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The Ministry of Internal Affairs buys DSS for 1.6 billion rubles for the federal data center

Customers: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: Data Center Creation and Modernization Projects

Project date: 2021/03
Project's budget: 7 billion руб.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs buys DSS for 1.6 billion rubles for the federal data center

On August 31, 2023, the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GIAC MVD) announced a tender for the purchase of information storage systems for the Federal Data Processing Center (FDPC). It is planned to spend 1.6 billion rubles on equipment .

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the purchase is carried out in the format of an electronic auction. For the indicated amount, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to purchase two pieces of equipment. What kind of technique is in question is not specified. Sergei Ladan, director of the Comfortel system integration department, believes that these can be both domestic solutions and Chinese ones, since there is no unequivocal ban on the admission of foreign equipment in the purchase. From the tender documentation, in particular, it follows that Huawei or Lenovo equipment may meet the technical requirements. Similar systems can also be supplied by the Russian companies Aerodisk and Yadro.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs buys DSS for 1.6 billion rubles for the federal data center

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the provision of funding to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the construction of the Federal Data Center in the spring of 2021. In 2021-2024 7 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. In general, the department will receive 36.54 billion rubles for the development of its computer systems and information technology infrastructure. As part of the initiative, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, among other things, will establish "online exchange of data necessary to provide services and services on the public services portal."

It is noted that from the beginning of 2022 to September 2023, the GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out six purchases of DSS for the Federal Data Center: the total cost of this equipment is almost 3.5 billion rubles. Five contracts provided for the supply of Chinese equipment and only one - Russian (for 320 million rubles). Russian integrators AT Service, NT (National Technologies), Tehkonsur and Santross became suppliers in these purchases. [1]

Construction of the federal data center

A permit was issued for the construction of the Federal Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altufevsky District (SVAO) of Moscow. This was announced on June 8, 2023 by the deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction Andrei Bochkarev.

The total area of ​ ​ the data center will be about 13.3 thousand square meters. meters. It is a complex of two rectangular buildings connected by a three-level transition gallery. The five-story block A contains the administrative building, and the three-story block B includes the data processing center itself.

Issued a permit for the construction of a data center for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Altufyevo

According to the chairman of Mosgosstroynadzor Igor Voistratenko, in block B, the premises of transformer and machine halls with server equipment racks, four halls with diesel-dynamic uninterruptible power supplies, electrical switchboards, engineering communication shafts and technical rooms, as well as transitional galleries in the administrative and household complex on the second and third floors.

The administrative and household building will include a checkpoint, a stationary police post, the main information and analytical and computing centers, offices of managers, specialists, a dispatcher on duty, a data center operation center, recreation rooms, a dining room for 52 seats, a laboratory and technical premises.

The layout of all floors is corridor. For vertical communication between them, four elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg and 1800 kg are provided. The adjacent area will be landscaped in accordance with the standard layout of the spaces of production complexes, outdoor lighting, open parking for cars and recreation areas for employees will appear.

Andrei Bochkarev added that the project is being implemented at the expense of the federal budget within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy."[2]

2021: Allocation of 7 billion for the construction of the data center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow

In early March 2021, it became known about the allocation Government of the Russian Federation of about 7 billion rubles per c. constructionsdata center Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia To Moscow

To make budget investments in 2021-2024 at the expense of the federal budget in the design and construction of the facility of the Federal Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, "the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin says.

It is planned to spend 600 million rubles on design and survey work. At the same time, the document notes that the final cost of work can be changed when amendments are made to the federal budget.

The data center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an area of ​ ​ 13,310 square meters. m will be built at ul. Pomorskaya 50 in Moscow. The launch of the facility is scheduled for 2024.

Mikhail Mishustin allocated 7 billion rubles for the construction of the data center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

As Vedomosti reminds, the Ministry of Internal Affairs planned to build its own data center since 2015. It was assumed that it should use servers with Russian processors. The data center will store information from the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular, information about citizens, vehicles, wanted persons and data from video surveillance cameras.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also said that the federal data center is needed to create a unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the ministry and a single information resource for registration and migration accounting.

The head of the information technology department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Balaev, estimated the budget expenditures for the construction of the data center at 29 billion rubles. He explained the need to use domestic microchips during the construction of the data center by the fact that important state information - information about citizens, vehicles, wanted persons and data from video surveillance cameras - "cannot be stored on foreign equipment." [3][4]
