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Esthetic Nails (Karasev Viktor Sergeevich IP) (Kleverens: Warehouse 15)

Customers: Esthetic Nails (Karasev Viktor Sergeevich IP)

Chelyabinsk; Trade

Contractors: Cleverence
Product: Kleverens: Warehouse 15

Project date: 2021/03  - 2021/03


2021: Reduce errors by 99.9%, or how Esthetic Nails automated warehouse and retail with Cloverens

All recognisable brands are in the past unfamiliar small organizations that once began their journey from scratch. Gradually, business is expanding its borders, the range of goods is growing. And now the company is getting into the lead in its niche.

Esthetic Nails - one of the largest in Russia Internet-shops for masters. manicure The range of products from the leading brands of the nail industry has more than 20,000 items: gel varnishes, tops and bases, special liquids, tools, sterilization and disinfection cutters, manicure equipment, tools, brushes and files, everything for pedicure, extension and design, eyebrows and eyelashes, accessories and consumables, DIP nail systems and much more. For its customers, the company provides a flexible discount system and interest-free installments.

{{quote 'author
= spoke about the nuances of the work of Ivan Korolyov, leading sysadmin Esthetic Nails' All goods from suppliers we accepted warehouse on to barcodes. If some products did not have ShK, they entered the data in 1C": UT 11.4," printed the code on the usual printer and glued to the goods. To conduct inventories, we used manual: scanner sealed boxes were dragged to the checkout, scanned and checked this or that the supplier sent. Plus, we have retail stores in Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Belgorod and Moscow. The central warehouse is also located in Moscow. Recalculating goods at all our facilities is a very long and difficult process for employees,}}


The owner of the business is primarily concerned about the company working like a watch. But errors and forced stops of accounting processes often spoil this ideal picture. Modern technologies allow not only to achieve the desired results without unnecessary difficulties, but also reduce the burden on line personnel.

{{quote 'author
= shared working moments leading sysadmin Esthetic Nails'First of all, we wanted to reduce the time for carrying out inventories, and reduce the number of errors at the stage of movement formation. But at the same time it was necessary to save the address storage system. To be able to go, scan the necessary barcodes with a data collection terminal, upload the finished document - without unnecessary searches and labor. Also, with the increase in the number of retail stores, there was a need to generally change the algorithm for conducting inventories, reduce the cases of reassignment and errors in assembling movements,}}


Collect and ship the order to the buyer - an easy operation for an experienced storekeeper. But even employees with many years of experience sometimes make mistakes - the influence of the human factor and banal inattention affect. While the use of mobile devices helps to optimize accounting, speed up staff, reduce complaint costs and increase profits.

We considered different ones, programs compared the functionality. Because it should be convenient and easy to use stores to work not for me or the director, but for storekeepers and sellers. The management was interested in the result of our actions. So on the advice of our - 1Cprogrammer we eventually took software from the Russian developer - the company Kleverens"," and data collection terminals Zebra MC36,

shared experience in finding the right software solution Ivan

The software "Warehouse 15" is perfectly suitable for audits, acceptance of goods and assembly of movements. Esthetic Nails configured the exchange between the account system and the shipping documentation via Wi-Fi. Today, 10 mobile devices are used in stores and warehouses. Data acquisition terminals provide dual control during product shipments.

{{quote 'author
= shared his impressions of working with the software Ivan'We "quote" the goods using barcodes we check against the transfer invoice. This reduces the risk of errors by 99.9%. I would like to use more all the functionality of the software, but not now - later. Now shipping documentations are working properly, "Kleverens" is flooded, docking with "ESKY" has been made. In the future, we plan to introduce box marking so that storekeepers do not have to look for the necessary invoice if it becomes necessary to move goods from three boxes. That is, 1 document - 1 box. You have to refine the accounting system. But it is quite possible to implement this idea at Cloverens,}}


You can endlessly fight human error and pay penalties to customers due to incorrectly collected orders. And you can automate warehouse and retail, reduce the burden on employees, speed up operations and thereby increase turnover.

{{quote 'author
= told Ivan Korolev' Thanks to the implementation of "Warehouse 15" and shipping documentation, we minimized re-orders during the assembly of orders and during movements. We are now changing barcodes even before sending goods to stores - if the ShK has bloomed or is not readable. Sellers are no longer linked to your computer. It was no longer necessary to drag the boxes with the goods to the cash register during the inventory in order to verify the name and balance - this information is immediately visible on the terminal screen. This approach helped to significantly reduce the time for operations in general and for inventories in particular. Not without difficulties during the implementation: we hurried during the activation of one of the licenses - we incorrectly entered the marking code. But the technical support of "Cloverens" worked quickly - they suggested how to fix everything,}}