LANIT-Integration together with Intel implements across all Russia telemedicine service for fight against COVID-19
Customers: City clinical Communard hospital No. 40
Contractors: LANIT-Integration, Intel Russia (Intel Teknolodzhis) Product: Projects of telemedicineProject date: 2019/11 - 2020/04
2020: System implementation of remote coordination of actions of physicians in 39 clinics
LANIT-Integration (enters into LANIT group) with assistance of Intel company developed and implemented the system of remote coordination of actions of physicians in 39 clinics of Russia. LANIT reported about it on October 5, 2020. Results of an April pilot project in the main koronavirusny center of Moscow of GKB No. 40 ("Communard") allowed to scale the solution on other medical institutions. Intel participates in this project in the context of the global initiative – Pandemic Response Technology Initiative.
At the heart of the technological solution – the ergonomic "smart points" equipped with the video camera and the compact screen. They connect to other gadgets the general information environment. The health worker, having put on glasses, can from infectious boxing with the patient of a message online broadcast of a sound and video in "a net zone". Doctors from "a net zone", in turn, can make to it recommendations, transfer necessary documents – the clinical record, photos, etc. in real time.
Thanks to reduction of number of direct contacts of medical personnel with patients, a system reduces risk of infection of doctors, reduces time which physicians spend on use of individual protection equipment, and allows them to cover the attention bigger number of patients. Doctors can collect consultations in the remote mode, quickly provide personnel training and attract to consultations of doctors of narrow specialization.
Pilot start of service in April was highly appreciated by Denis Protsenko, the chief physician of GKB No. 40 DZM: LANIT-Integration accepted a call, despite the risks connected with stay in the medical center and "doctor-doctor" proposed very necessary solution of the correct telemedicine.
The grant provided to Intel allowed to implement a system in nine capital COVID centers. As of August, 2020, the solution is used in 39 clinics across all Russia. Besides, more than 1000 telemedicine consultations in Kazan, St. Petersburg, Krasnogorsk, Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod Region are held.
LANIT-Integration is going to expand considerably functionality of a system and to perform global piloting of the device in different sectors of medicine. Besides, creation of the knowledge base for doctors and ensuring quick access to the training instructions and also automation of process of preparation of the reporting is planned. A feedback from the physicians using service is already collected and analyzed. Based on responses the development plan for functional system modules which will meet the industry requirements is made.
Digital transformation can bring considerable benefit in medicine. Events of 2020 became the powerful catalyst which accelerated development and deployment of solutions of the MedTech market. Telemedicine becomes more and more demanded, doctors receive high-tech solutions in the help, more and more companies begin to develop IT products for medical staff, – Natalya Galyan, the CEO of Intel in Russia commented . – We in return aim to accelerate access to technologies, allowing the industries to reach works other level. All this is necessary eventually to increase quality of life of people. |
We showed the end-to-end system to Denis Protsenko – the chief physician of GKB No. 40 DZM – and integrated into work of this hospital and thirty eight more COVID centers. The concept of the project was developed in 2019 for the industrial sphere. The command LANIT Integration always differed in the high speed of work and adaptivity: for several days we updated and implemented a system for reduction of risk of doctors and minimization of contacts with infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Security of medical personnel was our main task, and we are glad that could help. By experience of other countries if doctors begin to get sick, the situation becomes critical. |