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Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant (Compass: Personnel management)

Customers: Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant (BMP)

Beloretsk; Metallurgical industry

Contractors: Compass
Product: Compass: Personnel management
На базе: ERP system Compass

Project date: 2005/06  - 2006/02
Number of licenses: 62


Features of personnel management

As well as all metallurgical productions, plant it is characterized by a broad spectrum of models of compensation. For some employee categories the mixed price-work and time payment method with awarding for overfulfillment of the plan practices. At the enterprise there is a railway workshop which payment of employees is made according to waybills.

Software Selection

The choice of the software for control automation by personnel was performed by services of plant during the period from August, 2004 to May, 2005. The main selection criterion was the maximum compliance of software taken at the enterprise to methods and to the forms of accounting and compensation. The BOSS Kadrovik systems and "the COMPASS were the main considered software packages: Personnel management". Decisive argument for benefit of the choice by the Customer of a system "the COMPASS: Personnel management" served the studying of a situation with software implementation on Izhora Plants which is carried out by him directly in the territory of Izhora Plants. As a result representatives of Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant established the fact that implementation of "COMPASS" will demand the minimum adaptations to specific features of the Customer and it is possible to tell about existence of industry solution of a system "the COMPASS: Personnel management" for the metallurgical enterprises, the agreement about which implementation was signed at the end of May, 2005.

General Description of the Project

The first stage of the project was completed by the end of summer of 2005. After its termination the subsystem Registration of personnel was put in commercial operation. With its help activity of all HR departments of plant is automated. At the second stage completed in February, 2006 implementation of the subsystems which are carrying out a time recording, calculation of price-work dresses, payroll, unloading of the electronic reporting under the PIT and PF was carried out. Long calendar terms of implementation of the second stage are connected only with desire of IT department of the Customer to implement payroll calculation since the beginning of calendar year, having reduced, thus, the volume of initial downloading information. Real labor costs of consultants of KOMPAS company made 45 man-days (instead of planned 60). In the course of execution of works consultants of KOMPAS company rendered the following services:

  • studying of the specific objectives (inspection) facing the Customer's employees, setting together with employees of the Customer of these tasks and development of technical specifications on setup of the program;
  • converting (transport) of initial data from the software products used by the Customer to software "Compass";
  • setup of the industry version for specific features of the Customer.

At the moment the plant actively uses 62 licenses for the different modules of a complex installed in 39 automated workplaces including directly in workshops of the enterprise.

Some Specific Features of the Project

  • Payroll by more than 150 codes of charges and deduction, including different methods of a piece-work pay is implemented.
  • The new form of brigade time dresses with distribution of surcharge for the missing state and an all-brigade award by Individual Performance Factor is configured. And, each worker can have two different KTU: the first – for distribution of surcharge for the missing state, and the second – for an award.
  • The form of the reference book of works and rates is changed according to features of accounting of the work accepted at plant.
  • The form of calculation of awards to employees of the rolling shop is developed. When calculating the award of two types is defined: for time and piece works separately. Further the amount of an award is distributed between crews according to Individual Performance Factor of crew. Then the amount of a brigade award is distributed between certain workers on KTU.