such situations are recreated in virtual environment and unified for hundreds of employees, allowing to eliminate a bias factor at appointment of workers to positions which best of all correspond to their qualification.

We estimate how they interact with us. Here is not present correct or wrong, but it gives understanding of their level of professional development when it is about management and also how they look at customer service — Holler told.

A partner of Walmart in implementation of virtual reality in workflow is the Californian company STRIVR. She developed special VR trainings using an Oculus Go VR helmet worth $250.

In 2017 VR headsets began to be used in 30 Walmart academies, helping workers to study correctly to cope as with daily affairs (for example, management of vegetable department), and with rare situations (influx of buyers on "Black Friday", etc.).

32-year-old David Arias received promotion and salary increase for 10% after passing of testing by means of virtual reality.[1]

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